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Re: [Usability] getting involved


Hi Geraint,
Sorry about the delayed reply.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Geraint Jones <zcjtb58@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Natan Yellin wrote:
> Hello Natan,
> > Hello Geraint,
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Geraint Jones <zcjtb58@xxxxxxxxx
> > <mailto:zcjtb58@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi all!
> >
> >     I recently finished a usability related postgrad (Human Computer
> >     Interaction with Ergonomics at UCLIC), and I'm interested in getting
> >     involved with open source usability projects. If anyone has any
> advice
> >     with regards to this, I'd be much obliged.
> >
> > We're currently trying improve usability in the GNOME Zeigeist
> > project. If you're interested, we'd love to hear from you on our
> > mailing list zeitgeist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > <mailto:zeitgeist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> or in the #zeitgeist channel on
> > freenode.irc.net <http://freenode.irc.net>.
> I'd be really interested in helping with Zeigeist. - I've taken a  quick
> look round the launchpad site, and it looks really interesting. Would
> you be able to point me to who's heading up the usability side of
> things, and what kind of stuff needs doing?
> Whats the etiquette with regards to announcing myself at the zeitgeist
> mailing list? Is this post enough, or should I start a new thread
> specifically there?
I'd stop by the IRC channel to introduce yourself and ask what needs doing.
You may want to look over Zeitgeist's APIs to get a feel for what it's
capable of and then just sit down and make a mockup for how Zeitgeist can be
used. If you're computer graphic skills are weak then you can always just
draw something on paper and scan it into the computer.

> >
> >
> >     My first degree was psychology, so I'm pretty good at user testing
> and
> >     research, and I'm an incurable hacker so I'm equally happy with
> >     prototyping and implementation. I'm weaker on graphic design, but I
> >     would nevertheless be interested to learn. If anybody knows of a
> >     project
> >     where I could apply my skills, give me a shout!
> >
> > Cool. I hope that you can help us come up with a better/new UI for
> > GNOME 3.0. :)
> I hope so too!
> >

