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trouble in paradise


We're not out of the woods yet.

After an initial failure because I did not choose a machine with enough RAM, I chose a machine that most definitely did have enough RAM (c1.xlarge vs. m2.4xlarge fwiw; these are the only two choices with 8 cores that I found in the docs). From that and a bit more digging on the second very very big machine, it seems that 8 processes running LP need a machine with at least 10.5G RAM. Good to know.

So, I started a test run. They ran successfully for about two and a half hours and then everything...stopped. It's the read/select loop pairing that Benji and I have seen before. So, we need to figure that out and fix it.

I've attached a zip of the test lists and a zip of the results that I got before everything hung, as found in the build/.testrepository/tmp... file.

So...that's the next thing to tackle.


Attachment: results.zip
Description: Zip archive

Attachment: testlists.zip
Description: Zip archive

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