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Gephi integration



I was drafting an article about Zim Wiki. In doing so, I remembered
the time when I was using PersonalBrain (now TheBrain,
www.thebrain.com) as a personal information manager. I liked its
animated interface very much and since then I haven't found anything
so smooth and cool for navigating networks of associations and mind

The actual Graphviz-powered map of connections is a good starting
point, but cannot compare with TheBrain in terms of "beauty" and
usability. Looking for some open source alternatives, I've found
http://gephi.org/ which looks wonderful. In their own words:
"Gephi is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for
all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical

They accept lots of input formats, such as:
GEXF, GDF, GML, GraphML, Pajek NET, GraphViz DOT,  CSV, UCINET DL,
Tulip TPL, Netdraw VNA, Spreadsheet...

Since Zim Wiki is already able to export to a GraphViz, is there a way
to get the intermediate format, so that I can try to feed it into

Just to be clear, the ultimate goal would be to have something similar
to TheBrain's animated interface (that you can see on their website or
on this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFqLUBKCFdA). If someone
is aware of other tools getting close to this, I'm happy to know.

Oh: I'd be willing to pay for this feature.

Best regards

Marco Cevoli
Traduttore tecnico. Grafico. Congiungitore di punti.
Technical translator. Graphic designer. Joiner-of-dots.

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