On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:59 PM, John Coleman <john.coleman@xxxxxxx <mailto:john.coleman@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Guys,
my laptop dual-boots Arch Linux and Windows 7, but I don't use Windows much. But I tried out [Shift + Alt Gr]<< for « on Windows 7 and it didn't work :(. I knew I preferred Linux but I didn't
realise [Shift + Alt Gr] was part of the reason.
So I installed /UK International keyboard/ from http://www.zolid.com/uk-intl-kb/index.htm and that seems to do the trick, using [Alt Gr + [] and [Alt Gr +]] from:
Now I'm heading back to Arch Linux, and my main desktop PC, as soon as possible.
Hope this helps someone.
On 01/21/2015 09:14 PM, hansbkk@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:hansbkk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
John C - sorry for the dupe, forgot reply to all.
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Keybindings are an arcane rabbit-hole, especially cross-platform.
For those on windoze I highly recommend getting into AutoHotKey; in fact now I'm on Linux I really miss it, wish the Linux version had gained a bit more traction, one of the VERY few things
causes me any nostalgia for windoze.
Hi Udo
have you tried [Shift + Alt Gr]>> for « and [Shift + Alt Gr]<< for «.
Works OK on my Arch Linux system.
On 01/21/2015 08:40 PM, Udo Weik wrote:
I need guillemets/angle quotes in my text, see
Guillemet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The corresponding Windows keystrokes are
[Alt+0187] for '»' and [Alt+0171] for '«'
but Zim doesn't support [ALT+NumpadNumber].
And I can't use the Symbol dialog, because I use automation
for inserting these symbols.
Any hints?
Many thanks and greetings