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@gmb and @frankban: notes on buildbot slave progress


Hi. I ended up doing a few other things in my afternoon, but I accomplished a few things on the build slave.

- lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/trunk is the right trunk, with frankban's work, albeit merged without history.

- lp:~gary/charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/better-install has gmb's work plus some of my own small changes.

Next buildslave tasks I know of:

- test and "land" the better-install changes

- find out if setuplxc can be run without a user's private key in the buildbot slave case (using bzr with http:// branches rather than bzr+ssh:// branches). If so, great; otherwise, we need to figure out a way for the charm to send the private key securely...seems pretty doubtful to me on the face of it.

- make buildbot charm able to run setuplxc in the install step--or actually maybe in the hook where it handles configuration change. As with a conversation I had with bac and benji yesterday, I think I'm OK with not cleaning up after installation if someone tries to install something else (i.e., if they reconfigure). OTOH, if it is easy, that's fine--maybe we just blow away the slave directory in that case?

Thanks & talk to you all tomorrow,


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