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Re: Components split up diagram


On Saturday 10 July 2010 10:08 PM, Karthik Swaminathan Nagaraj wrote:
HTTPS [1] just provides HTTP over SSL (as simple as that). Its the browser's responsibility to verify the certificates. Mozilla has put up a list of certificates that it uses [2] (from popular Certificate Authorities). If we initiate a connection using SSL, the client software obtains the server's certificate and verifies it against one of these certificates that our application would carry. (We do not have a browser in this picture). If our Server Core module were to listen on the HTTPS port (443), then its actually hijacking a "well known" port for our application. This means that the same machine cannot handle an HTTPS web server. If you are referring to writing the server core module as a web application, it sounds weird to write a non-www application as a web application. Also, I am sure DropBox and SpiderOak do not use HTTPS for client_app-server_app interaction.

I was saying that the server process could listen to the clients via the web server which will listen on 443. This makes sure that no special firewall considerations are needed in most networks. If a browser can connect to https sites, so can the acmeattic client. In fact, both dropbox and spideroak use https [1,2]. I agree that server verification should also be done by the client, but at least until we add that functionality, the web browser can do it (we just need to point it to the https base url of the server site).

[1]: https://www.dropbox.com/help/23
[2]: https://spideroak.com/faq/are_there_any_special_firewall_settings_spideroak_needs

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