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Fwd: RFC: Database Schema Changes Blueprint


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Siegfried Gevatter <rainct@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/10/9
Subject: Re: [Zeitgeist] RFC: Database Schema Changes Blueprint
To: Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup@xxxxxxxxx>


> Relational Mimetype
To save disk space? Sounds fine.

> Remove event.end

> Relational Origin
Ack, but see below, (4) and (5).

> Questionable: Origin moved to uri Table?
> Siegfried has an idea - I don't completely get it :-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/zeitgeist/+bug/425258

The "origin" field we currently have is in the "item" table, and this
doesn't make any sense at all. It should be a property of events,
instead. Let me explain it with an example. Suppose I'm on Google,
search for Zeitgeist and click on a link to zeitgeist-project.com; the
origin here would be "google.com". Now, some hours later, I'm reading
Seif's blog and click on a link to zeitgeist-project.com; for this
event, the origin should be Seif's blog: but origin is in the "item"
table and is already set to "google.com", so the new origin can't be

I'm also not quite sure what the value of "origin should be. In the
example above, what would the URI for Google be, just
"http://google.com"; or the URI of the search query? In case we go with
the former, what happens with pages on shared hosting, how do we
differentiate between them?

I find the "origin" field rather confusing, and given that we'll get
the focus tracking I tend to agree with "Questionable: Remove

> Questionable: Remove the app table all together?
> [...] One less table can save us a SQL JOIN.
No, if we get two things from the same table we still need two joins
as the stuff is in different rows. Further, this would increment disk
space usage.

> Solution 2: Separate Tables
> [...] the event and annotation tables will look exactly like the item table but
> adding an extra column subject_id
I don't understand this at all.

Gotta run now, see you later. By the way, I'll try to take a look at
how views/procedures/etc work to see how we can optimize the big

> On a related note: You might note that I've started writing a clean
> wiki page for the engine alone at: http://live.gnome.org/Zeitgeist.

Great, that was really needed :). You rock!


Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
Free Software Developer       363DEAE3

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