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First deploy charm, with tests. (issue 6842074)


Reviewers: mp+135213_code.launchpad.net,

Please take a look.

First deploy charm, with tests.

First pass of the Juju GUI deploy charm, translated to Python from a
shell script prototype written by Kapil. Currently it only uses the
"improv" version of Juju, not the standard one.

It includes both unit and functional tests, the latter using the "test"
Jitsu command recently developed by Jim Baker. The README.txt file
shows instructions for running both kinds of tests.



(do not edit description out of merge proposal)

Please review this at https://codereview.appspot.com/6842074/

Affected files:
   M README.txt
   A [revision details]
   A config.yaml
   A config/config.js.template
   A config/juju-api-improv.conf.template
   A config/juju-gui.conf.template
   A hooks/install
   A hooks/start
   A hooks/stop
   A hooks/utils.py
   A metadata.yaml
   A revision
   A tests/deploy.test
   D tests/functional-noop.test
   D tests/test_addition.py
   A tests/test_utils.py
   M tests/unit.test

Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~frankban/charms/precise/juju-gui/juju-gui into lp:~juju-gui/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk.
