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[Blueprint get-state] Get state of User Activity


Blueprint changed by Alex Launi:

Whiteboard changed:
  --- seif 2010-10-27 10:28pm ---
  Lets discuss this idea.
  Do we want it as a supported extension or do we want to have in the engine. Or do we want it as a community extension? How relevant is that to our current work? How could it help Unity and others?
  --- thekorn 2010-10-28 09:09 am ---
  I like the overall idea of making it easier to query for all open/active subjects at a given timestamp. Without commenting on the code you already have in the branch which is linked to this blueprint, I think we should develop the functionality as an external/community extension first. And once everything is polished, and working well enough we should decide whether we would like to have it as an (in-zeitgeist) extension or as part of the engine API.
+ --- alexlauni 2010-11-09 10:23 am ---
+ Being able to get relevancy info for what is happening *now* would be fantastic. It seems like this allows an amount of projection into what the user will be doing in the near future, which is obviously immensely powerful.

Get state of User Activity