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Please Help - Audio-Recorder Failed Installation


Please help me. I followed your instructions to install Audio Recorder
on https://launchpad.net/~audio-recorder/+archive/ubuntu/ppa.
I never had the "OLD PPA" of Audio-Recorder, so I did not run the
first step to remove it.

Here are the the terminal commands I ran:
sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:audio-recorder/ppa
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall audio-recorder
I pressed enter after each line, and after the last command, in
terminal window, there were muliple lines that ended with "404 File
not found". 
I did not save that text from the terminal window, so I can't show it
to you.

So the application failed to install, but a lot of files/ packages
(parts) did get downloaded. This has caused my system update manager
to now show errors when it automatically checks for updates. I am
waiting to hear from you before installing any system updates.

It was my  understanding that Ubuntu Applications will run on Mint - I
see now that  the info I read is wrong. Unless I did something wrong
through  ignorance. I am a newbie to Linux, and I only run Linux Mint
latest version 17.2  Cinnamon with the very latest kernel and all
system updates are current. My system has had no problems until now. I
have read a lot of  tutorials online and try to be very careful with
Linux "Do's and Don'ts" and I don't install a lot of  applications -
minimalist. But this is one application I really needed. 

Now I only want the audio-recorder (parts) permanently removed from my
system. Please tell me how to do it (remember I'm a Linux newbie).
Please give me the terminal commands to remove all the Audio-Recorder
files/ packages that were downloaded to my system. Thank you.

Maybe your webpage should warn Linux Mint users that these install
commands won't work for their system.
Maybe I will try to install this application again after I learn more
about Mint and Ubuntu differences.

Here is the error in my system update manager now:
Failed to fetch
 404  Not Found
Failed to fetch
 404  Not Found
Failed to fetch
 404  Not Found
Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.

-- Joe
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 nor can any be easily subdued,
 when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the contrary,
 when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners,
 they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign
 -- Samuel Adams (letter to James Warren, 4 November 1775)
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