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Re: Improve dragline behavior. (issue 6821088)


Hey Benji.  Thank you for this.  It is a nice improvement that worked
well when I tried it.  Tests passed and merge with trunk was also fine
for me.

I have a bunch of fairly trivial comments & requests.  If you agree,
please just make the changes and treat this as an automatic approval.


File app/views/environment.js (right):

app/views/environment.js:1: 'use strict';
Please add the module yuidoc comment.

app/views/environment.js:10: var EnvironmentView =
Y.Base.create('EnvironmentView', Y.View,
Please add the class yuidoc comment.

app/views/environment.js:23: /** The user clicked on the "Build
Relation" menu item. */
We had a good conversation in a hangout about my mild concerns about the
fact that this is required because of yuidoc-linter even though yuidoc
ignored it; and about the fact that you are using a /** TEXT */ syntax
when I thought we were standardizing on a multiline syntax:
  * TEXT

I still have those concerns, and would feel slightly happier if you
changed to always use the multiline spelling (particularly given the use
of "/* */" rather than "//") but I am OK with letting you document and
advocate for your positions, in your role as

app/views/environment.js:28: this.addRelationDragStart.call(this, box,
Could you check to see if "this.addRelationDragStart(box, context);"
will work?  I think it will.

app/views/environment.js:82: }
not entirely idle thought, but one that is not really directly pertinent
to your branch: I wonder how a service is supposed to make a
relationship to itself, which IIUC is possible.

app/views/environment.js:128: */
As mentioned yesterday, please add @method, @param and @return tags with
the appropriate bits and bobs.

Oh, wait: this is an event handler, so yuidoc will not document it.

:-( I find this a bit hard to catch.

app/views/environment.js:133: self.rectMousemove.call(node.getDOMNode(),
d, self);
So, where other uses of "call" in this file seem pointless, this one
actually seems to have a point...and it seems like a really odd pattern
to me.  As we discussed yesterday, you are following an existing
pattern, so I'm not asking for any changes from you, but could you find
out from Matt or Ben why this pattern exists, and arrange for the
information to be shared with the rest of us, either from them or you?

app/views/environment.js:171: */
Add @method, @param, @return, please. ^D^D^D Nevermind, event handler.

Unnecessary extra credit if you also explain in the comment why we can't
do some kind of bubbling for this event handling, rather than
duplicating the same basic handler for multiple elements.  Maybe it's
just a standard d3 thing that is obvious to anyone who uses it, in which
case nm.

app/views/environment.js:184: * relation.
Add @method, @param, @return please. ^D^D^D Nevermind, event handler.

Your description is the truth but not the whole truth, right?  If you
can describe what else is going on, please do.  If not, please at least
clarify that other mysterious things are going on also, so a comment
reader will know to look a bit more closely.

app/views/environment.js:209: self.backgroundClicked.call(self);
Please try "self.backgroundClicked();"

app/views/environment.js:447: var mouse = d3.mouse(this);
Commenting that "this" is not what it appears to be would be
appreciated. (Yuck :-/ but I accept your explanation that this is
standard in this file for some reason, albeit with concern.)

app/views/environment.js:451: .call(self,
self.get('addRelationStart_service'), this);
This ought to work as

"self.addRelationDrag(self.get('addRelationStart_service'), this);"

Please give it a try.

app/views/environment.js:1074: // Create a pending drag-line behind
Is it really "behind" now?  I think it is "in front of" because of the
change to append.  Am I right?

app/views/environment.js:1203: * @method backgroundClicked
Might as well add a "@return {undefined}" in there, as suggested by
yuidoc docs.

app/views/environment.js:1214: * @method startRelation
@param and @return

app/views/environment.js:1226: service, getServiceEndpoints(), db),
I'm guessing that's the best indentation that our linter allows?  would
be nice if it could come in by 2 or 4 spaces.

app/views/environment.js:1230: */
This has broken indentation.

Can we simply use "//" comments for this?  Automation will be able to
indent/dedent them better.  I'd really prefer for "/* */" comments to
only be used for yuidoc comments.  Tools have a much harder time
interpreting what to do within them.

app/views/environment.js:1232: Y.Array.flatten(Y.Object.values(
can we indent this 2 or 4 spaces?

app/views/environment.js:1529: view.startRelation.call(view, service);
Try view.startRelation(service) please

File test/test_environment_view.js (right):

test/test_environment_view.js:391: view.startRelation(service);
Nice approach to bypassing the need to simulate clicks.  That said,
before we propagate this approach, we should verify that d3, which Kapil
reports is tested well, does not have an alternate approach that might
be superior in some way (at the very lease because other d3 devs might
be familiar with it).

File undocumented (left):

undocumented:116: app/views/environment.js click
The People of the Future thank you.


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