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[Merge] lp:~manishsinha/zeitgeist/fix-blacklist-api into lp:zeitgeist


Seif Lotfy has proposed merging lp:~manishsinha/zeitgeist/fix-blacklist-api into lp:zeitgeist.

Requested reviews:
  Zeitgeist Framework Team (zeitgeist)

For more details, see:

Manish took the initiative to reimplemented the blacklist according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/zeitgeist/+bug/612344
All test cases work and I think we should start reviewing the code here (i know its not the purpose of a merge request).
Your team Zeitgeist Framework Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~manishsinha/zeitgeist/fix-blacklist-api into lp:zeitgeist.
=== modified file '_zeitgeist/engine/extensions/blacklist.py'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/blacklist.py	2010-10-19 13:54:12 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/blacklist.py	2011-01-03 00:36:07 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 # Zeitgeist
 # Copyright © 2009 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2010 Manish Sinha <manishsinha@xxxxxxxxxx>
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
@@ -56,41 +57,105 @@
 		if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
 				raw_blacklist = pickle.load(file(CONFIG_FILE))
-				self._blacklist = map(Event, raw_blacklist)
+				self._blacklist = {}
+				for key in raw_blacklist:
+					self._blacklist[key] = map(Event, raw_blacklist[key])
 				log.debug("Loaded blacklist config from %s"
 				          % CONFIG_FILE)
 			except Exception, e:
 				log.warn("Failed to load blacklist config file %s: %s"\
 				         % (CONFIG_FILE, e))
-				self._blacklist = []
+				self._blacklist = {}
 			log.debug("No existing blacklist config found")
-			self._blacklist = []
+			self._blacklist = {}
 	def pre_insert_event(self, event, sender):
 		for tmpl in self._blacklist:
-			if event.matches_template(tmpl): return None
+			for single_event in self._blacklist[tmpl]:
+				if event.matches_template(single_event): return None
 		return event
-	def set_blacklist(self, event_templates):
-		self._blacklist = event_templates
-		map(Event._make_dbus_sendable, self._blacklist)
+	def set_blacklist(self, event_templates, blacklister):
+		try:
+			event_list = self._blacklist[blacklister]
+		except KeyError:
+			event_list = []
+			self._blacklist[blacklister] = event_list
+		map(Event._make_dbus_sendable, event_templates)
+		# Create a list to hold non-duplicate events
+		new_templates = []
+		if len(event_list) > 0:
+			for candidate_temp in event_list:
+				for event in event_templates:
+					# If the event is already in the list
+					if event.matches_template(candidate_temp):
+						log.debug("Duplicate blacklist template found. Skipping")
+						continue
+					# The event is new, insert it to the blacklist`
+					new_templates.append(event)
+		else:
+			new_templates.extend(event_templates)
+		event_list.extend(new_templates)
+		# Create plain python objects and pickel it
+		self._create_plain_and_save()
+		return new_templates
+	def remove_blacklist(self, event_templates, blacklister):
+		try:
+			event_list = self._blacklist[blacklister]
+		except KeyError:
+			log.debug("No such blacklister exists")
+			return []
+		map(Event._make_dbus_sendable, event_templates)
+		# Create a list to hold the event templates which exist
+		candidate_template = []
+		for event in event_templates:
+			for template in event_list:
+				# If the event is in the list, add it to candidate list
+				if event.matches_template(template):
+					candidate_template.append(template)
+		# Remove all the candidate event templates
+		for tempel in candidate_template:
+			event_list.remove(tempel)
+		self._create_plain_and_save()
+		return candidate_template
+	def _create_plain_and_save(self):
+		blacklist_dict = {}
+		for b_actor in self._blacklist:
+			conv_event = map(Event.get_plain, self._blacklist[b_actor])
+			blacklist_dict[str(b_actor)] = conv_event
 		out = file(CONFIG_FILE, "w")
-		pickle.dump(map(Event.get_plain, self._blacklist), out)		
+		pickle.dump(blacklist_dict, out)
-		log.debug("Blacklist updated: %s" % self._blacklist)
+		log.debug("Blacklist updated: %s" % blacklist_dict)
 	def get_blacklist(self):
-		return self._blacklist
+		event_list = []
+		for blacklister in self._blacklist:
+			event_list.append([blacklister, self._blacklist[blacklister]])
+		return event_list
-	                     in_signature="a("+constants.SIG_EVENT+")")
-	def SetBlacklist(self, event_templates):
+	                     in_signature="a("+constants.SIG_EVENT+")s")
+	def AddTemplates(self, event_templates, blacklister):
-		Set the blacklist to :const:`event_templates`. Events
+		Add a new blacklist template :const:`event_templates`. Events
 		matching any these templates will be blocked from insertion
 		into the log. It is still possible to find and look up events
 		matching the blacklist which was inserted before the blacklist
@@ -98,14 +163,17 @@
 		:param event_templates: A list of
 		    :class:`Events <zeitgeist.datamodel.Event>`
+        :param blacklister: The unique identifier of the
+              application setting the blacklist
 		tmp = map(Event, event_templates)
-		self.set_blacklist(tmp)
+		added_templates = self.set_blacklist(tmp, blacklister)
+		self.Changed(added_templates, blacklister)
-	                     out_signature="a("+constants.SIG_EVENT+")")
-	def GetBlacklist(self):
+	                     out_signature="a(sa("+constants.SIG_EVENT+"))")
+	def GetTemplates(self):
 		Get the current blacklist templates.
@@ -113,3 +181,29 @@
 		    :class:`Events <zeitgeist.datamodel.Event>`
 		return self.get_blacklist()
+	@dbus.service.method(BLACKLIST_DBUS_INTERFACE, 
+						in_signature="a("+constants.SIG_EVENT+")s")
+	def RemoveTemplates(self, event_templates, blacklister):
+		"""
+		Remove the blacklist templates :const: `event_templates`.
+		The event templates specified would be removed for the 
+		specific blacklister. When the removal of template is 
+		successful, then event matching these templates can be 
+		inserted.
+		:param event_templates: A list of 
+			:class: `Events <zeitgeist.datamodel.Event>`
+		:param blacklister: The unique identiier of the 
+			application setting the blacklist. The event 
+			templates which are to be removed and searched 
+			against this blacklister
+		"""
+		tmp = map(Event, event_templates)
+		removed_templates = self.remove_blacklist(tmp, blacklister)
+		self.Changed(removed_templates, blacklister)
+	@dbus.service.signal(BLACKLIST_DBUS_INTERFACE, 
+								signature="a("+constants.SIG_EVENT+")s")
+	def Changed(self, event_templates, blacklister):
+		pass

=== modified file 'test/blacklist-test.py'
--- test/blacklist-test.py	2010-09-22 19:21:19 +0000
+++ test/blacklist-test.py	2011-01-03 00:36:07 +0000
@@ -29,18 +29,28 @@
 		self.blacklist = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.gnome.zeitgeist.Blacklist")
 	def testClear(self):
-		self.blacklist.SetBlacklist([])
-		empty = self.blacklist.GetBlacklist()
+		blks = self.blacklist.GetTemplates()
+		for entry in blks:
+			blacklists = map(Event.get_plain, entry[1])
+			self.blacklist.RemoveTemplates(str(entry[0]), blacklists)
+		empty = self.blacklist.GetTemplates()
 		self.assertEquals(empty, [])
 	def testSetOne(self):
+		blacklister = "application://zeitgeist.unittest"
 		orig = Event.new_for_values(interpretation=Interpretation.ACCESS_EVENT,
-		self.blacklist.SetBlacklist([orig])
-		result = map(Event, self.blacklist.GetBlacklist())
-		self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-		result = result[0]
+		self.blacklist.AddTemplates([orig,], blacklister)
+		allblks = self.blacklist.GetTemplates()
+		blks = {}
+		for blk in allblks:
+			blks[str(blk[0])] = map(Event.new_for_struct, blk[1])
+		self.assertEquals(len(blks.keys()), 1)
+		self.assertEquals(blks.has_key(blacklister), True)
+		blacklists = blks[blacklister]
+		self.assertEquals(len(blacklists), 1)
+		result = blacklists[0]
 		self.assertEquals(result.manifestation, "")
 		self.assertEquals(result.interpretation, Interpretation.ACCESS_EVENT)
 		self.assertEquals(len(result.subjects), 1)
@@ -73,9 +83,14 @@
 		del self.blacklist
 		iface = ZeitgeistDBusInterface()
 		blacklist = iface.get_extension("Blacklist", "blacklist")
-		blacklist.SetBlacklist([])
-		empty = blacklist.GetBlacklist()
+		blks = blacklist.GetTemplates()
+		for entry in blks:
+			blacklists = map(Event.get_plain, entry[1])
+			blacklist.RemoveTemplates(str(entry[0]), blacklists)
+		empty = blacklist.GetTemplates()
 		self.assertEquals(empty, [])
 if __name__ == "__main__":