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[Blueprint advanced-api] Advanced API calls


Blueprint changed by Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen:

Whiteboard changed:
  Imagine the following event sequence:
  open(w), open(z), open(x), close(z), open(y), close(x), close(w),
  The two methods I propose are:
  def FindEventsEncapsulatedBy(self, time_range, event_templates,
  		result_event_templates, storage_state, num_events, result_type):
  if i query this with x i check for all events with x and create transactions based on the open(x) & close(x). everything lying in between them is encapsulated thus the return here will be close(z), open(y)
  def FindEventsEncapsulating(self, time_range, event_templates,
  		result_event_templates, storage_state, num_events, result_type):
  if i query this with x i check for all events with x it will look for all transactions that have x in them
  int this case z and w
+ ================
+ I am not sure what this API would be used for? What kind of UI/UX are
+ you expecting?
+ Also; does this not somehow imply the failure of the current FindRelated
+ API?
+ // kamstrup
+ --------------

Advanced API calls