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Function keys for to control LCD brightness


I recently realized that the LCD brightness used with the setpci command isn't 0-99, but instead 0-FF.

Strangely for every time I hit the dim/bright key the /etc/acpi/asus-brn-down/up.sh is called 3 times. Alas the proper step (16) isn't divisible by 3. Instead of messing with floating point I just made the value bounce off the upper/lower limits cleanly.

Is it expected that the up/down scripts would be called 3 times per keypress of Fn-f5 and Fn-f6?

I'm using the 2.6.34 PPA kernel and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_backlight=vendor"

The new improved script should allow control over the full range of the LCD and be rather close to the scale shown by the brightness dialog:

export SEED=6
if [ ! -f ~/.brightness ]; then
	echo 99 > ~/.brightness;
export BRIGHTNESS=`cat ~/.brightness`
case "$1" in
                export BRIGHTNESS=$[$BRIGHTNESS+$SEED];
                export BRIGHTNESS=$[$BRIGHTNESS-$SEED];
                export BRIGHTNESS=1;
if [ "$BRIGHTNESS" -gt "255" ]; then
	export BRIGHTNESS=255;
if [ "$BRIGHTNESS" -lt "0" ]; then
	export BRIGHTNESS=0;
echo $BRIGHTNESS > ~/.brightness
export hexbright=`/usr/bin/printf "%X" $BRIGHTNESS`
sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=$hexbright

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