zim-wiki team mailing list archive
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Mailing list archive
Message #05022
Zim plugins: Terminal
Hello Zim community,
i've created a plugin (see https://github.com/datenwurm/zim-plugin-terminal)
which adds a terminal pane. There are a few basic config options like
"Position in the window", "Font size", "Font foreground color", "Font
background color" and "Shell interpreter". If you change to a new wiki page
the terminal path is automatically updated to the location where the wiki
page is located (or the attachment folder if it exists).
[image: jimhobajfliglmlm.png]
This plugin does currently only work on Linux since the programming-library
which i'm using to implement the terminal seems not to be platform
independent. If you have any feedback/problems please let me know.
Best regards,

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