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[rt.admin.canonical.com #53930] Setting up new buildbot machines for parallel tests


* read/understood functionality (tnx Gary) , and pkg setup
* puppet r4178 to give initial LP buildbot setup to those 2 hosts
* built needed pkgs (see below), buildbot as up-ported from lucid (as per 
IRC discussion):

$ dak ls -s precise-cat-proposed -S python-shelltoolbox lpsetup buildbot
python-shelltoolbox | 0.2.1+bzr17+ppa6~0.IS.12.04 | precise-cat-proposed | 
source, all
   lpsetup | 0.2.1+bzr80+ppa9~0.IS.12.04 | precise-cat-proposed | source, 
  buildbot | 0.7.12-1lucid1~0.IS.12.04 | precise-cat-proposed | source, 
