Are you using any PPAs?
The only time I've had crashes with my UL30VT is while using compiz (or
other 3d apps) with the newer glx and intel drivers from third-party
repositories like the Intel-Best PPA.
On 10-10-20 08:39 PM, Messir Voland wrote:
Hello dudes,
I am struggling for almost 3 months trying to get Ubuntu 10.04 or now
10.10 running stable on my ASUS UL30Vt.
Frequently I am getting segfaults. Different libs (so) crashing.
Sometimes system becomes totally frozen (no reaction on Ctrl+Alt+Fn to
switch console, no NumLock reacton). Only power down switch helps.
The above happen several times a day or someday notebook can run Ubuntu
10.10 for 8 hours stable.
Any siggestions, ideas are very-very welcome.
(Unfortunately it makes me so angry that Win7 64 runs stable without any
problems. MemTest-x86 is ok for more that 5 hours. 3D_Mark test under
Win7 is OK for many hours. InetlBurnTest v.2.50 with maximum stress
level is also completes without any issues.)