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Test launcher script


Hi chaps,

It occurred to me that I've not actually sent anything out the script
to automate test runs, so here's something:

 - Branch this: lp:~gmb/+junk/gris-gris
 - Run the following command:

./run_lp_tests.py --master-config=/path/to/master/config/yaml

And it should _just work_.


 0. You need to have an Juju environment configured for
    EC2 in your environments.yaml; it needs to be called
    'ec2'. The script will copy this and modify it for
    the sake of launching the instances we need.
 1. You need to have the following installed:
    - python-shelltoolbox
    - python-charmhelpers (it's not packaged yet, but
      you can grab the code from
      lp:~gmb/charm-tools/add-charm-helpers and run
      python setup.py install
 2. The script will launch a slave and a master, will wait
    for the slave to be ready, and then will force a build.
    Once it's done that it will exit.
 3. Once the build's complete, you need to run:
    `juju destroy-environment ec2-testing`
    followed by
    `./run_lp_tests.py --cleanup`
    The latter will restore your old environments.yaml.

Further things we could do with the script:

 - Make it monitor the build, capture the final output
   and tear down the environment when it's finished
   (I tried this, but of course destroy-environment
   is interactive, and piping `yes` to it caused it to
   eat the CPU.
 - ??? Suggestions welcome.

Graham Binns | PGP Key: EC66FA7D

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