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Re: lxc library in lxc-ip


Quoting Francesco Banconi (francesco.banconi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx):
> Hi Serge,
> I'm currently working on
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/994752
> While trying to create a diff for fixing that bug, I have built lxc
> 0.8.0~rc1 with my changes. The resulting deb package wants to install
> the shared library (liblxc) under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/.


(Sorry, I did respond in irc yesterday, but maybe you were already offline)

> Is this an error in my build or should I assume the path will change in
> quantal? In the latter case, lxc-ip needs to be fixed to reflect the
> change (currently it just loads /usr/lib/lxc/liblxc.so.0).
> Thanks for your help!

Yup, I'm pretty sure it'll stay there, as it's the "right thing to do"
for mulitarch.  Note that it's not exactly /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/,
but rather /usr/lib/$DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH/lxc/.

(Cc:ing Stéphane in case he disagrees and there is a good reason why we
should not follow debian's lead in multiarching)

