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Re: ZIm and email integration


On 09/11/18 14:15, nik wrote:
I need suggestions, is there any possibility to integrate zim with e-mail client (I use Thunderbird)?

What I need is links in zim, so that when I click on the link email message opens.

I use links to thunderbird messages.

The links are in the form:

imap://<user>@<host>:<port>/fetch%3EUID>/<mailbox name>%3E<uid>

(%3E is equivalent to >)

You just have to add an appropriate "x-scheme-handler". I added:


To $HOME/.local/share/applications/defaults.list

To get the link I use a convoluted method, drag the message to the file manager, in KDE this creates a .desktop file, inside that file we have the link. I'll be watching the extension mentioned on this thread!
