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parallel testing testr and subunit status


Hey Robert.  Could you fill it with status (here or in tracker) on the testr and subunit bugs that affect the parallel testing project?

We'd be very happy to take these forward, but we want to be sure to coordinate well with you about them.

518016 No public API for tagging on TestProtocolClient
[branch available]

609986 layer setup failures don't output a failure message (they spew straight to console)
[Per the discussions at the sprint, is this actually a symptom of the fact that the tags were ignored, and not a problem with setup failures?]

914166 Zope layer setup and teardown 'tests' cannot be filtered by testr

914278 ThreadSafeForwardingResult does not support tags()

914279 MultiTestResult does not support tags

914281 testrepository.repository.file._Inserter does not support tags

I didn't bother to review the "low" bugs carefully, but 914359 "Parallel tests add all tests to one partition if test durations are 0" is one you also already have a branch for.

Thank you
