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Thoughts on radically simplifying our ec2 command


Hey.  Lest I forget, on my call with Francis I had some thoughts on
simplifying/refactoring/juju-ifiying our ec2 command.  These are notes,
and maybe a conversation starter if you like.

Necessary component:
- A EC2-aware juju charm for making a parallel-testing friendly
Launchpad setup
  * You can provide an EBS snapshot to be installed in /var/lib/lxc
  * Alternatively, you can specify that a blank EBS volume be installed
in /var/lib/lxc
  * If /var/lib/lxc/CONTAINERNAME exists already, lpsetup is used to
update it
  * Otherwise, lpsetup is used to create it.

Use case: Dev runs an ec2 test
  * juju charm runs specifying most recent EBS snapshot to speed up
  * Existing ec2 logic: we run test and send email back

Use case: Dev runs ec2 land
  * As above, plus pqm code

Use case: Dev wants to make a fresh snapshot
  * juju charm starts with a blank EBS volume in /var/lib/lxc, as
described above
  * Once charm is finished (which means lpsetup is finished), we store
EBS lxc volume as snapshot.
  * Dev must expose/publish snapshot for everyone else to use.

I think that might radically simplify the ec2 command, as well as
leverage/re-use juju and lpsetup, also providing a juju LP charm usable
