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Re: Dead touchpad on AC100?



Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > But at DebConf suddenly the touchpad of my AC100 stopped working, too.
> > Neither cursor movement nor button clicks work. Keyboard and external
> > USB mice work still fine.
> assumingly you used the F9 key (by accident or on purpose). 
> this key is wired to touchpad power on the hardware side (no way to work
> around it in software) press it to toggle the touchpad on/off and see if
> that works ....

Thanks, that was it! *phew* :-)

So I was right with suspecting that this is not software related. ;-)

Maybe this is fixle on the hardware side, either by soldering or with
a pair of pincers depending on the wanted enforced state. ;-)

		Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <abe@xxxxxxxxxx>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `'   |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE
  `-    |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
