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[Branch ~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/bluebird] Rev 203: added data-source-registry tests from original zeitgeist


revno: 203
committer: Seif Lotfy <seif@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: bluebird
timestamp: Tue 2011-08-30 20:37:26 +0200
  added data-source-registry tests from original zeitgeist


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=== added file 'test/dbus/dsr-test.py'
--- test/dbus/dsr-test.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/dbus/dsr-test.py	2011-08-30 18:37:26 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# -.- coding: utf-8 -.-
+# remote-test.py
+# Copyright © 2009-2011 Seif Lotfy <seif@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2009-2011 Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <siegfried@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2009-2011 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2009-2011 Markus Korn <thekorn@xxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2011 Collabora Ltd.
+#             By Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <siegfried@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+#             By Seif Lotfy <seif@xxxxxxxxx>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import unittest
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import signal
+import time
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import pickle
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+# DBus setup
+import gobject
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+from dbus.exceptions import DBusException
+from zeitgeist.datamodel import (Event, Subject, Interpretation, Manifestation,
+	TimeRange, StorageState, DataSource, NULL_EVENT, ResultType)
+import testutils
+from testutils import parse_events, import_events
+class ZeitgeistRemoteDataSourceRegistryTest(testutils.RemoteTestCase):
+	_ds1 = [
+		"www.example.com/foo",
+		"Foo Source",
+		"Awakes the foo in you",
+		[
+			Event.new_for_values(subject_manifestation = "!stfu:File"),
+			Event.new_for_values(interpretation = "stfu:CreateEvent")
+		],
+	]
+	_ds2 = [
+		"www.example.org/bar",
+		u"© mwhahaha çàéü",
+		u"ThŊ§ ıs teĦ ün↓çØÐe¡",
+		[]
+	]
+	_ds2b = [
+		"www.example.org/bar", # same unique ID as _ds2
+		u"This string has been translated into the ASCII language",
+		u"Now the unicode is gone :(",
+		[
+			Event.new_for_values(subject_manifestation = "nah"),
+		],
+	]
+	def __init__(self, methodName):
+		super(ZeitgeistRemoteDataSourceRegistryTest, self).__init__(methodName)
+	def get_plain(self, ev):
+		"""
+		Ensure that an Event instance is a Plain Old Python Object (popo),
+		without DBus wrappings etc.
+		"""
+		popo = []
+		popo.append(map(unicode, ev[0]))
+		popo.append([map(unicode, subj) for subj in ev[1]])
+		# We need the check here so that if D-Bus gives us an empty
+		# byte array we don't serialize the text "dbus.Array(...)".
+		popo.append(str(ev[2]) if ev[2] else u'')
+		return popo
+	def _assertDataSourceEquals(self, dsdbus, dsref):
+		self.assertEquals(dsdbus[DataSource.UniqueId], dsref[0])
+		self.assertEquals(dsdbus[DataSource.Name], dsref[1])
+		self.assertEquals(dsdbus[DataSource.Description], dsref[2])
+		self.assertEquals(len(dsdbus[DataSource.EventTemplates]), len(dsref[3]))
+		for i, template in enumerate(dsref[3]):
+			tmpl = dsdbus[DataSource.EventTemplates][i]
+			self.assertEquals(self.get_plain(tmpl), self.get_plain(template))
+	def testPresence(self):
+		""" Ensure that the DataSourceRegistry extension is there """
+		iface = self.client._iface # we know that client._iface is as clean as possible
+		registry = iface.get_extension("DataSourceRegistry", "data_source_registry")
+		registry.GetDataSources()
+	def testGetDataSourcesEmpty(self):
+		self.assertEquals(self.client._registry.GetDataSources(), [])
+	def testRegisterDataSource(self):
+		self.client.register_data_source(*self._ds1)
+		datasources = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())
+		self.assertEquals(len(datasources), 1)
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[0], self._ds1)
+	def testRegisterDataSourceUnicode(self):
+		self.client.register_data_source(*self._ds2)
+		datasources = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())
+		self.assertEquals(len(datasources), 1)
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[0], self._ds2)
+	def testRegisterDataSourceWithCallback(self):
+		self.client.register_data_source(*self._ds1, enabled_callback=lambda x: True)
+	def testRegisterDataSources(self):
+		# Insert two data-sources
+		self.client._registry.RegisterDataSource(*self._ds1)
+		self.client._registry.RegisterDataSource(*self._ds2)
+		# Verify that they have been inserted correctly
+		datasources = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())
+		self.assertEquals(len(datasources), 2)
+		datasources.sort(key=lambda x: x[DataSource.UniqueId])
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[0], self._ds1)
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[1], self._ds2)
+		# Change the information of the second data-source
+		self.client._registry.RegisterDataSource(*self._ds2b)
+		# Verify that it changed correctly
+		datasources = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())
+		self.assertEquals(len(datasources), 2)
+		datasources.sort(key=lambda x: x[DataSource.UniqueId])
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[0], self._ds1)
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(datasources[1], self._ds2b)
+	def testSetDataSourceEnabled(self):
+		# Insert a data-source -- it should be enabled by default
+		self.client._registry.RegisterDataSource(*self._ds1)
+		ds = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())[0]
+		self.assertEquals(ds[DataSource.Enabled], True)
+		# Now we can choose to disable it...
+		self.client._registry.SetDataSourceEnabled(self._ds1[0], False)
+		ds = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())[0]
+		self.assertEquals(ds[DataSource.Enabled], False)
+		# And enable it again!
+		self.client._registry.SetDataSourceEnabled(self._ds1[0], True)
+		ds = list(self.client._registry.GetDataSources())[0]
+		self.assertEquals(ds[DataSource.Enabled], True)
+	def testGetDataSourceFromId(self):
+		# Insert a data-source -- and then retrieve it by id
+		self.client._registry.RegisterDataSource(*self._ds1)
+		ds = self.client._registry.GetDataSourceFromId(self._ds1[0])
+		self._assertDataSourceEquals(ds, self._ds1)
+		# Retrieve a data-source from an id that has not been registered
+		self.assertRaises(DBusException,
+				  self.client._registry.GetDataSourceFromId,
+				  self._ds2[0])
+	def testDataSourceSignals(self):
+		mainloop = self.create_mainloop()
+		global hit
+		hit = 0
+		def cb_registered(datasource):
+			global hit
+			self.assertEquals(hit, 0)
+			hit = 1
+		def cb_enabled(unique_id, enabled):
+			global hit
+			if hit == 1:
+				self.assertEquals(enabled, False)
+				hit = 2
+			elif hit == 2:
+				self.assertEquals(enabled, True)
+				hit = 3
+				# We're done -- change this if we figure out how to force a
+				# disconnection from the bus, so we can also check the
+				# DataSourceDisconnected signal.
+				mainloop.quit()
+			else:
+				self.fail("Unexpected number of signals: %d." % hit)
+		#def cb_disconnect(datasource):
+		#	self.assertEquals(hit, 3)
+		#	mainloop.quit()
+		# Connect to signals
+		self.client._registry.connect('DataSourceRegistered', cb_registered)
+		self.client._registry.connect('DataSourceEnabled', cb_enabled)
+		#self.client._registry.connect('DataSourceDisconnected', cb_disconnect)
+		# Register data-source, disable it, enable it again
+		gobject.idle_add(self.testSetDataSourceEnabled)
+		mainloop.run()
+	def testRegisterDataSourceEnabledCallbackOnRegister(self):
+		mainloop = self.create_mainloop()
+		def callback(enabled):
+			mainloop.quit()
+		self.client.register_data_source(*self._ds1, enabled_callback=callback)
+		mainloop.run()
+	def testRegisterDataSourceEnabledCallbackOnChange(self):
+		mainloop = self.create_mainloop()
+		global hit
+		hit = 0
+		# Register a callback
+		def callback(enabled):
+			global hit
+			if hit == 0:
+				# Register callback
+				hit = 1
+			elif hit == 1:
+				# Disable callback
+				mainloop.quit()
+			else:
+				self.fail("Unexpected number of signals: %d." % hit)
+		self.client.register_data_source(*self._ds1)
+		self.client.set_data_source_enabled_callback(self._ds1[0], callback)
+		# Disable the data-source
+		self.client._registry.SetDataSourceEnabled(self._ds1[0], False)
+		mainloop.run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	unittest.main()