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Patch from testing lpsetup


I didn't want to forget the bits I got from trying to test my lpsetup
changes today on ec2.  We can talk about 'em later.  See this pastebin:

The first is good if you are using -s and not calling sudo explicitly.
I think this could go in lsetup directly, with a test.

The second is necessary if you sudo python setup.py install, as INSTALL
describes.  You need to do setup.py install rather than setup.py build
because you need lp-lxc-ip installed.  This patch is not ready to go: we
need to try both locations or something.

Beyond that, testing lpsetup on a one-off ec2 machine wasn't too bad.

Normal ec2 stuff: Start the machine and ssh in as ubuntu
add-apt-repository ppa:yellow/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install setuptools bzr python-shelltoolbox
bzr branch YOUR BRANCH
sudo python setup.py install
fix lp-lxc-ip per the second diff in that pastebin above
run your test! -s and --skip-steps are your friend to try and make
things go faster, like skipping the Launchpad checkout if you don't
really need it.  I ran lp-setup as the ubuntu user, which is still very
easy since he is a passwordless sudoer.

Maybe that also moves forward the data needed for integration tests just
a bit too.
