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[Merge] lp:~bcsaller/juju-gui/component-framework into lp:juju-gui


Benjamin Saller has proposed merging lp:~bcsaller/juju-gui/component-framework into lp:juju-gui.

Requested reviews:
  Juju GUI Hackers (juju-gui)

For more details, see:

Micro Framework for Environment View

A subclass of Component will container 1 or more modules 
which implement their own areas of application concern.

The pattern is that we can declaratively define event listeners
and respond to those across modules. For example A canvas click
might fire an application event 'clickedCanvas' which each module
can have subscribers for that do things like close menus and remove
drag lines, etc.
Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~bcsaller/juju-gui/component-framework into lp:juju-gui.
=== added file 'app/assets/javascripts/d3-components.js'
--- app/assets/javascripts/d3-components.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ app/assets/javascripts/d3-components.js	2012-11-08 01:50:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+'use strict';
+ * Provides a declarative structure around interactive D3
+ * applications.
+ *
+ * @module d3-components
+ **/
+YUI.add('d3-components', function(Y) {
+  var ns = Y.namespace('d3'),
+      L = Y.Lang,
+      Module = Y.Base.create('Module', Y.Base, [], {
+        /**
+         * @property events
+         * @type {object}
+         **/
+        events: {
+          scene: {},
+          d3: {},
+          yui: {}
+        },
+        initializer: function(options) {
+          options = options || {};
+          this.events = options.events ?
+              Y.merge(this.events, options.events) :
+              this.events;
+        }
+      }, {
+        ATTRS: {
+          component: {},
+          container: {getter: function() {
+            return this.get('component').get('container');}}
+        }
+      });
+  ns.Module = Module;
+  var Component = Y.Base.create('Component', Y.Base, [], {
+    /**
+     * @class Component
+     *
+     * Component collections modules implementing various portions
+     * of an applications functionality in a declarative way. It
+     * is designed to allow both a cleaner separation of concerns
+     * and the ability to reuse the component in different ways.
+     *
+     * Component accomplishes these goals by:
+     *    - Control how events are bound and unbound.
+     *    - Providing patterns for update data cleanly.
+     *    - Providing suggestions around updating the interactive portions
+     *      of the application.
+     *
+     * @constructor
+     **/
+    initializer: function() {
+      this.modules = {};
+      this.events = {};
+      // If container is changed, rebind events.
+      // this.after('containerChange', this.bind());
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method addModule
+     * @chainable
+     * @param {Module} a Module class. Will be created and bound to Component
+     * internally.
+     *
+     * Add a Module to this Component. This will bind its events and set up all
+     * needed event subscriptions.
+     * Modules can return three sets of events that will be bound in
+     * different ways
+     *
+     *   - scene: {selector: event-type: handlerName} -> YUI styled event
+     *            delegation
+     *   - d3 {selector: event-type: handlerName} -> Bound using
+     *          specialized d3 event handling
+     *   - yui {event-type: handlerName} -> collection of global and custom
+     *          events the module reacts to.
+     **/
+    addModule: function(ModClassOrInstance, options) {
+      options = options || {};
+      var module = ModClassOrInstance;
+      if (!(ModClassOrInstance instanceof Module)) {
+        module = new ModClassOrInstance();
+      }
+      module.setAttrs({component: this,
+        options: options});
+                      this.modules[module.name] = module;
+                      var modEvents = module.events;
+                      this.events[module.name] = Y.clone(modEvents);
+                      this.bind(module.name);
+                      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method removeModule
+     * @param {String} moduleName Module name to remove.
+     * @chainable
+     **/
+    removeModule: function(moduleName) {
+      this.unbind(moduleName);
+      delete this.events[moduleName];
+      delete this.modules[moduleName];
+      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Internal implementation of
+     * binding both
+     * Module.events.scene and
+     * Module.events.yui.
+     **/
+    _bindEvents: function(modName) {
+      var self = this,
+          modEvents = this.events[modName],
+          module = this.modules[modName],
+          owns = Y.Object.owns,
+          phase = 'on',
+          subscriptions = [],
+          handlers,
+          handler;
+      function _bindEvent(name, handler, container, selector, context) {
+        // Adapt between d3 events and YUI delegates.
+        var d3Adaptor = function(evt) {
+          var selection = d3.select(evt.currentTarget.getDOMNode()),
+              d = selection.data()[0];
+          // This is a minor violation (extension)
+          // of the interface, but suits us well.
+          d3.event = evt;
+          return handler.call(
+              evt.currentTarget.getDOMNode(), d, context);
+        };
+        subscriptions.push(
+            Y.delegate(name, d3Adaptor, container, selector, context));
+      }
+      function _normalizeHandler(handler, module, selector) {
+        if (typeof handler === 'object') {
+          phase = handler.phase || 'on';
+          handler = handler.callback;
+        }
+        if (typeof handler === 'string') {
+          handler = module[handler];
+        }
+        if (!handler) {
+          console.error('No Event handler for', selector, modName);
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!L.isFunction(handler)) {
+          console.error('Unable to resolve a proper callback for',
+                        selector, handler, modName);
+          return;
+        }
+        return handler;
+      }
+      this.unbind(modName);
+      // Bind 'scene' events
+      if (modEvents.scene) {
+        for (var selector in modEvents.scene) {
+          if (owns(modEvents.scene, selector)) {
+            handlers = modEvents.scene[selector];
+            for (var name in handlers) {
+              if (owns(handlers, name)) {
+                handler = _normalizeHandler(handlers[name], module, selector);
+                if (!handler) {
+                  continue;
+                }
+                _bindEvent(name, handler,
+                           this.get('container'), selector, this);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Bind 'yui' custom/global subscriptions
+      // yui: {str: str_or_function}
+      // TODO {str: str/func/obj}
+      //       where object includes phase (before, on, after)
+      if (modEvents.yui) {
+        var resolvedHandler = {};
+        // Resolve any 'string' handlers to methods on module.
+        Y.each(modEvents.yui, function(handler, name) {
+          handler = _normalizeHandler(handler, module);
+          if (!handler) {
+            return;
+          }
+          resolvedHandler[name] = handler;
+        }, this);
+        // Bind resolved event handlers as a group.
+        subscriptions.push(Y.on(resolvedHandler));
+      }
+      return subscriptions;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method bind
+     *
+     * Internal. Called automatically by addModule.
+     **/
+    bind: function(moduleName) {
+      var eventSet = this.events;
+      if (moduleName) {
+        var filtered = {};
+        filtered[moduleName] = eventSet[moduleName];
+        eventSet = filtered;
+      }
+      Y.each(Y.Object.keys(eventSet), function _bind(name) {
+        this.events[name].subscriptions = this._bindEvents(name);
+      }, this);
+      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Specialized handling of events only found in d3.
+     * This is again an internal implementation detail.
+     *
+     * Its worth noting that d3 events don't use a delegate pattern
+     * and thus must be bound to nodes present in a selection.
+     * For this reason binding d3 events happens after render cycles.
+     *
+     * @method _bindD3Events
+     * @param {String} modName Module name.
+     **/
+    _bindD3Events: function(modName) {
+      // Walk each selector for a given module 'name', doing a
+      // d3 selection and an 'on' binding.
+      var modEvents = this.events[modName];
+      if (!modEvents || modEvents.d3 === undefined) {
+        return;
+      }
+      modEvents = modEvents.d3;
+      var module = this.modules[modName],
+          owns = Y.Object.owns;
+      var selector, kind, handler,
+          handlers, name;
+      for (selector in modEvents) {
+        if (owns(modEvents, selector)) {
+          handlers = modEvents[selector];
+          for (name in handlers) {
+            if (owns(handlers, name)) {
+              handler = handlers[name];
+              if (typeof handler === 'string') {
+                handler = module[handler];
+              }
+              d3.selectAll(selector).on(name, handler);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method _unbindD3Events
+     *
+     * Internal Detail. Called by unbind automatically.
+     * D3 events follow a 'slot' like system. Setting the
+     * event to null unbinds existing handlers.
+     **/
+    _unbindD3Events: function(modName) {
+      var modEvents = this.events[modName];
+      if (!modEvents || !modEvents.d3) {
+        return;
+      }
+      modEvents = modEvents.d3;
+      var module = this.modules[modName],
+          owns = Y.Object.owns;
+      var selector, kind, handler,
+          handlers, name;
+      for (selector in modEvents) {
+        if (owns(modEvents, selector)) {
+          handlers = modEvents[selector];
+          for (name in handlers) {
+            if (owns(handlers, name)) {
+              d3.selectAll(selector).on(name, null);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method unbind
+     * Internal. Called automatically by removeModule.
+     **/
+    unbind: function(moduleName) {
+      var eventSet = this.events;
+      function _unbind(modEvents) {
+        Y.each(modEvents.subscriptions, function(handler) {
+          if (handler) {
+            handler.detach();
+          }
+        });
+        delete modEvents.subscriptions;
+      }
+      if (moduleName) {
+        var filtered = {};
+        filtered[moduleName] = eventSet[moduleName];
+        eventSet = filtered;
+      }
+      Y.each(Y.Object.values(eventSet), _unbind, this);
+      // Remove any d3 subscriptions as well.
+      this._unbindD3Events();
+      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method render
+     * @chainable
+     *
+     * Render each module bound to the canvas
+     */
+    render: function() {
+      var self = this;
+      function renderAndBind(module, name) {
+        if (module && module.render) {
+          module.render();
+        }
+        self._bindD3Events(name);
+      }
+      // If the container isn't bound to the DOM
+      // do so now.
+      this.attachContainer();
+      // Render modules.
+      Y.each(this.modules, renderAndBind, this);
+      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method attachContainer
+     * @chainable
+     *
+     * Called by render, conditionally attach container to the DOM if
+     * it isn't already. The framework calls this before module
+     * rendering so that d3 Events will have attached DOM elements. If
+     * your application doesn't need this behavior feel free to override.
+     **/
+    attachContainer: function() {
+      var container = this.get('container');
+      if (container && !container.inDoc()) {
+        Y.one('body').append(container);
+      }
+      return this;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @method detachContainer
+     *
+     * Remove container from DOM returning container. This
+     * is explicitly not chainable.
+     **/
+    detachContainer: function() {
+      var container = this.get('container');
+      if (container.inDoc()) {
+        container.remove();
+      }
+      return container;
+    },
+    /**
+     *
+     * @method update
+     * @chainable
+     *
+     * Update the data for each module
+     * see also the dataBinding event hookup
+     */
+    update: function() {
+      Y.each(Y.Object.values(this.modules), function(mod) {
+        mod.update();
+      });
+      return this;
+    }
+  }, {
+    ATTRS: {
+      container: {}
+    }
+  });
+  ns.Component = Component;
+}, '0.1', {
+  'requires': ['d3',
+    'base',
+    'array-extras',
+    'event']});

=== modified file 'app/modules.js'
--- app/modules.js	2012-11-01 13:30:58 +0000
+++ app/modules.js	2012-11-08 01:50:28 +0000
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
       modules: {
         'd3': {
           'fullpath': '/juju-ui/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.min.js'
+        },
+        'd3-components': {
+          fullpath: '/juju-ui/assets/javascripts/d3-components.js'

=== modified file 'test/index.html'
--- test/index.html	2012-11-01 13:12:28 +0000
+++ test/index.html	2012-11-08 01:50:28 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
     mocha.setup({'ui': 'bdd', 'ignoreLeaks': false})
+  <script src="test_d3_components.js"></script>
   <script src="test_env.js"></script>
   <script src="test_model.js"></script>
   <script src="test_notifications.js"></script>

=== added file 'test/test_d3_components.js'
--- test/test_d3_components.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/test_d3_components.js	2012-11-08 01:50:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+'use strict';
+describe('d3-components', function() {
+  var Y, NS, TestModule, modA, state,
+      container, comp;
+  before(function(done) {
+    Y = YUI(GlobalConfig).use(['d3-components',
+      'node',
+      'node-event-simulate'],
+    function(Y) {
+      NS = Y.namespace('d3');
+      TestModule = Y.Base.create('TestModule', NS.Module, [], {
+        events: {
+          scene: { '.thing': {click: 'decorateThing'}},
+          d3: {'.target': {click: 'targetTarget'}},
+          yui: {
+            cancel: 'cancelHandler'
+          }
+        },
+        decorateThing: function(evt) {
+          state.thing = 'decorated';
+        },
+        targetTarget: function(evt) {
+          state.targeted = true;
+        },
+        cancelHandler: function(evt) {
+          state.cancelled = true;
+        }
+      });
+      done();
+    });
+  });
+  beforeEach(function() {
+    container = Y.Node.create('<div id="test" style="visibility: hidden">' +
+                              '<button class="thing"></button>' +
+                              '<button class="target"></button>' +
+                              '</div>');
+    state = {};
+  });
+  afterEach(function() {
+    container.remove();
+    container.destroy();
+    if (comp) {
+      comp.unbind();
+    }
+  });
+  it('should be able to create a component and add a module', function() {
+    comp = new NS.Component();
+    Y.Lang.isValue(comp).should.equal(true);
+  });
+  it('should be able to add and remove a module', function() {
+    comp = new NS.Component();
+    comp.setAttrs({container: container});
+    comp.addModule(TestModule);
+  });
+  it('should be able to (un)bind module event subscriptions', function() {
+    comp = new NS.Component();
+    comp.setAttrs({container: container});
+    comp.addModule(TestModule);
+    // Test that default bindings work by simulating
+    Y.fire('cancel');
+    state.cancelled.should.equal(true);
+    // XXX: While on the plane I determined that things like
+    // 'events' are sharing state with other runs/modules.
+    // This must be fixed before this can work again.
+    // Manually set state, remove the module and test again
+    state.cancelled = false;
+    comp.removeModule('TestModule');
+    Y.fire('cancel');
+    state.cancelled.should.equal(false);
+    // Adding the module back again doesn't create any issues.
+    comp.addModule(TestModule);
+    Y.fire('cancel');
+    state.cancelled.should.equal(true);
+    // Simulated events on DOM handlers better work.
+    // These require a bound DOM element however
+    comp.render();
+    Y.one('.thing').simulate('click');
+    state.thing.should.equal('decorated');
+  });
+  it('should allow event bindings through the use of a declartive object',
+     function() {
+       comp = new NS.Component();
+       comp.setAttrs({container: container});
+       // Change test module to use rich captures on some events.
+       // This defines a phase for click (before, after, on (default))
+       // and also shows an inline callback (which is discouraged but allowed)
+       modA = new TestModule();
+       modA.events.scene['.thing'] = {
+         click: {phase: 'after',
+           callback: 'afterThing'},
+         dblclick: {phase: 'on',
+           callback: function(evt) {
+             state.dbldbl = true;
+           }}};
+       modA.afterThing = function(evt) {
+         state.clicked = true;
+       };
+       comp.addModule(modA);
+       comp.render();
+       Y.one('.thing').simulate('click');
+       state.clicked.should.equal(true);
+       Y.one('.thing').simulate('dblclick');
+       state.dbldbl.should.equal(true);
+     });
+  it('should support basic rendering from all modules',
+     function() {
+       var modA = new TestModule(),
+           modB = new TestModule();
+       comp = new NS.Component();
+       // Give each of these a render method that adds to container
+       modA.name = 'moda';
+       modA.render = function() {
+         this.get('container').append(Y.Node.create('<div id="fromA"></div>'));
+       };
+       modB.name = 'modb';
+       modB.render = function() {
+         this.get('container').append(Y.Node.create('<div id="fromB"></div>'));
+       };
+       comp.setAttrs({container: container});
+       comp.addModule(modA)
+        .addModule(modB);
+       comp.render();
+       Y.Lang.isValue(Y.one('#fromA')).should.equal(true);
+       Y.Lang.isValue(Y.one('#fromB')).should.equal(true);
+     });
+  it('should support d3 event bindings post render', function() {
+    comp = new NS.Component();
+    comp.setAttrs({container: container});
+    comp.addModule(TestModule);
+    comp.render();
+    // This is a d3 bound handler that occurs only after render.
+    container.one('.target').simulate('click');
+    state.targeted.should.equal(true);
+  });

Follow ups