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wrong brightness levels


acer 4810T - karmic 9.10

in my /etc/default/grub file i have only added the "nomodeset"

and i have placed this command "xrandr --output LVDS --set
BACKLIGHT_CONTROL native" in the "startup apps" even though i have no
clue of what it means.

i tried this also "acpi_backlight=vendor" but has no difference.

i have noticed these:

before using this command "xrandr --output LVDS --set BACKLIGHT_CONTROL
native" i had 9 levels(1 2.. 9) of brightness(as in windows).

*i guess blank screen is considered as "0" *

Since i couldn't change brightness's level though i now use the above
"xrandr" command which gives me 20 working brightness levels!

in my /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0

the "max brightness" file says 9 and when i change the brightness the
file "brightness" changes but only from 1 to 9. the rest 11 levels are
ignored on these files but not visually on my screen.

so when i'm in 20th level and decrease by one, the "brightness file will show 8.

when i'm on 10th level, the "brightness" file will show 1.  !!!

when i'm on 1st level, the "brightness" file of course still shows 1
but when i now increase to 2nd level the "brightness" file starts to
count again(!) and stops on 9th level.

in my /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02  there is also a "brightness" file with changeable values.

it has 10 levels!!! (10 20.. 100)

so similar things happen here BUT the blank screen is considered as the
value "10" here so when the "brightness" file of
"/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0" shows "1" , the

"brightness" file of "/proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02" shows "20"  !!!

it seems that the above cause a bug when i switch from AC cable to battery!

when i'm on battery brightness reduces by 75% correctly as configured
in power management but if i plug in AC power it increases only by 1
scale! (i have configured it to 100 in power management)

anyone has any idea about this?

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