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[Ayatana] Sound theme - startup

In the vein of Mark Shuttleworth's 'Flie in the Icecream' analogy, I want to raise the issue of the Ubuntu start-up jingle (not the little drumroll).

I like it - it reminds me of Africa and home, but here is the problem-

I have observed many people dive for the volume control as it starts with "Dum didi dum dum dum tada!!!".

It is nice in itself and affirming and comforting in Ubuntu environments with other glowing, eager Ubuntu users. It is not so comfortable in a number of situations:

An aeroplane,
A bus,
A lecture hall,
A quite pub,
A boardroom meeting,
The office,
While my partner is trying to watch tellie,

In any situation in which you do not want to draw attention to yourself the sound becomes embarrassing and prolonged - hence the dive for the volume control. You may respond that a solution is to turn down the volume before you shut down, but in reality this does not happen with most users.

I feel this is a small thing which needs to be addressed as Ubuntu gets a mainstream uptake.