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Discussion: ArsenalApp class..


I've started using an ArsenalApp class for my development and
I wanted to throw it out there for discussion to see if anyone
else thinks it would be useful. It needs more work to make it
flexible enough for every app. but has been working well.

Attached is the class file and an example app. which uses the
distro version code that I just submitted. I used this app
to test out the distro version code. Also attached is a _very_
basic example.

Brad Figg brad.figg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.canonical.com

# The purpose of this script is to conduct the initial review of
# incoming bugs and attempt to get them into a better shape for later
# scripts to handle.
# We want to categorize the bugs as best we can, and request appropriate
# information so later scripts can conduct their analysis.

from arsenal_lib       import *
from arsenal_reply     import *
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError

class ArsenalApp:
    opt_dryrun      = True                    # The defalt is to not commit any changes
    opt_source_pkgs = None
    opt_bug_limit   = -1
    opt_verbose     = False
    opt_buglist     = []
    reason          = ''
    reason_tags     = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.arsenal = Arsenal()
        self.lp      = self.arsenal.launchpad
        self.ubuntu  = self.arsenal.load_project("ubuntu")
        self.canonical_kernel_team = self.lp.people['canonical-kernel-team']

    # cmdline_usage
    # Prints out the help text which explains the command line options.
    def cmdline_usage(self):
        %s [--commit] [--verbose] [--limit=<n>] (--bug=<n> [<task-name(s)>] | <source-package(s)>)

        --help           Prints this text.

        --commit         Commit the appropriate changes to launchpad. The default
                         is to run in "dryrun" mode which only reports what it would
                         do and not commit any changes.

        --limit=<n>      Only process <n> number of bugs before exiting.

        --verbose        Give some feedback of what is happening while the script is

                         A comma separated list of bug ids. Only process the bugs
                         specified here, on the command line.

        %s --verbose --limit=2 alsa-driver
        %s --verbose --bugs=367560 

""" % (sys.argv[0]))

    # cmdline_process
    # As you can probably tell from the name, this method is responsible
    # for calling the getopt function to process the command line. All
    # parameters are processed into class variables for use by other
    # methods.
    def cmdline_process(self):
        result = True
            optsShort = ''
            optsLong  = ['help', 'commit', 'limit=', 'verbose', 'bugs=']
            opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], optsShort, optsLong)

            for opt, val in opts:
                if (opt == '--help'):
                    result = False

                elif (opt == '--commit'):
                    self.opt_dryrun = False

                elif (opt == '--limit'):
                    self.opt_bug_limit = int(val)

                elif (opt == '--verbose'):
                    self.opt_verbose = True

                elif opt in ('--bugs'):
                    self.opt_buglist = val.split(',')

            if result:
                if len(self.opt_buglist) == 0:
                    if (len(args) != 0):
                        self.opt_source_pkgs = args
                        print("\n   Error: At least one source package must be specified.")
                        result = False
                elif (len(args) != 0):
                    self.opt_source_pkgs = args

        except GetoptError, error:
            result = False

	return result

    # main
    # Performs main sequencing through all the source packages specified and the
    # associated bugs.
    def main(self):
        if (not self.cmdline_process()):

        if (self.opt_verbose):
            print("Current cmdline parameters:")
            print("         dryrun: %s" % (self.opt_dryrun))
            print("    source pkgs: %s" % (self.opt_source_pkgs))
            print("          limit: %d" % (self.opt_bug_limit))   
            print("        verbose: %s" % (self.opt_verbose))

        if self.opt_dryrun:
            print("  ** Note: This is a 'dry run', no bugs will actually be modified!")

        total_count = 0
            examined_count = 0

            if len(self.opt_buglist) > 0:
                for bug in self.opt_buglist:
                    abug = ArsenalBug(self.lp.bugs[bug], self.lp)

                    if self.opt_source_pkgs != None:
                        for bugtask in abug.bug_tasks:
                            #print(">> %s >> %s" % (bugtask.bug_target_name, bugtask.bug_target_display_name))
                            if bugtask.bug_target_name in self.opt_source_pkgs:
                                self.bug_handler('', bugtask, abug)
                        for bugtask in abug.bug_tasks:
                            self.bug_handler('', bugtask, abug)

                # Go through all the source packages that were specified on the
                # command line.
                for source_pkg in self.opt_source_pkgs:
                    if self.opt_dryrun:
                        print("\nProcessing %s" % (source_pkg))

                    # Go through all the bugs in one source package that are of a 
                    # particular status.
                    pkg   = self.ubuntu.getSourcePackage(name = source_pkg)
                    status_list = ['New', 'Incomplete', 'Confirmed', 'Triaged']
                    tasks = pkg.searchTasks(status=status_list)
                    for bugtask in tasks:
                        self.reason  = ''
                        if (self.opt_bug_limit != -1) and (examined_count >= self.opt_bug_limit):
                            print("\n  ** Note: Hit max number of bugs to process, exiting.\n")
                        examined_count += 1
                        # Call the subclass's handler.
                        self.bug_handler(source_pkg, bugtask, ArsenalBug(bugtask.bug, self.lp))

                        updated_count += 1

                    if self.opt_verbose:
                        print("%d bugs examined for %s" % (updated_count, source_pkg))

                    total_count += updated_count
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # If the user presses <ctrl-C> then stop cleanly

            if (updated_count > 0) and (self.opt_verbose):
                print("%d bugs examined" % (updated_count))
        if self.opt_verbose:
            print("%d bugs examined in total" % (total_count))

# vi:set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:

# The purpose of this script is to conduct the initial review of
# incoming bugs and attempt to get them into a better shape for later
# scripts to handle.
# We want to categorize the bugs as best we can, and request appropriate
# information so later scripts can conduct their analysis.

from arsenal_app import *

class ProcessExampleApp(ArsenalApp):
    debug = False

    def __init__(self):

    # bug_handler
    # Do the individual, bug specific work.
    def bug_handler(self, source_pkg, bugtask, ars_bug):
        if self.opt_verbose:
            print("%s  %s" % (bugtask.status, str(ars_bug.title)))
            print("           URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/%d"; % (ars_bug.id))

        distro = determine_distro(ars_bug)

        if (distro != ''):
            if self.opt_verbose:
                print("        Distro: %s" % (distro))
            if self.opt_verbose:
                print("        Distro: unknown")

    def main(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = ProcessExampleApp()

# vi:set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:

# The purpose of this script is to conduct the initial review of
# incoming bugs and attempt to get them into a better shape for later
# scripts to handle.
# We want to categorize the bugs as best we can, and request appropriate
# information so later scripts can conduct their analysis.

from arsenal_app import *

class ProcessExampleApp(ArsenalApp):

    def __init__(self):

    # bug_handler
    # Do the individual, bug specific work.
    def bug_handler(self, source_pkg, bugtask, ars_bug):
        if (self.opt_verbose):
            print("%s  %s" % (bugtask.status, str(ars_bug.title)))
            print("           URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/%d"; % (ars_bug.id))

    def main(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = ProcessExampleApp()

# vi:set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:

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