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lp2kanban set-up


Hi all,

Since I'll be switching teams real-soon-now, you may want to set up our
lp2kanban to run on one of your machines.  I can continue to run it
until you do, so no rush, but please don't forget to let me know once
you've set it up so I can disable it altogether or you might continue
seeing updates from potentially older lp2kanban from me :)

Here's a description of my set-up, if it's useful.

1. Branch lp:lp2kanban to ~/lp2kanban
2. Build with 'make'
3. Put the attached config.ini file where appropriate (don't forget to
update the password, I removed that since email is a very safe medium)
4. test run it with

   bin/py src/lp2kanban/bugs2card.py -b 'Yellow squad'

   (to update the Yellow squad board, or -b 'lp2kanban test' to use 
    our test board which is configured to talk to staging)
5. Assuming all was well, set it up to run from crontab:

My crontab entry setting it to run every 20 minutes at 9, 29 and 49
minutes past the hour:
# m h  dom mon dow   command
9,29,49 * * * * (cd /home/danilo/lp2kanban && date "+\%c" >> updates.log && bin/py src/lp2kanban/bugs2card.py -b 'Yellow squad' 2>&1 >> updates.log)

Hope this helps,

# This is the account part of https://<account>.leankitkanban.com/ URL.
account = launchpad
# LeankitKanban user name and password.
user = gary.poster@xxxxxxxxx
password = ASK-GARY

# Defaults are common values overridable in each of the boards definition.
lp_server = production
# Should all cards with external IDs be synced or not.  Set to 'on' if
# you want them synced automatically (and use "(no-sync)" as the marker
# for cards you don't want synced).
autosync = off

# Lanes are assigned a "role" by looking for sublanes matching
# values given here.  "Coding" will match all lanes which have
# a title of "Coding", and "QA::Ready" will match all lanes
# titled "Ready" that have a parent lane with title "QA".
# Note that bugs2cards.py analyzes the lane structure and will flow
# cards only within the same horizontal "lane" (iow, if you have
# parallel 'Feature' and 'Bugs' development lanes, cards will flow
# only from Coding -> Review inside them, and then will move to the
# next lane horizontally (eg. Landing lane).
coding_lanes = Coding
review_lanes = Review
landing_lanes = Landing
qa_lanes = QA::Ready
deploy_lanes = no-downtime
downtime_deploy_lanes = db-deploy
done_lanes = Done-done

# Use the board title to define board settings.
[Yellow squad]
downtime_deploy_lanes = downtime
autosync = on

[lp2kanban test]
lp_server = staging
autosync = on

Follow ups