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Message #00304
Re: Let's ride the anti-tomboy wave!
2009/6/28 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I have not used the Tomboy software, but it appears to be "a personal
> wiki" which is just Zim's niche. Is anyone familiar with this
> software? Where does it lack compared to Zim? What features does it
> have that Zim is missing?
Answering that question in a proper way would require me to work with
tomboy for more than half a year as that is normally the time when I
start forgetting about the first things I put into such a system. Then
search functions and keywords and links etc. start to show how well
they are implemented. Zim has now been used for more than that period
and it still stands out compared to some of the other tools that I
have tried so far.
* Starts quickly
* Reposts quickly even after other heavy work (try that with a java app)
* Versioning make it possible to maintain a history track of a page
* Documents and Notes can be placed in different trees
As I use zim as my digital memory, it is important to be able to
search things quickly and to quickly navigate between the hits which
Zim solves nicely by showing a separate window with the hits. The TODO
functionality is also working to my taste even though both search and
TODO could highlight the hit and put it few lines from the top to see
text before the hit as well as text following the hit.
What should be improved:
* Printing from Zim, lists and indented text does not show up in html
the same way.
* The export to a processing system like Latex has so far not given
good results for multiple pages
* More than one format for a piece of text. bold italic, strike
italic, strike bold etc.
* Moving of complex note hierarchies not always successful getting
data that is moved properly renamed.
> Zim can be marketed at "the Tomboy alternative" if it is done right. Start here:
> http://news.slashdot.org/story/09/06/27/1759255/Richard-Stallman-Says-No-To-Mono
Have been reading some of the comments regarding this and from GPL
point of view he is right as always. Cloning existing proprietary
solutions always bring risk of infringing patents. The pragmatic
solution of bringing C# to other platforms than Windows is good for
platform independent computing, but may be a boomerang in case
Microsoft does something evil. And Microsoft has a record for doing
that. Most people consider this a danger just as big as RIAA getting
to their mp3 collection.