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Juju feedback: collaborate?


Hi. I added a feedback section at the bottom of https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/Juju#preview . Please join me there if it makes sense to you. More importantly, if you have an idea or thought about feedback to the juju team *please write it down ASAP* so you don't forget it later.

Here's what I wrote initially:

== Feedback notes ==

If anyone wants to, we can collaborate on feedback to give the juju devs here.

 * Docs are not a panacea.  "fitting our brain" is hard goal but valuable.
 * The one-way communication aspect of relation-set was surprising.
* The config-changed hooks should be used minimally? charm authors should use the install hook primarily, with "deploy --config"? * Optimization in ec2 of reusing machines is painful, especially without any kind of "destroy service" hook. * The upgrade-charm command seems like it needs to work even if service is not active, so that you can bring up new version (?) * Being able to do a relation-set within a config-changed is important (already known, aiui) * Doc: terminal needs to be in UTF8 (not by default on my Precise machine for some reason! ANSIX3.4-1968) or else byobu will render the bottom line problematically. * Using environmental variables for identifying the other end of a relation in relation-changed (https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charm.html#hook-environment) was surprising, esp. given that you can use relation-get to get things like private-address from relation-get.
 * Doc: recommend charms for review, such as mysql for multiple slaves.
