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Notes from Francis call


We're about to move to step 2: evaluate what kind of hardware we want for the parallel testing. Francis says that step 2 should also then add the deployment question: how can we get this kind of hardware with our software deployed on it? This will be a conversation with Francis, Elliot, & IS, minimally.

When we are waiting for this to be deployed, once we are all done, we might have one or both of these follow on projects: converting ec2 to use parallel testing, and switching to Tarmac instead of PQM.

Francis said that we should get a review from the Security team for our C code. I asked the manager, Jamie Strandboge, and he said this: "feel free to send it to security@xxxxxxxxxx. our audit queue is woefully long atm. notably, this may fall behind the server MIRs we need to do" Robert also expressed interest on IRC. I'm sure he will have a review for us.

We are about two weeks till the end of Francesco's probationary period. He and I will need to schedule some extra calls.

That's it!
