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Re: [Merge] lp:~yellow/launchpad/lxcsetup into lp:launchpad


Martin, we do have a slack-time card to eliminate duplication between this and rocketfuel-setup.

That said, the problem with that task, and with similar work for ec2, is that IMO rocketfuel-setup and setuplxc should be standalone--someone should be able to get the file, without the Launchpad tree, and the script should be able to run.  It doesn't have to be a file, but that's the easiest unit to work with for our use cases, particularly for setuplxc.  I'd be tempted to have rocketfuel-setup depend on setuplxc rather than reverse, but that's painting a bikeshed.

An alternative approach would be to have a deb package that encompasses all three, so instead of "get this script and run it" you have "[install this PPA, ] install this package and run it."  Our to-be-developed buildbot slave juju charm that wants to use setuplxc could have a configuration option to install PPAs and packages, in addition to or instead of accepting files to run.  That sounds interesting to me, though it's out of scope for the current project.  Could be a slack/20% time project though, maybe.
Your team Launchpad Yellow Squad is subscribed to branch lp:~yellow/launchpad/lxcsetup.
