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[Merge] lp:~c2c/banking-addons/fr_translations_fclementi into lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-61


Vincent Renaville@camptocamp has proposed merging lp:~c2c/banking-addons/fr_translations_fclementi into lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-61.

Requested reviews:
  Banking Addons Team (banking-addons-team)

For more details, see:

translation FR on account_advanced_reconcile, account_statement_base_completion, account_statement_base_import and account_s
Your team Banking Addons Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~c2c/banking-addons/fr_translations_fclementi into lp:banking-addons/bank-statement-reconcile-61.
=== added directory 'account_advanced_reconcile/i18n'
=== added file 'account_advanced_reconcile/i18n/fr.po'
--- account_advanced_reconcile/i18n/fr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_advanced_reconcile/i18n/fr.po	2012-12-13 13:33:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* account_advanced_reconcile
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.1\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-07 12:34+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-07 12:34+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,partner_ids:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,partner_ids:0
+msgid "Restrict on partners"
+msgstr "Restriction sur les partenaires"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,account_id:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,account_id:0
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Compte"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_advanced_reconcile.model_account_easy_reconcile_method
+msgid "reconcile method for account_easy_reconcile"
+msgstr "Méthode de Lettrage pour le module account_easy_reconcile"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,date_base_on:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,date_base_on:0
+msgid "Date of reconcilation"
+msgstr "Date de Lettrage"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,journal_id:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,journal_id:0
+msgid "Journal"
+msgstr "Journal"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,account_profit_id:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,account_profit_id:0
+msgid "Account Profit"
+msgstr "Compte de produit"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,filter:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,filter:0
+msgid "Filter"
+msgstr "Filtre"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: view:account.easy.reconcile:0
+msgid "Advanced. Partner and Ref"
+msgstr "Avancé. Partenaire et Réf."
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: view:account.easy.reconcile:0
+msgid "Match multiple debit vs multiple credit entries. Allow partial reconcilation. The lines should have the partner, the credit entry ref. is matched vs the debit entry ref. or name."
+msgstr "Le Lettrage peut s'éffectuer sur plusieurs écritures de débit et crédit. Le Lettrage partiel est autorisé. Les écritures doivent avoir le même partenaire et la référence sur les écritures de crédit doit se retrouver dans la référence ou la description sur les écritures de débit."
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_advanced_reconcile.model_easy_reconcile_advanced
+msgid "easy.reconcile.advanced"
+msgstr "easy.reconcile.advanced"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,account_lost_id:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,account_lost_id:0
+msgid "Account Lost"
+msgstr "Compte de charge"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_advanced_reconcile.model_easy_reconcile_advanced_ref
+msgid "easy.reconcile.advanced.ref"
+msgstr "easy.reconcile.advanced.ref"
+#. module: account_advanced_reconcile
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced,write_off:0
+#: field:easy.reconcile.advanced.ref,write_off:0
+msgid "Write off allowed"
+msgstr "Ecart autorisé"

=== added directory 'account_statement_base_completion/i18n'
=== added file 'account_statement_base_completion/i18n/fr.po'
--- account_statement_base_completion/i18n/fr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_statement_base_completion/i18n/fr.po	2012-12-13 13:33:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.statement.completion.rule:0
+msgid "Related Profiles"
+msgstr "Profiles liés"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: help:account.statement.completion.rule,sequence:0
+msgid "Lower means paresed first."
+msgstr "Lower means paresed first."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_completion/statement.py:150
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_completion/statement.py:182
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_completion/statement.py:219
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_completion/statement.py:252
+#, python-format
+msgid "Line named \"%s\" (Ref:%s) was matched by more than one partner."
+msgstr "Line named \"%s\" (Ref:%s) was matched by more than one partner."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.bank.statement,completion_logs:0
+msgid "Completion Log"
+msgstr "Log des complétions"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,label:0
+msgid "Label"
+msgstr "Description"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: help:account.bank.statement.line,label:0
+msgid ""
+"Generiy field to store a label given from the bank/office on which we "
+"can             base the default/standard providen rule."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce champs permet de stocker une description complémentaire fournie par la banque."
+"Le léttrage avancé pourra être effectué sur ce critère."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_completion.model_account_bank_statement
+msgid "Bank Statement"
+msgstr "Relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.statement.completion.rule,function_to_call:0
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr "Methode"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_completion/statement.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bank Statement ID %s has %s lines completed by %s"
+msgstr "Le relevé bancaire avec l'ID %s a %s lignes completées par %s"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,additionnal_bank_fields:0
+msgid "Additionnal infos from bank"
+msgstr "Informations additionnelles de la banque"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "Auto-Completion Rules"
+msgstr "Règles d'auto-completion"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: help:account.bank.statement.line,additionnal_bank_fields:0
+msgid ""
+"Used by completion and import system. Adds every field that is present in "
+"your bank/office             statement file"
+msgstr ""
+"Utilisé au niveau de l'auto-complétion et de l'import. Permet l'ajout de n'importe quel" 
+"champs additionnel communiqué par la banque"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Importation related infos"
+msgstr "Importation des informations liées"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_completion.model_account_statement_profile
+msgid "Statement Profil"
+msgstr "Profil de relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.statement.completion.rule,name:0
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: constraint:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "You need to put a partner if you tic the 'Force partner on bank move' !"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devez indiquer un partenaire si vous avez coché 'Indiquer un partenaire sur la ligne d'écriture de la banque' !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_completion.model_account_bank_statement_line
+msgid "Bank Statement Line"
+msgstr "Ligne de relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.statement.completion.rule:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_statement_base_completion.action_st_completion_rule_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_statement_base_completion.menu_action_st_completion_rule_tree_menu
+msgid "Statement Completion Rule"
+msgstr "Règle d'auto-complétion du relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_completion.model_account_statement_completion_rule
+msgid "account.statement.completion.rule"
+msgstr "account.statement.completion.rule"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.statement.completion.rule,profile_ids:0
+#: field:account.statement.profile,rule_ids:0
+msgid "Related statement profiles"
+msgstr "Profils liés"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: constraint:account.bank.statement.line:0
+msgid ""
+"The amount of the voucher must be the same amount as the one on the "
+"statement line"
+msgstr ""
+"Le montant du justificatif doit être identique à celui de la ligne le "
+"concernant sur le relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,already_completed:0
+msgid "Auto-Completed"
+msgstr "Auto-Completé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Auto Completion"
+msgstr "Auto-complétion"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:account.statement.completion.rule,sequence:0
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Séquence"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: constraint:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "The journal and period chosen have to belong to the same company."
+msgstr "Le journal et la période doivent appartenir  la même socité."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: field:res.partner,bank_statement_label:0
+msgid "Bank Statement Label"
+msgstr "Description de relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: help:account.bank.statement.line,already_completed:0
+msgid ""
+"When this checkbox is ticked, the auto-completion process/button will ignore "
+"this line."
+msgstr ""
+"Les lignes cochées seront ignorées si vous cliquez sur le bouton auto-complétion"
+"this line."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: help:res.partner,bank_statement_label:0
+msgid ""
+"Enter the various label found on your bank statement separated by a ; "
+"If                  one of this label is include in the bank statement line, "
+"the partner will be automatically                  filled (as long as you "
+"use this method/rules in your statement profile)."
+msgstr ""
+"Entrez les différentes descriptions/informations sur votre relevé bancaire séparé par un ; "
+"Si l'une d'entre elles figure dans la ligne du relevé, le partenaire correspondant pourra"
+"être automatiquement retrouvé (à condition d'utiliser un règle de léttrage dans le profil)."
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_completion.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr "Partenaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_completion
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Completion Logs"
+msgstr "Logs d'auto-complétion"

=== added directory 'account_statement_base_import/i18n'
=== added file 'account_statement_base_import/i18n/fr.po'
--- account_statement_base_import/i18n/fr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_statement_base_import/i18n/fr.po	2012-12-13 13:33:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:credit.statement.import:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_statement_base_import.statement_importer_action
+msgid "Import statement"
+msgstr "Import de relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_import.model_credit_statement_import
+msgid "credit.statement.import"
+msgstr "credit.statement.import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:218
+#, python-format
+msgid "The statement cannot be created : %s"
+msgstr "Le relevé ne peut être créé : %s"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,input_statement:0
+msgid "Statement file"
+msgstr "Fichier à importer"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "Import Logs"
+msgstr "Logs d'import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,journal_id:0
+msgid "Financial journal to use transaction"
+msgstr "Journal"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/parser/file_parser.py:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Column %s not present in file"
+msgstr "Colonne %s non présente dans le fichier"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:account.statement.profile:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_statement_base_import.statement_importer_menu
+msgid "Import Bank Statement"
+msgstr "Importation de Relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_import.model_account_statement_profile
+msgid "Statement Profil"
+msgstr "Profil du relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Commission line"
+msgstr "Ligne de commission"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,commission_account_id:0
+msgid "Commission account"
+msgstr "Compte de commission"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:172
+#, python-format
+msgid "Column %s you try to import is not present in the bank statement line !"
+msgstr ""
+"La colonne %s que vous essayer d'importer n'est pas présente dans la ligne de relevé !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bank Statement ID %s have been imported with %s lines "
+msgstr "Le relevé avec l'ID %s a été importé avec %s lignes "
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:account.statement.profile,launch_import_completion:0
+msgid "Launch completion after import"
+msgstr "Lancer l'auto-completion après import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,partner_id:0
+msgid "Credit insitute partner"
+msgstr "Organisme bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:160
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Profile !"
+msgstr "Aucun Profil !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "Import related infos"
+msgstr "Importation des informations liées"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: help:credit.statement.import,force_partner_on_bank:0
+msgid ""
+"Tic that box if you want to use the credit insitute "
+"partner                                                    in the "
+"counterpart of the treasury/banking move."
+msgstr ""
+"Cochez cette case si vous voulez utiliser comme partenaire"
+"l'organisme bancaire au niveau de la ligne de banque"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/wizard/import_statement.py:93
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please use a file with an extention"
+msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un fichier avec une extension"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:161
+#, python-format
+msgid "You must provide a valid profile to import a bank statement !"
+msgstr "Vous devez fournir un profil valide pour importer un relevé !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: help:credit.statement.import,balance_check:0
+msgid ""
+"Tic that box if you want OpenERP to control the start/end "
+"balance                                                    before confirming "
+"a bank statement. If don't ticked, no balance control will be done."
+msgstr ""
+"Cochez cette case si vous souhaitez un contrôle du solde final"
+"avant la validation du relevé."
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/parser/file_parser.py:31
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/parser/generic_file_parser.py:31
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please install python lib xlrd"
+msgstr "Veuillez installer la librairie python lib xlrd"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/parser/file_parser.py:58
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalide file type %s. please use csv or xls"
+msgstr "Type de fichier invalide : %s. Veuillez utiliser un csv ou un xls"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:account.statement.profile,last_import_date:0
+msgid "Last Import Date"
+msgstr "Date de dernier import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,commission_analytic_id:0
+msgid "Commission analytic account"
+msgstr "Compte analytique de la commission"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: constraint:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "You need to put a partner if you tic the 'Force partner on bank move' !"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devez spécifier un partenaire si vous avez coché 'Forcer un partenaire sur la ligne de la banque' !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:217
+#, python-format
+msgid "Statement import error"
+msgstr "Erreur d'import de relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,commission_amount:0
+msgid "Line Commission Amount"
+msgstr "Montant de la commission de la ligne"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/statement.py:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "Missing column !"
+msgstr "Colonne manquante !"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:account.statement.profile,rec_log:0
+msgid "log"
+msgstr "log"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:account.statement.profile,import_type:0
+msgid "Type of import"
+msgstr "Type d'import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: constraint:account.bank.statement.line:0
+msgid ""
+"The amount of the voucher must be the same amount as the one on the "
+"statement line"
+msgstr ""
+"Le montant du justificatif doit tre identique à celui de la ligne le "
+"concernant sur le relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: help:account.statement.profile,launch_import_completion:0
+msgid ""
+"Tic that box to automatically launch the completion on each "
+"imported                file using this profile."
+msgstr ""
+"Cocher cette case pour lancer automatiquement l'auto-complétion sur"
+"chaque fichier importé avec ce profil."
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,profile_id:0
+msgid "Import configuration parameter"
+msgstr "Parametres de configuration d'import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: code:addons/account_statement_base_import/parser/parser.py:156
+#, python-format
+msgid "No buffer file given."
+msgstr "Pas de fichier tampon donné."
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:credit.statement.import:0
+msgid "Import Parameters Summary"
+msgstr "Résumé des paramètres d'import"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,balance_check:0
+msgid "Balance check"
+msgstr "Vérification des soldes"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_base_import.model_account_bank_statement_line
+msgid "Bank Statement Line"
+msgstr "Ligne de relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,force_partner_on_bank:0
+msgid "Force partner on bank move"
+msgstr "Forcer un partenaire sur la ligne du compte de banque"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,file_name:0
+msgid "File Name"
+msgstr "Nom du fichier"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: field:credit.statement.import,receivable_account_id:0
+msgid "Force Receivable/Payable Account"
+msgstr "Forcer le compte Client/Fournisseur"
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: help:account.statement.profile,import_type:0
+msgid ""
+"Choose here the method by which you want to import bank statement for this "
+msgstr ""
+"Choisissez la méthode d'import de relevé pour ce profil."
+#. module: account_statement_base_import
+#: view:credit.statement.import:0
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annulation"

=== added directory 'account_statement_ext/i18n'
=== added file 'account_statement_ext/i18n/fr.po'
--- account_statement_ext/i18n/fr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_statement_ext/i18n/fr.po	2012-12-13 13:33:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_statement_ext.action_treasury_statement_profile_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_statement_ext.menu_treasury_statement_profile_tree
+msgid "Bank Statements Profile"
+msgstr "Profil de relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:423
+#, python-format
+msgid "Can not determine account"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le compte"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: constraint:account.move:0
+msgid "You can not create more than one move per period on centralized journal"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous ne pouvez pas crer plus d'un mouvement par période dans un journal "
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: view:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "Import statement"
+msgstr "Importation du relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,bank_statement_prefix:0
+msgid "Bank Statement Prefix"
+msgstr "Préfix du No de Relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.bank.statement,profile_id:0
+msgid "Profil"
+msgstr "Profile"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:362
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please verify that an account is defined in the journal."
+msgstr "Veuillez vérifier que ce compte est défini au niveau du journal."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:361
+#, python-format
+msgid "Configuration Error !"
+msgstr "Erreur de configuration !"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,receivable_account_id:0
+msgid "Force Receivable/Payable Account"
+msgstr "Remplacer le compte client/fournisseur par defaut par "
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,commission_account_id:0
+msgid "Commission account"
+msgstr "Compte de commission"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,credit_partner_id:0
+msgid "Financial Partner"
+msgstr "Banque ou Organisme financier"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:307
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error !"
+msgstr "Erreur !"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,partner_id:0
+msgid "Bank/Payment Office partner"
+msgstr "Banque ou Organisme financier"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:373
+#, python-format
+msgid "The account entries lines are not in valid state."
+msgstr "Les écritures comptables ne sont pas équilibrées."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: constraint:account.statement.profile:0
+msgid "You need to put a partner if you tic the 'Force partner on bank move' !"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devez choisir un pertenaire si vous cochez 'Remplacer le compte client/fournisseur' !"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: help:account.statement.profile,force_partner_on_bank:0
+msgid ""
+"Tic that box if you want to use the credit insitute "
+"partner                                                    in the "
+"counterpart of the intermediat/banking move."
+msgstr ""
+"Cochez cette case si vous voulez utiliser le partenaire fiancier dans" 
+"la contrepartie de l'écriture."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: report:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.mako:20
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:308
+#, python-format
+msgid "Journal item \"%s\" is not valid."
+msgstr "L'écriture \"%s\" n'est pas équilibrée."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:424
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please ensure that minimal properties are set"
+msgstr "Veuillez vérifiez que les propriétés miminales sont bien paramétrées"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Balance Check"
+msgstr "Controle sur Solde final"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Détails du profile"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_ext.model_account_statement_profile
+msgid "Statement Profil"
+msgstr "Profile du relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,name:0
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,commission_analytic_id:0
+msgid "Commission analytic account"
+msgstr "Compte analytique affecter la Commission"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: constraint:account.move:0
+msgid "The date of your Journal Entry is not in the defined period!"
+msgstr "La date de l'écriture n'est pas dans la période définie!"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: help:account.statement.profile,balance_check:0
+msgid ""
+"Tic that box if you want OpenERP to control the start/"
+"end                                                     balance before "
+"confirming a bank statement. If don't ticked, "
+"no                                                     balance control will "
+"be done."
+msgstr ""
+"Cochez cette case si vous voulez qu'OpenERP fasse "
+"une vérification au niveau du solde final avant confirmation."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.py:40
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.py:48
+#, python-format
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:400
+#, python-format
+msgid "Statement %s is confirmed, journal items are created."
+msgstr "Le releve %s est confirmé, les écritires comptables ont été générées."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: report:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.mako:37
+msgid "Montant"
+msgstr "Montant"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:394
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erreur"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: help:account.statement.profile,partner_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Put a partner if you want to have it on the commission "
+"move                                       (and optionaly on the counterpart "
+"of the intermediate/banking move                                       if "
+"you tic the corresponding checkbox)."
+msgstr ""
+"Selectionnez un partenaire si vous voulez l'avoir dans l'écriture comptable"
+"au niveau de la commision (et du compte de trésorerie selon les cas si vous cochez"
+"la case 'Indiquer un partenaire sur la ligne d'écriture de la banque ou organisme')."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: constraint:account.bank.statement.line:0
+msgid ""
+"The amount of the voucher must be the same amount as the one on the "
+"statement line"
+msgstr ""
+"Le montant du justificatif doit tre identique  celui de la ligne le "
+"concernant sur le relevé"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid "Page"
+msgstr "Page"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_check:0
+#: field:account.statement.profile,balance_check:0
+msgid "Balance check"
+msgstr "Activation controle du solde final"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_ext.model_account_bank_statement_line
+msgid "Bank Statement Line"
+msgstr "Ligne de relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_ext.model_account_move
+msgid "Account Entry"
+msgstr "Ecriture comptable"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,force_partner_on_bank:0
+msgid "Force partner on bank move"
+msgstr "Indiquer un partenaire sur la ligne d'écriture de la banque"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: report:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.mako:33
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr "Réference"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Analytic Journal !"
+msgstr "Pas de journal analytique trouvé !"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid "of"
+msgstr "de"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,bank_statement_ids:0
+msgid "Bank Statement Imported"
+msgstr "Relevé importé"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,period_id:0
+msgid "Period"
+msgstr "Periode"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: constraint:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "The journal and period chosen have to belong to the same company."
+msgstr "Le journal et la période doivent appartenir la même société."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account_statement_ext.report_bank_statement_webkit
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_statement_ext.model_account_bank_statement
+msgid "Bank Statement"
+msgstr "Relevé bancaire"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: report:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.mako:35
+msgid "Partenaire"
+msgstr "Partenaire"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: help:account.statement.profile,receivable_account_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Choose a receivable account to force the "
+"default                                                        debit/credit "
+"account (eg. an intermediat bank account instead "
+"of                                                        default debitors)."
+msgstr ""
+"Selectionnez un compte de type client ou fournisseur afin de remplacer "
+"le compte client ou fournisseur par default"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: code:addons/account_statement_ext/statement.py:381
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have to assign an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
+msgstr "Vous devez associer un journal analytique au journal comptable '%s'."
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_statement_ext.act_bank_statement_from_profile
+msgid "Open Statements"
+msgstr "Relevés ouverts"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: field:account.statement.profile,journal_id:0
+msgid "Financial journal to use for transaction"
+msgstr "Journal à utiliser pour cette écriture"
+#. module: account_statement_ext
+#: report:addons/account_statement_ext/report/bank_statement_report.mako:19
+msgid "Bordereau"
+msgstr "Bordereau"

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