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Bug rotation tasks


Hey Deryck.  I'm cc'ing yellow squad folks in case they have anything to add.

On the team lead call we got a bunch of tasks.  Would your squad be willing to claim at least two of these?  Then yellow folks, maybe you could claim the remaining ones among ourselves?

1 Ask LOSAs for a nagios alert for when we get high lag, all traffic being sent to master
2 investigate checkwatches hang on lp incident log : 2011-07-12 05:35
3 investigate (wgrant?) oops alert went off for FTP master publisher : 2011-07-11 14:23:28
4 The script 'send-person-notifications' didn't run on 'loganberry' between 2011-07-13 17:40:11 and 2011-07-13 18:00:11 (last seen 2011-07-13 14:20:42.539937) (GARY has started)

I also personally have a couple of things to tie up that go along with these kinds of incident report things

GARY: removed stale lockfile for mirror prober: file bug about "Then had an unhandled exception as it was trying to shut down: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/75099466/bCbaFvDiH44ImA9fbElQWzpEHXD.txt I wonder if that was simply in the middle of the downtime deploy."

GARY: Link bugs to LP incident log page about merge-proposal-job on bzrsyncd/loganberry had hung - killed

GARY: Working with LOSAs for https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/162573



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