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Landing instructions (was Re: yellow charms)


Hi all.  Thank you for all the great work on the charms.

A small but important point: please do not forget these landing instructions for merging to our shared "yellow" branches.

Thank you!


On 01/30/12 13:45, Brad Crittenden wrote:

I started us off on the wrong foot the way I initially created and merged to the buildbot-master charm.  It lives now at:


In the future we should avoid pushing to that branch directly.  Instead, like when working on lazr components, etc, do the following:

1) bzr branch lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/trunk trunk
2) bzr branch trunk my-working-branch
3) Do amazing stuff.
4) bzr push lp:~<your name here>/charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/my-working-branch
5) Make a merge proposal targeted to lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/trunk
6) Get reviewed, make changes, push back to lp.

Then in your copy of trunk,

7) bzr pull # Get any newly made changes.
8) bzr merge ../my-working-branch
9) bzr ci -m "[r=reviewer] Change description"
10) bzr push lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/trunk

Please correct if necessary.

The nice affect of working this way is the trunk has the reviewer information in its log and it does not have all of the intermediate change messages.  Looks cleaner and is easier to follow.


Follow ups
