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[Merge] lp:~therp-nl/banking-addons/ba7.0-MIG-payment into lp:banking-addons/banking-addons-70


Stefan Rijnhart (Therp) has proposed merging lp:~therp-nl/banking-addons/ba7.0-MIG-payment into lp:banking-addons/banking-addons-70 with lp:~therp-nl/banking-addons/ba7.0-MIG-import as a prerequisite.

Commit message:
[MRG] Migration of payment modules

Requested reviews:
  Banking Addons Core Editors (banking-addons-team)

For more details, see:

- Apply invoice integration of debit orders also to payment orders
- Allow for manual reconciliation of payment and debit orders
- Update payment order workflow so as to allow for unreconciliation
- Consistency in usage of cr and uid variable names
- Adapt to API changes
- Removed obsolete workaround for old bugs in OpenERP server
- Remove unused code paths

For migrations from 6.1, I am still considering how to provide an upgrade path that migrates payment order workflow instances in activity 'sent' to the new 'sent_wait' state.
Your team Banking Addons Core Editors is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~therp-nl/banking-addons/ba7.0-MIG-payment into lp:banking-addons/banking-addons-70.
=== modified file 'account_banking/account_banking.py'
--- account_banking/account_banking.py	2013-04-29 09:17:46 +0000
+++ account_banking/account_banking.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
     _defaults = {
         'date': fields.date.context_today,
-        'user_id': lambda self, cursor, uid, context: uid,
+        'user_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: uid,
@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@
-    def _get_period(self, cursor, uid, date, context=None):
+    def _get_period(self, cr, uid, date, context=None):
         Find matching period for date, not meant for _defaults.
         period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
-        periods = period_obj.find(cursor, uid, dt=date, context=context)
+        periods = period_obj.find(cr, uid, dt=date, context=context)
         return periods and periods[0] or False
     def _prepare_move(
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
             # Write stored reconcile_id and pay invoices through workflow 
             if st_line.reconcile_id:
                 move_ids = [move.id for move in st_line.move_ids]
-                torec = account_move_obj.search(
+                torec = account_move_line_obj.search(
                     cr, uid, [
                         ('move_id', 'in', move_ids),
                         ('account_id', '=', st_line.account_id.id)],
@@ -467,12 +467,12 @@
     _inherit = 'account.bank.statement.line'
     _description = 'Bank Transaction'
-    def _get_period(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+    def _get_period(self, cr, uid, context=None):
         date = context.get('date', None)
-        periods = self.pool.get('account.period').find(cursor, user, dt=date)
+        periods = self.pool.get('account.period').find(cr, uid, dt=date)
         return periods and periods[0] or False
-    def _get_currency(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+    def _get_currency(self, cr, uid, context=None):
         Get the default currency (required to allow other modules to function,
         which assume currency to be a calculated field and thus optional)
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
         which is inaccessible from within this method.
         res_users_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
-        return res_users_obj.browse(cursor, user, user,
+        return res_users_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid,
     def _get_invoice_id(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
         iban = sepa.IBAN(acc_number)
         return (str(iban), iban.localized_BBAN)
-    def create(self, cursor, uid, vals, context=None):
+    def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
         Create dual function IBAN account for SEPA countries
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
                     or vals.get('acc_number_domestic', False))
             vals['acc_number'], vals['acc_number_domestic'] = (
-        return self._founder.create(self, cursor, uid, vals, context)
+        return self._founder.create(self, cr, uid, vals, context)
     def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
             self._founder.write(self, cr, uid, account['id'], vals, context)
         return True
-    def search(self, cursor, uid, args, *rest, **kwargs):
+    def search(self, cr, uid, args, *rest, **kwargs):
         Overwrite search, as both acc_number and iban now can be filled, so
         the original base_iban 'search and search again fuzzy' tactic now can
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
         # Original search
         results = super(res_partner_bank, self).search(
-            cursor, uid, newargs, *rest, **kwargs)
+            cr, uid, newargs, *rest, **kwargs)
         return results
     def read(
@@ -721,23 +721,23 @@
             return records
         return records[0]
-    def check_iban(self, cursor, uid, ids):
+    def check_iban(self, cr, uid, ids):
         Check IBAN number
-        for bank_acc in self.browse(cursor, uid, ids):
+        for bank_acc in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
             if bank_acc.state == 'iban' and bank_acc.acc_number:
                 iban = sepa.IBAN(bank_acc.acc_number)
                 if not iban.valid:
                     return False
         return True
-    def get_bban_from_iban(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None):
+    def get_bban_from_iban(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         Return the local bank account number aka BBAN from the IBAN.
         res = {}
-        for record in self.browse(cursor, uid, ids, context):
+        for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
             if not record.state == 'iban':
                 res[record.id] = False
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
     def onchange_domestic(
-        self, cursor, uid, ids, acc_number,
+        self, cr, uid, ids, acc_number,
         partner_id, country_id, context=None):
         Trigger to find IBAN. When found:
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
         # which can be overridden by the user.
         # 1. Use provided country_id (manually filled)
         if country_id:
-            country = country_obj.browse(cursor, uid, country_id)
+            country = country_obj.browse(cr, uid, country_id)
             country_ids = [country_id]
         # 2. Use country_id of found bank accounts
         # This can be usefull when there is no country set in the partners
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@
         # account itself before this method was triggered.
         elif ids and len(ids) == 1:
             partner_bank_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner.bank')
-            partner_bank_id = partner_bank_obj.browse(cursor, uid, ids[0])
+            partner_bank_id = partner_bank_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids[0])
             if partner_bank_id.country_id:
                 country = partner_bank_id.country_id
                 country_ids = [country.id]
@@ -804,12 +804,12 @@
         # bank account, hence the additional check.
         elif partner_id:
             partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
-            country = partner_obj.browse(cursor, uid, partner_id).country
+            country = partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, partner_id).country
             country_ids = country and [country.id] or []
         # 4. Without any of the above, take the country from the company of
         # the handling user
         if not country_ids:
-            user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cursor, uid, uid)
+            user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid)
             # Try user companies partner (user no longer has address in 6.1)
             if (user.company_id and
                   user.company_id.partner_id and
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@
         # Complete data with online database when available
         if country_ids:
             country = country_obj.browse(
-                cursor, uid, country_ids[0], context=context)
+                cr, uid, country_ids[0], context=context)
             values['country_id'] = country_ids[0]
         if country and country.code in sepa.IBAN.countries:
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@
                         values['acc_number'] = unicode(iban_acc)
                         values['state'] = 'iban'
                         bank_id, country_id = get_or_create_bank(
-                            self.pool, cursor, uid,
+                            self.pool, cr, uid,
                             info.bic or iban_acc.BIC_searchkey,
                             name = info.bank
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@
     _inherit = 'res.bank'
-    def onchange_bic(self, cursor, uid, ids, bic, name, context=None):
+    def onchange_bic(self, cr, uid, ids, bic, name, context=None):
         Trigger to auto complete other fields.
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
         if address and address.country_id:
             country_id = self.pool.get('res.country').search(
-                cursor, uid, [('code','=',address.country_id)]
+                cr, uid, [('code','=',address.country_id)]
             country_id = country_id and country_id[0] or False

=== modified file 'account_banking/account_banking_view.xml'
--- account_banking/account_banking_view.xml	2013-05-01 14:25:04 +0000
+++ account_banking/account_banking_view.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_banking_account_settings_form">
             <field name="name">account.banking.account.settings.form</field>
             <field name="model">account.banking.account.settings</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Default Import Settings for Bank Account">
                     <field name="company_id"
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_banking_account_settings_tree">
             <field name="name">account.banking.account.settings.tree</field>
             <field name="model">account.banking.account.settings</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <tree string="Default Import Settings for Bank Account">
                     <field name="company_id" />
@@ -99,7 +97,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_account_banking_imported_file_form">
             <field name="name">account.banking.imported.file.form</field>
             <field name="model">account.banking.imported.file</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Imported Bank Statements">
                     <notebook colspan="4">
@@ -124,7 +121,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_account_banking_imported_file_tree">
             <field name="name">account.banking.imported.file.tree</field>
             <field name="model">account.banking.imported.file</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <tree string="Imported Bank Statements Files" colors="red:state=='error';blue:state=='unfinished'">
                     <field name="company_id" />
@@ -182,7 +178,6 @@
             <field name="name">account.bank.statement.tree.banking</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_bank_statement_tree" />
             <field name="model">account.bank.statement</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <!-- Remove period from bank statement -->
                 <field name="period_id" position="replace">
@@ -197,7 +192,6 @@
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_bank_statement_form" />
             <field name="model">account.bank.statement</field>
             <field name="sequence" eval="60"/>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                     <page string="Transactions" position="after">
@@ -292,7 +286,6 @@
             <field name="name">res.partner.bank.form.banking-2</field>
             <field name="model">res.partner.bank</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_bank_form"/>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="priority" eval="24"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
@@ -311,7 +304,6 @@
             <field name="name">res.bank.form.banking-1</field>
             <field name="model">res.bank</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_res_bank_form"/>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <field name="bic" position="replace">
                     <field name="bic" on_change="onchange_bic(bic, name)"/>
@@ -322,7 +314,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_bank_statement_line_tree">
             <field name="name">Bank statement line tree view</field>
             <field name="model">account.bank.statement.line</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <tree string="Statement lines" colors="black:state == 'confirmed';darkmagenta:match_multi == True;crimson:duplicate == True;grey:state=='draft';">
                     <field name="sequence" readonly="1" invisible="1"/>

=== modified file 'account_banking/banking_import_transaction.py'
--- account_banking/banking_import_transaction.py	2013-06-03 09:39:56 +0000
+++ account_banking/banking_import_transaction.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
             return []
         digits = dp.get_precision('Account')(cr)[1]
-        amount = round(abs(trans.transferred_amount), digits)
+        amount = round(abs(trans.statement_line_id.amount), digits)
         # Make sure to be able to pinpoint our costs invoice for later
         # matching
         reference = '%s.%s: %s' % (trans.statement, trans.transaction, trans.reference)
@@ -233,10 +233,6 @@
         digits = dp.get_precision('Account')(cr)[1]
         partial = False
-        # Disabled splitting transactions for now
-        # TODO allow splitting in the interactive wizard
-        allow_splitting = False
         # Search invoice on partner
         if partner_ids:
             candidates = [
@@ -276,7 +272,7 @@
             candidates = [
                     x for x in move_lines 
                     if (is_zero(x.move_id, ((x.debit or 0.0) - (x.credit or 0.0)) -
-                                trans.transferred_amount)
+                                trans.statement_line_id.amount)
                         and convert.str2date(x.date, '%Y-%m-%d') <=
                         (convert.str2date(trans.execution_date, '%Y-%m-%d')  +
@@ -292,7 +288,7 @@
             # TODO: currency coercing
             best = [x for x in candidates
                     if (is_zero(x.move_id, ((x.debit or 0.0) - (x.credit or 0.0)) -
-                                trans.transferred_amount)
+                                trans.statement_line_id.amount)
                         and convert.str2date(x.date, '%Y-%m-%d') <=
                         (convert.str2date(trans.execution_date, '%Y-%m-%d') +
@@ -343,7 +339,7 @@
             trans2 = None
             if move_line and partial:
-                found = round(trans.transferred_amount, digits)
+                found = round(trans.statement_line_id.amount, digits)
                 if abs(expected) == abs(found):
                     partial = False
                     # Last partial payment will not flag invoice paid without
@@ -358,24 +354,6 @@
                 elif abs(expected) > abs(found):
                     # Partial payment, reuse invoice
                     _cache(move_line, expected - found)
-                elif abs(expected) < abs(found) and allow_splitting:
-                    # Possible combined payments, need to split transaction to
-                    # verify
-                    _cache(move_line)
-                    trans2 = self.copy(
-                    cr, uid, trans.id, 
-                    dict(
-                            transferred_amount = trans.transferred_amount - expected,
-                            transaction = trans.transaction + 'b',
-                            parent_id = trans.id,
-                            ), context=context)
-                    # update the current record
-                    self.write(cr, uid, trans.id, dict(
-                            transferred_amount = expected,
-                            transaction = trans.transaction + 'a',
-                            ), context)
-                    # rebrowse the current record after writing
-                    trans = self.browse(cr, uid, trans.id, context=context)
             if move_line:
                 account_ids = [
                     x.id for x in bank_account_ids 
@@ -712,7 +690,7 @@
             # due to float representation and rounding difficulties
             for trans in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
                 if self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-                    cr, uid, 
+                    cr, uid,
                     me['transferred_amount'] - trans.transferred_amount):
@@ -810,6 +788,12 @@
         return vals
+    def hook_match_payment(self, cr, uid, transaction, log, context=None):
+        """
+        To override in module 'account_banking_payment'
+        """
+        return False
     def match(self, cr, uid, ids, results=None, context=None):
         if not ids:
@@ -872,12 +856,6 @@
                 transaction = transactions[i]
-            if (transaction.statement_line_id and
-                transaction.statement_line_id.state == 'confirmed'):
-                raise orm.except_orm(
-                    _("Cannot perform match"),
-                    _("Cannot perform match on a confirmed transction"))
             if transaction.local_account in error_accounts:
                 results['trans_skipped_cnt'] += 1
                 if not injected:
@@ -962,6 +940,44 @@
                     info[transaction.local_account][currency_code] = account_info
+            # Link accounting period
+            period_id = banktools.get_period(
+                self.pool, cr, uid, transaction.effective_date,
+                company, results['log'])
+            if not period_id:
+                results['trans_skipped_cnt'] += 1
+                if not injected:
+                    i += 1
+                continue
+            if transaction.statement_line_id:
+                if transaction.statement_line_id.state == 'confirmed':
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
+                        _("Cannot perform match"),
+                        _("Cannot perform match on a confirmed transction"))
+            else:
+                values = {
+                    'name': '%s.%s' % (transaction.statement, transaction.transaction),
+                    'date': transaction.effective_date,
+                    'amount': transaction.transferred_amount,
+                    'statement_id': transaction.statement_id.id,
+                    'note': transaction.message,
+                    'ref': transaction.reference,
+                    'period_id': period_id,
+                    'currency': account_info.currency_id.id,
+                    'import_transaction_id': transaction.id,
+                    'account_id': (
+                        transaction.transferred_amount < 0 and
+                        account_info.default_credit_account_id.id or
+                        account_info.default_debit_account_id.id),
+                    }
+                statement_line_id = statement_line_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context)
+                results['trans_loaded_cnt'] += 1
+                transaction.write({'statement_line_id': statement_line_id})
+                transaction.refresh()
+                if transaction.statement_id.id not in imported_statement_ids:
+                    imported_statement_ids.append(transaction.statement_id.id)
             # Final check: no coercion of currencies!
             if transaction.local_currency \
                and account_info.currency_id.name != transaction.local_currency:
@@ -971,8 +987,8 @@
                       ' uses different currency than the defined bank journal.'
                      ) % {
                          'bank_account': transactions.local_account,
-                         'transaction_id': transaction.statement,
-                         'statement_id': transaction.transaction,
+                         'statement_id': transaction.statement,
+                         'transaction_id': transaction.transaction,
                 error_accounts[transaction.local_account] = True
@@ -981,16 +997,6 @@
                     i += 1
-            # Link accounting period
-            period_id = banktools.get_period(
-                self.pool, cr, uid, transaction.effective_date,
-                company, results['log'])
-            if not period_id:
-                results['trans_skipped_cnt'] += 1
-                if not injected:
-                    i += 1
-                continue
             # When bank costs are part of transaction itself, split it.
             if transaction.type != bt.BANK_COSTS and transaction.provision_costs:
                 # Create new transaction for bank costs
@@ -1022,13 +1028,12 @@
                         ), context=context)
                 # rebrowse the current record after writing
                 transaction = self.browse(cr, uid, transaction.id, context=context)
-            # Match full direct debit orders
-            if transaction.type == bt.DIRECT_DEBIT and has_payment:
-                move_info = self._match_debit_order(
-                    cr, uid, transaction, results['log'], context)
-            if transaction.type == bt.STORNO and has_payment:
-                move_info = self._match_storno(
-                    cr, uid, transaction, results['log'], context)
+            # Match payment and direct debit orders
+            move_info_payment = self.hook_match_payment(
+                cr, uid, transaction, results['log'], context=context)
+            if move_info_payment:
+                move_info = move_info_payment
             # Allow inclusion of generated bank invoices
             if transaction.type == bt.BANK_COSTS:
@@ -1075,7 +1080,7 @@
             # Credit means payment... isn't it?
             if (not move_info
-                and transaction.transferred_amount < 0 and payment_lines):
+                and transaction.statement_line_id.amount < 0 and payment_lines):
                 # Link open payment - if any
                 # Note that _match_payment is defined in the
                 # account_banking_payment module which should be installed
@@ -1106,7 +1111,7 @@
                 # settings to overrule this. Note that you need to change
                 # the internal type of these accounts to either 'payable'
                 # or 'receivable' to enable usage like this.
-                if transaction.transferred_amount < 0:
+                if transaction.statement_line_id.amount < 0:
                     if len(partner_banks) == 1:
                         account_id = (
                             partner_banks[0].partner_id.property_account_payable and
@@ -1122,7 +1127,7 @@
                     if len(partner_banks) != 1 or not account_id or account_id == def_rec_account_id:
                         account_id = (account_info.default_debit_account_id and
-            values = {}
+            values = {'account_id': account_id}
             self_values = {}
             if move_info:
                 results['trans_matched_cnt'] += 1
@@ -1140,28 +1145,8 @@
                 len(partner_banks) == 1):
                 values['partner_bank_id'] = partner_banks[0].id
-            if not transaction.statement_line_id:
-                values.update(dict(
-                        name = '%s.%s' % (transaction.statement, transaction.transaction),
-                        date = transaction.effective_date,
-                        amount = transaction.transferred_amount,
-                        statement_id = transaction.statement_id.id,
-                        note = transaction.message,
-                        ref = transaction.reference,
-                        period_id = period_id,
-                        currency = account_info.currency_id.id,
-                        account_id = account_id,
-                        import_transaction_id = transaction.id,
-                        ))
-                statement_line_id = statement_line_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context)
-                results['trans_loaded_cnt'] += 1
-                self_values['statement_line_id'] = statement_line_id
-                if transaction.statement_id.id not in imported_statement_ids:
-                    imported_statement_ids.append(transaction.statement_id.id)
-            else:
-                statement_line_obj.write(
-                    cr, uid, transaction.statement_line_id.id, values, context)
+            statement_line_obj.write(
+                cr, uid, transaction.statement_line_id.id, values, context)
             self.write(cr, uid, transaction.id, self_values, context)
             if not injected:
                 i += 1
@@ -1350,9 +1335,16 @@
         'parent_id': fields.many2one(
             'banking.import.transaction', 'Split off from this transaction'),
         # match fields
-        'match_type': fields.selection(
-            [('manual', 'Manual'), ('move','Move'), ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
-             ], 'Match type'),
+        'match_type': fields.selection([
+                ('move','Move'),
+                ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
+                ('payment', 'Payment line'),
+                ('payment_order', 'Payment order'),
+                ('storno', 'Storno'),
+                ('manual', 'Manual'),
+                ('payment_manual', 'Payment line (manual)'),
+                ('payment_order_manual', 'Payment order (manual)'),
+                ], 'Match type'),
         'match_multi': fields.function(
             _get_match_multi, method=True, string='Multi match',
@@ -1439,9 +1431,16 @@
             string='Possible duplicate import', readonly=True),
         'match_type': fields.related(
             'import_transaction_id', 'match_type', type='selection',
-            selection=[('manual', 'Manual'), ('move','Move'),
-                       ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
-                       ], 
+            selection=[
+                ('move','Move'),
+                ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
+                ('payment', 'Payment line'),
+                ('payment_order', 'Payment order'),
+                ('storno', 'Storno'),
+                ('manual', 'Manual'),
+                ('payment_manual', 'Payment line (manual)'),
+                ('payment_order_manual', 'Payment order (manual)'),
+                ], 
             string='Match type', readonly=True,),
         'state': fields.selection(
             [('draft', 'Draft'), ('confirmed', 'Confirmed')], 'State',
@@ -1751,14 +1750,14 @@
 class account_bank_statement(orm.Model):
     _inherit = 'account.bank.statement'
-    def _end_balance(self, cursor, user, ids, name, attr, context=None):
+    def _end_balance(self, cr, uid, ids, name, attr, context=None):
         This method taken from account/account_bank_statement.py and
         altered to take the statement line subflow into account
         res = {}
-        statements = self.browse(cursor, user, ids, context=context)
+        statements = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
         for statement in statements:
             res[statement.id] = statement.balance_start

=== modified file 'account_banking/wizard/bank_import.py'
--- account_banking/wizard/bank_import.py	2013-04-27 10:14:24 +0000
+++ account_banking/wizard/bank_import.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 The parsing is done in the parser modules. Every parser module is required to
 use parser.models as a mean of communication with the business logic.
-from osv import orm, fields
 import base64
 import datetime
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
 from openerp.tools.translate import _
 from openerp.addons.account_banking.parsers import models
 from openerp.addons.account_banking.parsers import convert
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
 class banking_import(orm.TransientModel):
     _name = 'account.banking.bank.import'
-    def import_statements_file(self, cursor, uid, ids, context):
+    def import_statements_file(self, cr, uid, ids, context):
         Import bank statements / bank transactions file.
         This method is a wrapper for the business logic on the transaction.
         The parser modules represent the decoding logic.
-        banking_import = self.browse(cursor, uid, ids, context)[0]
+        banking_import = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)[0]
         statements_file = banking_import.file
         data = base64.decodestring(statements_file)
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
         # Get the company
         company = (banking_import.company or
-                   user_obj.browse(cursor, uid, uid, context).company_id)
+                   user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context).company_id)
         # Parse the file
-        statements = parser.parse(cursor, data)
+        statements = parser.parse(cr, data)
         if any([x for x in statements if not x.is_valid()]):
             raise orm.except_orm(
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
         # Create the file now, as the statements need to be linked to it
-        import_id = statement_file_obj.create(cursor, uid, dict(
+        import_id = statement_file_obj.create(cr, uid, dict(
             company_id = company.id,
             file = statements_file,
             state = 'unfinished',
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
                 # Pull account info/currency
                 account_info = banktools.get_company_bank_account(
-                    self.pool, cursor, uid, statement.local_account,
+                    self.pool, cr, uid, statement.local_account,
                     statement.local_currency, company, results.log
                 if not account_info:
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
             # (e.g. a datetime string of the moment of import)
             # and have potential duplicates flagged by the 
             # matching procedure
-            statement_ids = statement_obj.search(cursor, uid, [
+            statement_ids = statement_obj.search(cr, uid, [
                 ('name', '=', statement.id),
                 ('date', '=', convert.date2str(statement.date)),
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
             # Get the period for the statement (as bank statement object checks this)
             period_ids = period_obj.search(
-                cursor, uid, [
+                cr, uid, [
                     ('company_id', '=', company.id),
                     ('date_start', '<=', statement.date),
                     ('date_stop', '>=', statement.date),
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
             # Create the bank statement record
-            statement_id = statement_obj.create(cursor, uid, dict(
+            statement_id = statement_obj.create(cr, uid, dict(
                 name = statement.id,
                 journal_id = account_info.journal_id.id,
                 date = convert.date2str(statement.date),
@@ -302,21 +302,21 @@
                 values['local_currency'] = statement.local_currency
                 transaction_id = import_transaction_obj.create(
-                    cursor, uid, values, context=context)
+                    cr, uid, values, context=context)
             results.stat_loaded_cnt += 1
-        import_transaction_obj.match(cursor, uid, transaction_ids, results=results, context=context)
+        import_transaction_obj.match(cr, uid, transaction_ids, results=results, context=context)
         #recompute statement end_balance for validation
-            cursor, uid, imported_statement_ids, context=context)
+            cr, uid, imported_statement_ids, context=context)
             # Original code. Didn't take workflow logistics into account...
-            #cursor.execute(
+            #cr.execute(
             #    "UPDATE payment_order o "
             #    "SET state = 'done', "
             #        "date_done = '%s' "
@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@
         text_log = '\n'.join(report + results.log)
         state = results.error_cnt and 'error' or 'ready'
-        statement_file_obj.write(cursor, uid, import_id, dict(
+        statement_file_obj.write(cr, uid, import_id, dict(
             state = state, log = text_log,
             ), context)
         if not imported_statement_ids or not results.trans_loaded_cnt:
             # file state can be 'ready' while import state is 'error'
             state = 'error'
-        self.write(cursor, uid, [ids[0]], dict(
+        self.write(cr, uid, [ids[0]], dict(
                 import_id = import_id, log = text_log, state = state,
                 statement_ids = [(6, 0, imported_statement_ids)],
                 ), context)

=== modified file 'account_banking/wizard/bank_import_view.xml'
--- account_banking/wizard/bank_import_view.xml	2012-05-02 15:09:49 +0000
+++ account_banking/wizard/bank_import_view.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
         <record id="view_banking_import" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">account.banking.bank.import</field>
             <field name="model">account.banking.bank.import</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
 		<form string="Import Bank Transactions File">
 		    <group colspan="4" states="init,ready,error">

=== modified file 'account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.py'
--- account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.py	2013-05-01 14:25:04 +0000
+++ account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -90,9 +90,11 @@
         statement_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.bank.statement.line')
         transaction_obj = self.pool.get('banking.import.transaction')
-        if not vals:
+        if not vals or not ids:
             return True
+        wiz = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
         # The following fields get never written
         # they are just triggers for manual matching
         # which populates regular fields on the transaction
@@ -101,47 +103,22 @@
         manual_invoice_ids = vals.pop('manual_invoice_ids', [])
         manual_move_line_ids = vals.pop('manual_move_line_ids', [])
-        # Support for writing fields.related is still flakey:
-        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-server/+bug/915975
-        # Will do so myself.
-        # Separate the related fields
-        transaction_vals = {}
-        wizard_vals = vals.copy()
-        for key in vals.keys():
-            field = self._columns[key]
-            if (isinstance(field, fields.related) and
-                field._arg[0] == 'import_transaction_id'):
-                transaction_vals[field._arg[1]] = vals[key]
-                del wizard_vals[key]
-        # write the related fields on the transaction model
-        if isinstance(ids, int):
-            ids = [ids]
-        for wizard in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-            if wizard.import_transaction_id:
-                transaction_obj.write(
-                    cr, uid, wizard.import_transaction_id.id,
-                    transaction_vals, context=context)
-        # write other fields to the wizard model
         res = super(banking_transaction_wizard, self).write(
-            cr, uid, ids, wizard_vals, context=context)
+            cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
+        wiz.refresh()
-        # End of workaround for lp:915975
-        """ Process the logic of the written values """
+        # Process the logic of the written values
         # An invoice is selected from multiple candidates
         if vals and 'invoice_id' in vals:
-            for wiz in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-                if (wiz.import_transaction_id.match_type == 'invoice' and
+            if (wiz.import_transaction_id.match_type == 'invoice' and
-                    # the current value might apply
-                    if (wiz.move_line_id and wiz.move_line_id.invoice and
-                        wiz.move_line_id.invoice.id == wiz.invoice_id.id):
-                        found = True
-                        continue
+                found = False
+                # the current value might apply
+                if (wiz.move_line_id and wiz.move_line_id.invoice and
+                        wiz.move_line_id.invoice == wiz.invoice_id):
+                    found = True
+                else:
                     # Otherwise, retrieve the move line for this invoice
                     # Given the arity of the relation, there is are always
                     # multiple possibilities but the move lines here are
@@ -149,8 +126,8 @@
                     # and the regular invoice workflow should only come up with 
                     # one of those only.
                     for move_line in wiz.import_transaction_id.move_line_ids:
-                        if (move_line.invoice.id ==
-                            wiz.import_transaction_id.invoice_id.id):
+                        if (move_line.invoice ==
+                                wiz.import_transaction_id.invoice_id):
                                 cr, uid, wiz.import_transaction_id.id,
                                 { 'move_line_id': move_line.id, }, context=context)
@@ -161,15 +138,12 @@
                                   }, context=context)
                             found = True
-                    # Cannot match the invoice 
-                    if not found:
-                        # transaction_obj.write(
-                        #   cr, uid, wiz.import_transaction_id.id,
-                        #   { 'invoice_id': False, }, context=context)
-                        orm.except_orm(
-                            _("No entry found for the selected invoice"),
-                            _("No entry found for the selected invoice. " +
-                              "Try manual reconciliation."))
+                # Cannot match the invoice 
+                if not found:
+                    orm.except_orm(
+                        _("No entry found for the selected invoice"),
+                        _("No entry found for the selected invoice. " +
+                          "Try manual reconciliation."))
         if manual_move_line_id or manual_invoice_id \
                 or manual_move_line_ids or manual_invoice_ids:
@@ -320,24 +294,9 @@
                 {'duplicate': not wiz['duplicate']}, context=context)
         return self.create_act_window(cr, uid, ids, context=None)
-    def _get_default_match_type(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        """
-        Take initial value for the match type from the statement line
-        """
-        res = False
-        if context and 'statement_line_id' in context:
-            res = self.pool.get('account.bank.statement.line').read(
-                cr, uid, context['statement_line_id'],
-                ['match_type'], context=context)['match_type']
-        return res
     def button_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}        
-    _defaults = {
-#        'match_type': _get_default_match_type,
-        }
     _columns = {
         'name': fields.char('Name', size=64),
         'statement_line_id': fields.many2one(
@@ -389,8 +348,18 @@
             'import_transaction_id', 'match_multi', 
             type="boolean", string='Multiple matches'),
         'match_type': fields.related(
-            'import_transaction_id', 'match_type', 
-            type="char", size=16, string='Match type', readonly=True),
+            'import_transaction_id', 'match_type', type='selection',
+            selection=[
+                ('move','Move'),
+                ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
+                ('payment', 'Payment line'),
+                ('payment_order', 'Payment order'),
+                ('storno', 'Storno'),
+                ('manual', 'Manual'),
+                ('payment_manual', 'Payment line (manual)'),
+                ('payment_order_manual', 'Payment order (manual)'),
+                ], 
+            string='Match type', readonly=True),
         'manual_invoice_id': fields.many2one(
             'account.invoice', 'Match this invoice',
             domain=[('reconciled', '=', False)]),
@@ -421,8 +390,6 @@
             string="Analytic Account"),
         'move_currency_amount': fields.related('import_transaction_id','move_currency_amount',
             type='float', string='Match Currency Amount', readonly=True),
-        #'manual_payment_order_id': fields.many2one(
-        #    'payment.order', "Payment order to reconcile"),

=== modified file 'account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.xml'
--- account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.xml	2013-04-24 14:36:15 +0000
+++ account_banking/wizard/banking_transaction_wizard.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="transaction_wizard_first">
             <field name="name">transaction.wizard.first</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="model">banking.transaction.wizard</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Match transaction">

=== modified file 'account_banking/wizard/banktools.py'
--- account_banking/wizard/banktools.py	2013-05-01 14:25:04 +0000
+++ account_banking/wizard/banktools.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
             return False
     return period_ids[0]
-def get_bank_accounts(pool, cursor, uid, account_number, log, fail=False):
+def get_bank_accounts(pool, cr, uid, account_number, log, fail=False):
     Get the bank account with account number account_number
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@
         return []
     partner_bank_obj = pool.get('res.partner.bank')
-    bank_account_ids = partner_bank_obj.search(cursor, uid, [
+    bank_account_ids = partner_bank_obj.search(cr, uid, [
         ('acc_number', '=', account_number)
     if not bank_account_ids:
         # SR 2012-02-19 does the search() override in res_partner_bank
         # provides this result on the previous query?
-        bank_account_ids = partner_bank_obj.search(cursor, uid, [
+        bank_account_ids = partner_bank_obj.search(cr, uid, [
             ('acc_number_domestic', '=', account_number)
     if not bank_account_ids:
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
                 % dict(account_no=account_number)
         return []
-    return partner_bank_obj.browse(cursor, uid, bank_account_ids)
+    return partner_bank_obj.browse(cr, uid, bank_account_ids)
 def _has_attr(obj, attr):
     # Needed for dangling addresses and a weird exception scheme in
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@
               'name %(name)s') % {'name': name})
     return partner_ids and partner_ids[0] or False
-def get_company_bank_account(pool, cursor, uid, account_number, currency,
+def get_company_bank_account(pool, cr, uid, account_number, currency,
                              company, log):
     Get the matching bank account for this company. Currency is the ISO code
     for the requested currency.
     results = struct()
-    bank_accounts = get_bank_accounts(pool, cursor, uid, account_number, log,
+    bank_accounts = get_bank_accounts(pool, cr, uid, account_number, log,
     if not bank_accounts:
         return False
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
     # Find matching journal for currency
     journal_obj = pool.get('account.journal')
-    journal_ids = journal_obj.search(cursor, uid, [
+    journal_ids = journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [
         ('type', '=', 'bank'),
         ('currency.name', '=', currency or company.currency_id.name)
     if currency == company.currency_id.name:
-        journal_ids_no_curr = journal_obj.search(cursor, uid, [
+        journal_ids_no_curr = journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [
             ('type', '=', 'bank'), ('currency', '=', False)
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
         criteria.append(('journal_id', 'in', journal_ids))
     # Find bank account settings
-    bank_settings_ids = bank_settings_obj.search(cursor, uid, criteria)
+    bank_settings_ids = bank_settings_obj.search(cr, uid, criteria)
     if bank_settings_ids:
-        settings = bank_settings_obj.browse(cursor, uid, bank_settings_ids)[0]
+        settings = bank_settings_obj.browse(cr, uid, bank_settings_ids)[0]
         results.company_id = company
         results.journal_id = settings.journal_id
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
     return results
-def get_or_create_bank(pool, cursor, uid, bic, online=False, code=None,
+def get_or_create_bank(pool, cr, uid, bic, online=False, code=None,
     Find or create the bank with the provided BIC code.
@@ -208,27 +208,27 @@
     if len(bic) < 8:
         # search key
         bank_ids = bank_obj.search(
-            cursor, uid, [
+            cr, uid, [
                 ('bic', '=', bic[:6])
         if not bank_ids:
             bank_ids = bank_obj.search(
-                cursor, uid, [
+                cr, uid, [
                     ('bic', 'ilike', bic + '%')
         bank_ids = bank_obj.search(
-            cursor, uid, [
+            cr, uid, [
                 ('bic', '=', bic)
     if bank_ids and len(bank_ids) == 1:
-        banks = bank_obj.browse(cursor, uid, bank_ids)
+        banks = bank_obj.browse(cr, uid, bank_ids)
         return banks[0].id, banks[0].country.id
     country_obj = pool.get('res.country')
     country_ids = country_obj.search(
-        cursor, uid, [('code', '=', bic[4:6])]
+        cr, uid, [('code', '=', bic[4:6])]
     country_id = country_ids and country_ids[0] or False
     bank_id = False
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
     if online:
         info, address = sepa.online.bank_info(bic)
         if info:
-            bank_id = bank_obj.create(cursor, uid, dict(
+            bank_id = bank_obj.create(cr, uid, dict(
                 code = info.code,
                 name = info.name,
                 street = address.street,
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
         info = struct(name=name, code=code)
     if not online or not bank_id:
-        bank_id = bank_obj.create(cursor, uid, dict(
+        bank_id = bank_obj.create(cr, uid, dict(
             code = info.code or 'UNKNOW',
             name = info.name or _('Unknown Bank'),
             country = country_id,

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_clieop/__openerp__.py'
--- account_banking_nl_clieop/__openerp__.py	2013-04-15 14:14:27 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_clieop/__openerp__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@
     ClieOp format is used by Dutch banks to batch national bank transfers.
     This module uses the account_banking logic.
-    'installable': False,
+    'installable': True,

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.py'
--- account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.py	2013-04-15 13:59:50 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #    Copyright (C) 2009 EduSense BV (<http://www.edusense.nl>).
+#              (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
 #    All Rights Reserved
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -18,11 +19,12 @@
-from osv import osv, fields
 from datetime import date
-from tools.translate import _
-class clieop_export(osv.osv):
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
+class clieop_export(orm.Model):
     '''ClieOp3 Export'''
     _name = 'banking.export.clieop'
     _description = __doc__
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@
         last = 1
         last_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [
                 ('date_generated', '=', 
-                 fields.date.context_today(cr,uid,context))
+                 fields.date.context_today(self, cr,uid,context))
                 ], context=context)
         if last_ids:
             last = 1 + max([x['daynumber'] for x in self.read(
@@ -94,6 +96,3 @@
         'state': 'draft',
         'daynumber': get_daynr,
-# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.xml'
--- account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.xml	2013-01-02 15:14:53 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_clieop/account_banking_nl_clieop.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
         <record id="view_banking_export_clieop_form" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">account.banking.export.clieop.form</field>
             <field name="model">banking.export.clieop</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Client Opdrachten Export">
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
         <record id="view_banking_export_clieop_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">account.banking.export.clieop.tree</field>
             <field name="model">banking.export.clieop</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <tree string="Client Opdrachten Export">
                     <field name="filetype" />

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop.py'
--- account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop.py	2013-04-15 13:59:50 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #    Copyright (C) 2009 EduSense BV (<http://www.edusense.nl>).
+#                  2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
 #    All Rights Reserved
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -21,21 +22,22 @@
 import base64
 from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
-from osv import osv, fields
-from tools.translate import _
-import netsvc
-from account_banking import sepa
-import clieop
-def strpdate(arg, format='%Y-%m-%d'):
-    '''shortcut'''
-    return datetime.strptime(arg, format).date()
-def strfdate(arg, format='%Y-%m-%d'):
-    '''shortcut'''
-    return arg.strftime(format)
-class banking_export_clieop_wizard(osv.osv_memory):
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
+from openerp import netsvc
+from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT
+from openerp.addons.account_banking import sepa
+from openerp.addons.account_banking_nl_clieop.wizard import clieop
+def strpdate(arg):
+    '''shortcut'''
+    return datetime.strptime(arg, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT).date()
+def strfdate(arg):
+    '''shortcut'''
+    return arg.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
+class banking_export_clieop_wizard(orm.TransientModel):
     _name = 'banking.export.clieop.wizard'
     _description = 'Client Opdrachten Export'
     _columns = {
@@ -151,21 +153,17 @@
-    _defaults = {
-        'test': True,
-        }
-    def create(self, cursor, uid, vals, context=None):
+    def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
         Retrieve a sane set of default values based on the payment orders
         from the context.
         if 'batchtype' not in vals:
-            self.check_orders(cursor, uid, vals, context)
+            self.check_orders(cr, uid, vals, context)
         return super(banking_export_clieop_wizard, self).create(
-            cursor, uid, vals, context)
+            cr, uid, vals, context)
-    def check_orders(self, cursor, uid, vals, context):
+    def check_orders(self, cr, uid, vals, context):
         Check payment type for all orders.
@@ -177,14 +175,14 @@
         Also mind that rates for batches are way higher than those for
         transactions. It pays to limit the number of batches.
-        today = date.today()
+        today = strpdate(fields.date.context_today(self, cr, uid, context=context))
         payment_order_obj = self.pool.get('payment.order')
         # Payment order ids are provided in the context
         payment_order_ids = context.get('active_ids', [])
         runs = {}
         # Only orders of same type can be combined
-        payment_orders = payment_order_obj.browse(cursor, uid, payment_order_ids)
+        payment_orders = payment_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, payment_order_ids)
         for payment_order in payment_orders:
             payment_type = payment_order.mode.type.code
@@ -194,8 +192,8 @@
                 runs[payment_type] = [payment_order]
             if payment_order.date_prefered == 'fixed':
-                if payment_order.date_planned:
-                    execution_date = strpdate(payment_order.date_planned)
+                if payment_order.date_scheduled:
+                    execution_date = strpdate(payment_order.date_scheduled)
                     execution_date = today
             elif payment_order.date_prefered == 'now':
@@ -212,12 +210,12 @@
                         execution_date = today
                 if execution_date and execution_date >= max_date:
-                    raise osv.except_osv(
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
                         _('You can\'t create ClieOp orders more than 30 days in advance.')
         if len(runs) != 1:
-            raise osv.except_osv(
+            raise orm.except_orm(
                 _('You can only combine payment orders of the same type')
@@ -231,12 +229,12 @@
             'state': 'create',
-    def create_clieop(self, cursor, uid, ids, context):
+    def create_clieop(self, cr, uid, ids, context):
         Wizard to actually create the ClieOp3 file
         payment_order_obj = self.pool.get('payment.order')
-        clieop_export = self.browse(cursor, uid, ids, context)[0]
+        clieop_export = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)[0]
         clieopfile = None
         for payment_order in clieop_export.payment_order_ids:
             if not clieopfile:
@@ -253,7 +251,7 @@
                     our_account_nr = payment_order.mode.bank_id.acc_number
                 if not our_account_nr:
-                    raise osv.except_osv(
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
                         _('Your bank account has to have a valid account number')
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@
                                  accountno_sender = our_account_nr,
                                  seqno = self.pool.get(
-                                     cursor, uid, context=context),
+                                     cr, uid, context=context),
                                  test = clieop_export['test']
@@ -291,7 +289,7 @@
             for line in payment_order.line_ids:
                 # Check on missing partner of bank account (this can happen!)
                 if not line.bank_id or not line.bank_id.partner_id:
-                    raise osv.except_osv(
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
                         _('There is insufficient information.\r\n'
                           'Both destination address and account '
@@ -314,7 +312,7 @@
                 # Is this an IBAN account?
                 if iban.valid:
                     if iban.countrycode != 'NL':
-                        raise osv.except_osv(
+                        raise orm.except_orm(
                             _('You cannot send international bank transfers '
                               'through ClieOp3!')
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
         # Generate the specifics of this clieopfile
         order = clieopfile.order
         file_id = self.pool.get('banking.export.clieop').create(
-            cursor, uid, dict(
+            cr, uid, dict(
                 filetype = order.name_transactioncode,
                 identification = order.identification,
                 prefered_date = strfdate(order.preferred_execution_date),
@@ -346,7 +344,7 @@
                     [6, 0, [x.id for x in clieop_export['payment_order_ids']]]
                     ), context)
-        self.write(cursor, uid, [ids[0]], dict(
+        self.write(cr, uid, [ids[0]], dict(
                 filetype = order.name_transactioncode,
                 testcode = order.testcode,
                 file_id = file_id,
@@ -364,31 +362,27 @@
             'res_id': ids[0] or False,
-    def cancel_clieop(self, cursor, uid, ids, context):
+    def cancel_clieop(self, cr, uid, ids, context):
         Cancel the ClieOp: just drop the file
-        clieop_export = self.read(cursor, uid, ids, ['file_id'], context)[0]
-        self.pool.get('banking.export.clieop').unlink(cursor, uid, clieop_export['file_id'][0])
+        clieop_export = self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['file_id'], context)[0]
+        self.pool.get('banking.export.clieop').unlink(cr, uid, clieop_export['file_id'][0])
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
-    def save_clieop(self, cursor, uid, ids, context):
+    def save_clieop(self, cr, uid, ids, context):
         Save the ClieOp: mark all payments in the file as 'sent', if not a test
         clieop_export = self.browse(
-            cursor, uid, ids, context)[0]
+            cr, uid, ids, context)[0]
         if not clieop_export['test']:
             clieop_obj = self.pool.get('banking.export.clieop')
             payment_order_obj = self.pool.get('payment.order')
             clieop_file = clieop_obj.write(
-                cursor, uid, clieop_export['file_id'].id, {'state': 'sent'}
+                cr, uid, clieop_export['file_id'].id, {'state': 'sent'}
             wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')
             for order in clieop_export['payment_order_ids']:
-                wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'payment.order', order.id, 'sent', cursor)
+                wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'payment.order', order.id, 'sent', cr)
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
-# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop_view.xml'
--- account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop_view.xml	2013-01-02 15:14:53 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_clieop/wizard/export_clieop_view.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
         <record id="banking_export_clieop_wizard_view" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">banking.export.clieop.wizard.view</field>
             <field name="model">banking.export.clieop.wizard</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Client Opdrachten Export">
                     <field name="state" invisible="True"/>

=== modified file 'account_banking_nl_girotel/girotel.py'
--- account_banking_nl_girotel/girotel.py	2013-04-15 13:59:50 +0000
+++ account_banking_nl_girotel/girotel.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 from account_banking.parsers import models
 from account_banking.parsers.convert import str2date, to_swift
 from tools.translate import _
+import re
 import csv
 bt = models.mem_bank_transaction
@@ -105,6 +106,13 @@
         self.date = str2date(self.date, '%Y%m%d')
         if self.direction == 'A':
             self.transferred_amount = -float(self.transferred_amount)
+            if (self.transfer_type == 'VZ'
+                    and (not self.remote_account or self.remote_account == '0')
+                    and (not self.message or re.match('^\s*$', self.message))
+                    and self.remote_owner.startswith('TOTAAL ')):
+                self.transfer_type = 'PB'
+                self.message = self.remote_owner
+                self.remove_owner = False
             self.transferred_amount = float(self.transferred_amount)
         self.local_account = self.local_account.zfill(10)
@@ -140,7 +148,8 @@
         'GT': bt.ORDER,
         'IC': bt.DIRECT_DEBIT,
         'OV': bt.ORDER,
-        'VZ': bt.PAYMENT_BATCH,
+        'VZ': bt.ORDER,
+        'PB': bt.PAYMENT_BATCH,
     def __init__(self, line, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -171,11 +180,14 @@
         4. Cash withdrawals from banks are too not seen as a transfer between
         two accounts - the cash exits the banking system. These withdrawals
         have their transfer_type set to 'GM'.
+        5. Aggregated payment batches. These transactions have transfer type
+        'VZ' natively but are changed to 'PB' while parsing. These transactions
+        have no remote account.
         return bool(self.transferred_amount and self.execution_date and (
                     self.remote_account or
                     self.transfer_type in [
-                        'DV', 'BT', 'BA', 'GM',
+                        'DV', 'PB', 'BT', 'BA', 'GM',
     def refold_message(self, message):

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/__openerp__.py'
--- account_banking_payment/__openerp__.py	2013-03-17 12:53:37 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/__openerp__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
     'data': [
+        'view/payment_mode.xml',
@@ -53,5 +54,5 @@
     'auto_install': True,
-    'installable': False,
+    'installable': True,

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/__init__.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/__init__.py	2013-03-16 19:00:59 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/__init__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import payment_mode_type
 import payment_order_create
 import banking_import_transaction
-import account_bank_statement_line
 import banking_transaction_wizard
 import bank_payment_manual
 import banking_import_line

=== removed file 'account_banking_payment/model/account_bank_statement_line.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/account_bank_statement_line.py	2013-03-17 09:10:15 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/account_bank_statement_line.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Copyright (C) 2009 EduSense BV (<http://www.edusense.nl>).
-#              (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
-#    All other contributions are (C) by their respective contributors
-#    All Rights Reserved
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from openerp.osv import orm, fields
-class account_bank_statement_line(orm.Model):
-    _inherit = 'account.bank.statement.line'
-    _columns = {
-        'match_type': fields.related(
-            # Add payment and storno types
-            'import_transaction_id', 'match_type', type='selection',
-            selection=[('manual', 'Manual'), ('move','Move'),
-                       ('invoice', 'Invoice'), ('payment', 'Payment'),
-                       ('payment_order', 'Payment order'),
-                       ('storno', 'Storno')], 
-            string='Match type', readonly=True,),
-        }

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/account_payment.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/account_payment.py	2013-04-06 05:02:18 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/account_payment.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
         'line_ids': fields.one2many(
             'payment.line', 'order_id', 'Payment lines',
+                'open': [('readonly', True)],
+                'cancel': [('readonly', True)],
                 'sent': [('readonly', True)],
                 'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
                 'done': [('readonly', True)]
@@ -172,32 +174,10 @@
         payment_line_obj.write(cr, uid, line_ids, kwargs)
-    def set_to_draft(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
-        '''
-        Set both self and payment lines to state 'draft'.
-        '''
-        self._write_payment_lines(cr, uid, ids, export_state='draft')
-        return super(payment_order, self).set_to_draft(
-            cr, uid, ids, *args
-        )
-    def action_sent(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        '''
-        Set both self and payment lines to state 'sent'.
-        '''
-        self._write_payment_lines(cr, uid, ids, export_state='sent')
-        self.write(cr, uid, ids, {
-                'state': 'sent',
-                'date_sent': fields.date.context_today(
-                    self, cr, uid, context=context),
-                }, context=context)
-        return True
     def action_rejected(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
         Set both self and payment lines to state 'rejected'.
-        self._write_payment_lines(cr, uid, ids, export_state='rejected')
         wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')
         for id in ids:
             wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'payment.order', id, 'rejected', cr)
@@ -209,32 +189,168 @@
             cr, uid, ids,
-            export_state='done',
             date_done=fields.date.context_today(self, cr, uid))
         return super(payment_order, self).set_done(
             cr, uid, ids, *args
-    """
-    Hooks for processing direct debit orders, such as implemented in
-    account_direct_debit module.
-    """
-    def debit_reconcile_transfer(
-        self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, amount, currency, context=None):
-        """
-        Reconcile the payment order if the amount is correct. Return the 
-        id of the reconciliation.
-        """
-        raise orm.except_orm(
-            _("Cannot reconcile"),
-            _("Cannot reconcile debit order: "+
-              "Not implemented."))
-    def debit_unreconcile_transfer(
-        self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, reconcile_id, amount, currency,
-        context=None):
-        """ Unreconcile the payment_order if at all possible """
-        raise orm.except_orm(
-            _("Cannot unreconcile"),
-            _("Cannot unreconcile debit order: "+
-              "Not implemented."))
+    def debit_reconcile_transfer(self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, 
+                                 amount, currency, context=None):
+        """
+        During import of bank statements, create the reconcile on the transfer
+        account containing all the open move lines on the transfer account.
+        """
+        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
+        order = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_order_id, context)
+        line_ids = []
+        reconcile_id = False
+        if not order.line_ids[0].transit_move_line_id:
+            wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')
+            wf_service.trg_validate(
+                uid, 'payment.order', payment_order_id, 'done', cr)
+            return False
+        for order_line in order.line_ids:
+            for line in order_line.transit_move_line_id.move_id.line_id:
+                if line.account_id.type == 'other' and not line.reconcile_id:
+                    line_ids.append(line.id)
+        if self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
+            cr, uid, currency,
+            move_line_obj.get_balance(cr, uid, line_ids) - amount):
+            reconcile_id = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').create(
+                cr, uid, 
+                {'type': 'auto', 'line_id': [(6, 0, line_ids)]},
+                context)
+            # set direct debit order to finished state
+            wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')
+            wf_service.trg_validate(
+                uid, 'payment.order', payment_order_id, 'done', cr)
+        return reconcile_id
+    def debit_unreconcile_transfer(self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, reconcile_id,
+                                 amount, currency, context=None):
+        """
+        Due to a cancelled bank statements import, unreconcile the move on
+        the transfer account. Delegate the conditions to the workflow.
+        Raise on failure for rollback.
+        Workflow appears to return False even on success so we just check
+        the order's state that we know to be set to 'sent' in that case.
+        """
+        self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').unlink(
+            cr, uid, [reconcile_id], context=context)
+        netsvc.LocalService('workflow').trg_validate(
+            uid, 'payment.order', payment_order_id, 'undo_done', cr)
+        state = self.pool.get('payment.order').read(
+            cr, uid, payment_order_id, ['state'], context=context)['state']
+        if state != 'sent':
+            raise orm.except_orm(
+                _("Cannot unreconcile"),
+                _("Cannot unreconcile payment order: "+
+                  "Workflow will not allow it."))
+        return True
+    def test_undo_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        """ 
+        Called from the workflow. Used to unset done state on
+        payment orders that were reconciled with bank transfers
+        which are being cancelled.
+        Test if the payment order has not been reconciled. Depends
+        on the restriction that transit move lines should use an
+        account of type 'other', and on the restriction of payment
+        and debit orders that they only take moves on accounts
+        payable/receivable.
+        """
+        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            for order_line in order.line_ids:
+                if order_line.transit_move_line_id.move_id:
+                    for line in order_line.transit_move_line_id.move_id.line_id:
+                        if (line.account_id.type == 'other' and
+                                line.reconcile_id):
+                            return False
+        return True
+    def action_sent(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        """ 
+        Create the moves that pay off the move lines from
+        the debit order. This happens when the debit order file is
+        generated.
+        """
+        account_move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
+        account_move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
+        payment_line_obj = self.pool.get('payment.line')
+        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            for line in order.line_ids:
+                # basic checks
+                if not line.move_line_id:
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
+                        _('Error'),
+                        _('No move line provided for line %s') % line.name)
+                if line.move_line_id.reconcile_id:
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
+                        _('Error'),
+                        _('Move line %s has already been paid/reconciled') % 
+                        line.move_line_id.name
+                        )
+                move_id = account_move_obj.create(cr, uid, {
+                        'journal_id': order.mode.transfer_journal_id.id,
+                        'name': '%s order %s' % (order.payment_order_type, 
+                                                 line.move_line_id.move_id.name),
+                        'reference': '%s%s' % (order.payment_order_type[:3].upper(),
+                                               line.move_line_id.move_id.name),
+                        }, context=context)
+                # TODO: take multicurrency into account
+                # create the debit move line on the transfer account
+                vals = {
+                    'name': '%s order for %s' % (
+                        order.payment_order_type,
+                        line.move_line_id.invoice and 
+                        line.move_line_id.invoice.number or 
+                        line.move_line_id.name),
+                    'move_id': move_id,
+                    'partner_id': line.partner_id.id,
+                    'account_id': order.mode.transfer_account_id.id,
+                    'credit': (order.payment_order_type == 'payment'
+                               and line.amount or 0.0),
+                    'debit': (order.payment_order_type == 'debit'
+                              and line.amount or 0.0),
+                    'date': fields.date.context_today(
+                        self, cr, uid, context=context),
+                    }
+                transfer_move_line_id = account_move_line_obj.create(
+                    cr, uid, vals, context=context)
+                # create the debit move line on the receivable account
+                vals.update({
+                        'account_id': line.move_line_id.account_id.id,
+                        'credit': (order.payment_order_type == 'debit'
+                                   and line.amount or 0.0),
+                        'debit': (order.payment_order_type == 'payment'
+                                   and line.amount or 0.0),
+                        })               
+                reconcile_move_line_id = account_move_line_obj.create(
+                    cr, uid, vals, context=context)
+                # register the debit move line on the payment line
+                # and call reconciliation on it
+                payment_line_obj.write(
+                    cr, uid, line.id,
+                    {'transit_move_line_id': reconcile_move_line_id},
+                    context=context)
+                payment_line_obj.debit_reconcile(
+                    cr, uid, line.id, context=context)
+                account_move_obj.post(cr, uid, [move_id], context=context)
+        # State field is written by act_sent_wait
+        self.write(cr, uid, ids, {
+                'date_sent': fields.date.context_today(
+                    self, cr, uid, context=context),
+                }, context=context)
+        return True

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/banking_import_transaction.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/banking_import_transaction.py	2013-06-03 09:47:11 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/banking_import_transaction.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -27,37 +27,44 @@
 from openerp import netsvc
 from openerp.tools.translate import _
 from openerp.addons.decimal_precision import decimal_precision as dp
+from openerp.addons.account_banking.parsers.models import mem_bank_transaction as bt
 class banking_import_transaction(orm.Model):
     _inherit = 'banking.import.transaction'
-    def _match_debit_order(
-        self, cr, uid, trans, log, context=None):
+    def _match_payment_order(
+        self, cr, uid, trans, log, order_type='payment', context=None):
-        def is_zero(total):
+        def equals_order_amount(payment_order, transferred_amount):
+            if (not hasattr(payment_order, 'payment_order_type')
+                    or payment_order.payment_order_type == 'payment'):
+                sign = 1
+            else:
+                sign = -1
+            total = payment_order.total + sign * transferred_amount
             return self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-                cr, uid, trans.statement_id.currency, total)
+                cr, uid, trans.statement_line_id.statement_id.currency, total)
         payment_order_obj = self.pool.get('payment.order')
         order_ids = payment_order_obj.search(
-            cr, uid, [('payment_order_type', '=', 'debit'),
+            cr, uid, [('payment_order_type', '=', order_type),
                       ('state', '=', 'sent'),
                       ('date_sent', '<=', trans.execution_date),
             limit=0, context=context)
         orders = payment_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, order_ids, context)
         candidates = [x for x in orders if
-                      is_zero(x.total - trans.transferred_amount) and
-                      x.line_ids and x.line_ids[0].debit_move_line_id]
+                      equals_order_amount(x, trans.statement_line_id.amount)]
         if len(candidates) > 0:
             # retrieve the common account_id, if any
             account_id = False
-            for line in candidates[0].line_ids[0].debit_move_line_id.move_id.line_id:
-                if line.account_id.type == 'other':
-                    account_id = line.account_id.id
-                    break
+            if (candidates[0].line_ids[0].transit_move_line_id):
+                for line in candidates[0].line_ids[0].transit_move_line_id.move_id.line_id:
+                    if line.account_id.type == 'other':
+                        account_id = line.account_id.id
+                        break
             return dict(
                 move_line_ids = False,
                 match_type = 'payment_order',
@@ -82,7 +89,7 @@
         # stornos MUST have an exact match
         if len(line_ids) == 1:
             account_id = payment_line_obj.get_storno_account_id(
-                cr, uid, line_ids[0], trans.transferred_amount,
+                cr, uid, line_ids[0], trans.statement_line_id.amount,
                 trans.statement_id.currency, context=None)
             if account_id:
                 return dict(
@@ -114,7 +121,7 @@
             x for x in payment_lines
             if x.communication == trans.reference 
             and round(x.amount, digits) == -round(
-                trans.transferred_amount, digits)
+                trans.statement_line_id.amount, digits)
             and trans.remote_account in (x.bank_id.acc_number,
@@ -171,10 +178,6 @@
             raise orm.except_orm(
                 _("Cannot reconcile"),
                 _("Cannot reconcile: no direct debit order"))
-        if transaction.payment_order_id.payment_order_type != 'debit':
-            raise orm.except_orm(
-                _("Cannot reconcile"),
-                _("Reconcile payment order not implemented"))
         reconcile_id = payment_order_obj.debit_reconcile_transfer(
             cr, uid,
@@ -195,7 +198,6 @@
         payment_line_obj = self.pool.get('payment.line')
             cr, uid, transaction.payment_line_id.id, {
-                'export_state': 'done',
                 'date_done': transaction.statement_line_id.date,
@@ -232,11 +234,12 @@
         if not transaction.payment_order_id:
             raise orm.except_orm(
                 _("Cannot unreconcile"),
-                _("Cannot unreconcile: no direct debit order"))
-        if transaction.payment_order_id.payment_order_type != 'debit':
+                _("Cannot unreconcile: no payment or direct debit order"))
+        if not transaction.statement_line_id.reconcile_id:
             raise orm.except_orm(
                 _("Cannot unreconcile"),
-                _("Unreconcile payment order not implemented"))
+                _("Payment orders without transfer move lines cannot be "
+                  "unreconciled this way"))
         return payment_order_obj.debit_unreconcile_transfer(
             cr, uid, transaction.payment_order_id.id,
@@ -302,17 +305,6 @@
             cr, uid, transaction.payment_line_id.id, context)
     _columns = {
-        'match_type': fields.selection(
-            # Add payment and storno types
-            [
-                ('manual', 'Manual'),
-                ('move','Move'),
-                ('invoice', 'Invoice'),
-                ('payment', 'Payment'),
-                ('payment_order', 'Payment order'),
-                ('storno', 'Storno'),
-                ],
-            'Match type'),
         'payment_order_ids': fields.many2many(
             'payment.order', 'banking_transaction_payment_order_rel',
             'order_id', 'transaction_id', 'Payment orders'),
@@ -334,14 +326,14 @@
         return res
     def clear_and_write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals=None, context=None):
-        super(banking_import_transaction, self).clear_and_write(
+        write_vals = {
+            'payment_line_id': False,
+            'payment_order_id': False,
+            'payment_order_ids': [(6, 0, [])],
+            }
+        write_vals.update(vals or {})
+        return super(banking_import_transaction, self).clear_and_write(
             cr, uid, ids, vals=vals, context=context)
-        return self.write(
-            cr, uid, ids, {
-                'payment_line_id': False,
-                'payment_order_ids': [(6, 0, [])],
-                },
-            context=context)
     def move_info2values(self, move_info):
         vals = super(banking_import_transaction, self).move_info2values(
@@ -356,11 +348,25 @@
         return vals
-    def match(self, cr, uid, ids, results=None, context=None):
-        res = super(banking_import_transaction, self).match(
-            cr, uid, ids, results=results, context=context)
-        return res
+    def hook_match_payment(self, cr, uid, transaction, log, context=None):
+        """
+        Called from match() in the core module.
+        Match payment batches, direct debit orders and stornos
+        """
+        move_info = False
+        if transaction.type == bt.PAYMENT_BATCH:
+            move_info = self._match_payment_order(
+                cr, uid, transaction, log,
+                order_type='payment', context=context)
+        elif transaction.type == bt.DIRECT_DEBIT:
+            move_info = self._match_payment_order(
+                cr, uid, transaction, log,
+                order_type='debit', context=context)
+        elif transaction.type == bt.STORNO:
+            move_info = self._match_storno(
+                cr, uid, transaction, log,
+                context=context)
+        return move_info
     def __init__(self, pool, cr):
@@ -369,14 +375,18 @@
         super(banking_import_transaction, self).__init__(pool, cr)
-        banking_import_transaction.confirm_map.update({
+        self.confirm_map.update({
                 'storno': banking_import_transaction._confirm_storno,
                 'payment_order': banking_import_transaction._confirm_payment_order,
                 'payment': banking_import_transaction._confirm_payment,
+                'payment_order_manual': banking_import_transaction._confirm_payment_order,
+                'payment_manual': banking_import_transaction._confirm_payment,
-        banking_import_transaction.cancel_map.update({
+        self.cancel_map.update({
                 'storno': banking_import_transaction._cancel_storno,
                 'payment_order': banking_import_transaction._cancel_payment_order,
                 'payment': banking_import_transaction._cancel_payment,
+                'payment_order_manual': banking_import_transaction._cancel_payment_order,
+                'payment_manual': banking_import_transaction._cancel_payment,

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/banking_transaction_wizard.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/banking_transaction_wizard.py	2013-03-17 09:10:15 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/banking_transaction_wizard.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -24,10 +24,59 @@
 from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
 class banking_transaction_wizard(orm.TransientModel):
     _inherit = 'banking.transaction.wizard'
+    def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
+        """
+        Check for manual payment orders or lines
+        """
+        if not vals or not ids:
+            return True
+        manual_payment_order_id = vals.pop('manual_payment_order_id', False)
+        manual_payment_line_id = vals.pop('manual_payment_line_id', False)
+        res = super(banking_transaction_wizard, self).write(
+            cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
+        if manual_payment_order_id or manual_payment_line_id:
+            transaction_id = self.browse(
+                cr, uid, ids[0],
+                context=context).import_transaction_id
+            write_vals = {}
+            if manual_payment_order_id:
+                payment_order = self.pool.get('payment.order').browse(
+                    cr, uid, manual_payment_order_id,
+                    context=context)
+                if payment_order.payment_order_type == 'payment':
+                    sign = 1
+                else:
+                    sign = -1
+                total = (payment_order.total + sign * 
+                         transaction_id.statement_line_id.amount)
+                if not self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
+                    cr, uid, transaction_id.statement_line_id.statement_id.currency, total):
+                    raise orm.except_orm(
+                        _('Error'),
+                        _('When matching a payment order, the amounts have to '
+                          'match exactly'))
+                if payment_order.mode and payment_order.mode.transfer_account_id:
+                    transaction_id.statement_line_id.write({
+                        'account_id': payment_order.mode.transfer_account_id.id,
+                        })
+                write_vals.update(
+                    {'payment_order_id': manual_payment_order_id,
+                     'match_type': 'payment_order_manual'})
+            else:
+                write_vals.update(
+                    {'payment_line_id': manual_payment_line_id,
+                     'match_type': 'payment_manual'})
+            self.pool.get('banking.import.transaction').clear_and_write(
+                cr, uid, transaction_id.id, write_vals, context=context)
+        return res
     _columns = {
         'payment_line_id': fields.related(
             'import_transaction_id', 'payment_line_id',
@@ -42,4 +91,13 @@
             'import_transaction_id', 'payment_order_id',
             string="Payment order to reconcile", 
             type='many2one', relation='payment.order'),
+        'manual_payment_order_id': fields.many2one(
+            'payment.order', 'Match this payment order',
+            domain=[('state', '=', 'sent')]),
+        'manual_payment_line_id': fields.many2one(
+            'payment.line', 'Match this payment line',
+            domain=[
+                ('order_id.state', '=', 'sent'),
+                ('date_done', '=', False),
+                ]),

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/payment_line.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/payment_line.py	2013-03-17 09:10:15 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/payment_line.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@
 from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+from openerp import netsvc
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
 class payment_line(orm.Model):
-    Add extra export_state and date_done fields; make destination bank account
+    Add some fields; make destination bank account
     mandatory, as it makes no sense to send payments into thin air.
     Edit: Payments can be by cash too, which is prohibited by mandatory bank
@@ -36,146 +37,34 @@
     _inherit = 'payment.line'
     _columns = {
         # New fields
-        'export_state': fields.selection([
-            ('draft', 'Draft'),
-            ('open','Confirmed'),
-            ('cancel','Cancelled'),
-            ('sent', 'Sent'),
-            ('rejected', 'Rejected'),
-            ('done','Done'),
-            ], 'State', select=True
-        ),
         'msg': fields.char('Message', size=255, required=False, readonly=True),
-        # Redefined fields: added states
-        'date_done': fields.datetime('Date Confirmed', select=True,
-                                     readonly=True),
-        'name': fields.char(
-            'Your Reference', size=64, required=True,
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
+        'date_done': fields.date(
+            'Date Confirmed', select=True, readonly=True),
+        # Communication: required is dependend on the mode
         'communication': fields.char(
             'Communication', size=64, required=False, 
             help=("Used as the message between ordering customer and current "
                   "company. Depicts 'What do you want to say to the recipient"
                   " about this order ?'"
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
+        # Communication2: enlarge to 128
         'communication2': fields.char(
             'Communication 2', size=128,
             help='The successor message of Communication.',
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'move_line_id': fields.many2one(
-            'account.move.line', 'Entry line',
-            domain=[('reconcile_id','=', False),
-                    ('account_id.type', '=','payable')
-                   ],
-            help=('This Entry Line will be referred for the information of '
-                  'the ordering customer.'
-                 ),
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'amount_currency': fields.float(
-            'Amount in Partner Currency', digits=(16,2),
-            required=True,
-            help='Payment amount in the partner currency',
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'currency': fields.many2one(
-            'res.currency', 'Partner Currency', required=True,
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'bank_id': fields.many2one(
-            'res.partner.bank', 'Destination Bank account',
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'order_id': fields.many2one(
-            'payment.order', 'Order', required=True,
-            ondelete='cascade', select=True,
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'partner_id': fields.many2one(
-            'res.partner', string="Partner", required=True,
-            help='The Ordering Customer',
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'date': fields.date(
-            'Payment Date',
-            help=("If no payment date is specified, the bank will treat this "
-                  "payment line directly"
-                 ),
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-        'state': fields.selection([
-            ('normal','Free'),
-            ('structured','Structured')
-            ], 'Communication Type', required=True,
-            states={
-                'sent': [('readonly', True)],
-                'rejected': [('readonly', True)],
-                'done': [('readonly', True)]
-            },
-        ),
-    }
+        ),
+        'transit_move_line_id': fields.many2one(
+            # this line is part of the credit side of move 2a 
+            # from the documentation
+            'account.move.line', 'Debit move line',
+            readonly=True,
+            help="Move line through which the debit order pays the invoice",
+            ),
+        }
     _defaults = {
-        'export_state': 'draft',
-        'date_done': False,
         'msg': '',
-    }
-    def fields_get(self, cr, uid, fields=None, context=None):
-        res = super(payment_line, self).fields_get(cr, uid, fields, context)
-        if 'communication' in res:
-            res['communication'].setdefault('states', {})
-            res['communication']['states']['structured'] = [('required', True)]
-        if 'communication2' in res:
-            res['communication2'].setdefault('states', {})
-            res['communication2']['states']['structured'] = [('readonly', True)]
-            res['communication2']['states']['normal'] = [('readonly', False)]
-        return res
+        }
     Hooks for processing direct debit orders, such as implemented in
@@ -216,3 +105,76 @@
         return False
+    def debit_reconcile(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=None):
+        """
+        Reconcile a debit order's payment line with the the move line
+        that it is based on. Called from payment_order.action_sent().
+        As the amount is derived directly from the counterpart move line,
+        we do not expect a write off. Take partially reconcilions into
+        account though.
+        :param payment_line_id: the single id of the canceled payment line
+        """
+        if isinstance(payment_line_id, (list, tuple)):
+            payment_line_id = payment_line_id[0]
+        reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
+        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
+        payment_line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=context)
+        transit_move_line = payment_line.transit_move_line_id
+        torec_move_line = payment_line.move_line_id
+        if (not transit_move_line or not torec_move_line):
+            raise orm.except_orm(
+                _('Can not reconcile'),
+                _('No move line for line %s') % payment_line.name)     
+        if torec_move_line.reconcile_id: # torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
+            raise orm.except_orm(
+                _('Error'),
+                _('Move line %s has already been reconciled') % 
+                torec_move_line.name
+                )
+        if transit_move_line.reconcile_id or transit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
+            raise orm.except_orm(
+                _('Error'),
+                _('Move line %s has already been reconciled') % 
+                transit_move_line.name
+                )
+        def is_zero(total):
+            return self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
+                cr, uid, transit_move_line.company_id.currency_id, total)
+        line_ids = [transit_move_line.id, torec_move_line.id]
+        if torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
+            line_ids = [
+                x.id for x in 
+                transit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id.line_partial_ids
+                ] + [torec_move_line.id]
+        total = move_line_obj.get_balance(cr, uid, line_ids)
+        vals = {
+            'type': 'auto',
+            'line_id': is_zero(total) and [(6, 0, line_ids)] or [(6, 0, [])],
+            'line_partial_ids': is_zero(total) and [(6, 0, [])] or [(6, 0, line_ids)],
+            }
+        if torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
+            reconcile_obj.write(
+                cr, uid, transit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id.id,
+                vals, context=context)
+        else:
+            reconcile_obj.create(
+                cr, uid, vals, context=context)
+        for line_id in line_ids:
+            netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_trigger(
+                uid, 'account.move.line', line_id, cr)
+        # If a bank transaction of a storno was first confirmed
+        # and now canceled (the invoice is now in state 'debit_denied'
+        if torec_move_line.invoice:
+            netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_validate(
+                uid, 'account.invoice', torec_move_line.invoice.id,
+                'undo_debit_denied', cr)

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/payment_mode.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/payment_mode.py	2013-03-17 09:10:15 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/payment_mode.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -46,6 +46,27 @@
     _columns = {
         'type': fields.many2one(
             'payment.mode.type', 'Payment type',
+            required=True,
             help='Select the Payment Type for the Payment Mode.'
+        'transfer_account_id': fields.many2one(
+            'account.account', 'Transfer account',
+            domain=[('type', '=', 'other'),
+                    ('reconcile', '=', True)],
+            help=('Pay off lines in sent orders with a '
+                  'move on this account. For debit type modes only. '
+                  'You can only select accounts of type regular that '
+                  'are marked for reconciliation'),
+            ),
+        'transfer_journal_id': fields.many2one(
+            'account.journal', 'Transfer journal',
+            help=('Journal to write payment entries when confirming '
+                  'a debit order of this mode'),
+            ),
+        'payment_term_ids': fields.many2many(
+            'account.payment.term', 'account_payment_order_terms_rel', 
+            'mode_id', 'term_id', 'Payment terms',
+            help=('Limit selected invoices to invoices with these payment '
+                  'terms')
+            ),

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/model/payment_order_create.py'
--- account_banking_payment/model/payment_order_create.py	2013-05-24 09:00:42 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/model/payment_order_create.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -26,11 +26,77 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from openerp.osv import orm, fields
 from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
 class payment_order_create(orm.TransientModel):
     _inherit = 'payment.order.create'
+    def extend_payment_order_domain(
+            self, cr, uid, payment_order, domain, context=None):
+        if payment_order.payment_order_type == 'payment':
+            domain += [
+                ('account_id.type', '=', 'payable'),
+                ('amount_to_pay', '>', 0)
+                ]
+        return True
+    def search_entries(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        """
+        This method taken from account_payment module.
+        We adapt the domain based on the payment_order_type
+        """
+        line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
+        mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        if context is None:
+            context = {}
+        data = self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['duedate'], context=context)[0]
+        search_due_date = data['duedate']
+        ### start account_banking_payment ###
+        payment = self.pool.get('payment.order').browse(
+            cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context)
+        # Search for move line to pay:
+        domain = [
+            ('move_id.state', '=', 'posted'),
+            ('reconcile_id', '=', False),
+            ('company_id', '=', payment.mode.company_id.id),
+            ]
+        # apply payment term filter
+        if payment.mode.payment_term_ids:
+            domain += [
+                ('invoice.payment_term', 'in', 
+                 [term.id for term in payment.mode.payment_term_ids]
+                 )
+                ]
+        self.extend_payment_order_domain(
+            cr, uid, payment, domain, context=context)
+        ### end account_direct_debit ###
+        domain = domain + [
+            '|', ('date_maturity', '<=', search_due_date),
+            ('date_maturity', '=', False)
+            ]
+        line_ids = line_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
+        context.update({'line_ids': line_ids})
+        model_data_ids = mod_obj.search(
+            cr, uid,[
+                ('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'),
+                ('name', '=', 'view_create_payment_order_lines')],
+            context=context)
+        resource_id = mod_obj.read(
+            cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'],
+            context=context)[0]['res_id']
+        return {'name': _('Entry Lines'),
+                'context': context,
+                'view_type': 'form',
+                'view_mode': 'form',
+                'res_model': 'payment.order.create',
+                'views': [(resource_id, 'form')],
+                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+                'target': 'new',
+        }
     def create_payment(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         This method is a slightly modified version of the existing method on this
@@ -51,7 +117,8 @@
         if not line_ids:
             return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
-        payment = order_obj.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context)
+        payment = order_obj.browse(
+            cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context)
         ### account banking
         # t = None
         # line2bank = line_obj.line2bank(cr, uid, line_ids, t, context)
@@ -75,10 +142,10 @@
                 ### end account banking
             elif payment.date_prefered == 'fixed':
                 ### account_banking
-                # date_to_pay = payment.date_planned
+                # date_to_pay = payment.date_scheduled
                 date_to_pay = (
-                    payment.date_planned
-                    if payment.date_planned and payment.date_planned > _today
+                    payment.date_scheduled
+                    if payment.date_scheduled and payment.date_scheduled > _today
                     else False)
                 ### end account banking
@@ -121,6 +188,8 @@
                 'state': state,
                 ### end account banking
                 'date': date_to_pay,
-                'currency': line.invoice and line.invoice.currency_id.id or line.journal_id.currency.id or line.journal_id.company_id.currency_id.id,
+                'currency': (line.invoice and line.invoice.currency_id.id
+                             or line.journal_id.currency.id
+                             or line.journal_id.company_id.currency_id.id),
                 }, context=context)
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/view/account_payment.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/view/account_payment.xml	2013-05-01 14:40:54 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/view/account_payment.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -9,33 +9,28 @@
             <field name="name">account.payment.order.form.banking-1</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_order_form" />
             <field name="model">payment.order</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                    <xpath expr="/form/group/button[@string='Select Invoices to Pay']"
-                        position="attributes">
-                        <attribute name="attrs">{'invisible':[('state','!=','draft')]}</attribute>
-                    </xpath>
-                    <xpath expr="/form/group/button[@string='Make Payments']"
-                           position="replace">
-                        <button name="launch_wizard" states="open" string="Make Payments" type="object" icon="gtk-execute"/>
-                        <newline/>
+                    <xpath expr="//button[@string='Select Invoices to Pay']"
+                           position="attributes">
+                        <attribute name="attrs">{
+                            'invisible':[('state','!=','draft')]
+                        }</attribute>
+                    </xpath>
+                    <xpath expr="//button[@string='Make Payments']"
+                           position="attributes">
+                        <attribute name="name">launch_wizard</attribute>
+                    </xpath>
+                    <!-- Communication only used for 'structured' communication -->
+                    <xpath expr="//field[@name='line_ids']/form//field[@name='communication']"
+                           position="attributes">
+                        <attribute name="attrs">{
+                        'readonly': [('state', '=', 'normal')]
+                        }</attribute>
-        <record id="view_banking_payment_order_tree_1" model="ir.ui.view">
-            <field name="name">account.payment.order.tree.banking-1</field>
-            <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_order_tree" />
-            <field name="model">payment.order</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
-            <field name="arch" type="xml">
-		<button string="Make Payments" position="replace">
-                    <button name="launch_wizard" states="open" string="Make Payments" type="object" icon="gtk-execute"/>
-                </button>
-            </field>
-        </record>

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/view/bank_payment_manual.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/view/bank_payment_manual.xml	2013-03-17 20:04:17 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/view/bank_payment_manual.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
         <record id="view_payment_manual_form" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">Form for manual payment wizard</field>
             <field name="model">payment.manual</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <form>
+                <form string="Manual payment">
                     <label string="Payment order(s) have been set to 'sent'"/>
                     <button special="cancel" icon="gtk-ok" string="OK"/>

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/view/banking_transaction_wizard.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/view/banking_transaction_wizard.xml	2013-03-17 20:04:17 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/view/banking_transaction_wizard.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
             <field name="model">banking.transaction.wizard</field>
             <field name="inherit_id"
                    ref="account_banking.transaction_wizard_first" />
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <field name="invoice_ids" position="before">
                     <field name="payment_order_ids" invisible="True"/>
@@ -14,20 +13,23 @@
                 <xpath expr="//group/separator[@string='Multiple matches']/.."
                     <field name='payment_line_id'
-                           attrs="{'invisible': [
-                                  ('match_type', '!=', 'storno'),
-                                  ('match_type', '!=', 'payment')]
-                                  }" />
+                           attrs="{'invisible': [('match_type', 'not in', 
+                                       ('storno', 'payment', 'payment_manual'))]}"
+                           />
                 <field name="move_line_id" position="after">
                     <field name='payment_order_id'
-                           attrs="{'readonly': [
-                                  ('match_multi', '=', False)],
-                                  'invisible': [
-                                  ('match_type', '!=', 'payment_order')]}"
+                           attrs="{'readonly': [('match_multi', '=', False)],
+                                   'invisible': [('match_type', 'not in', 
+                                       ('payment_order', 'payment_order_manual'))]
+                                  }"
                            domain="[('id', 'in', payment_order_ids[0][2])]"
+                <field name="manual_move_line_id" position="after">
+                    <field name="manual_payment_line_id"/>
+                    <field name="manual_payment_order_id"/>
+                </field>

=== added file 'account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <data>
+        <!-- 
+             Add the payment mode type and transfer settings
+        -->
+        <record id="view_payment_mode_form_inherit" model="ir.ui.view">
+            <field name="name">payment.mode.form.inherit</field>
+            <field name="model">payment.mode</field>
+            <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_mode_form"/>
+            <field name="arch" type="xml">
+                <field name="company_id" position="after">
+                    <field name="type"/>
+                    <group colspan="4" col="4">
+                        <group colspan="2">
+                            <separator colspan="2"
+                                       string="Transfer move settings" />
+                            <field name="transfer_account_id"
+                                   domain="[('type', '=', 'other'),
+                                           ('reconcile', '=', True),
+                                           ('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
+                                   context="{
+                                       'default_type': 'other',
+                                       'default_reconcile': True,
+                                       'default_company_id': company_id}"
+                                   />
+                            <field name="transfer_journal_id"
+                                   domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
+                                   />
+                        </group>
+                        <group colspan="2">
+                            <separator colspan="2"
+                                       string="Optional filter by payment term" />
+                            <field name="payment_term_ids" nolabel="1" colspan="2"/>
+                        </group>
+                    </group>
+                </field>
+            </field>
+        </record>
+    </data>

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode_type.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode_type.xml	2013-03-16 16:44:19 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/view/payment_mode_type.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -2,24 +2,10 @@
-        <!-- Add the payment mode type to the payment mode views -->
-        <record id="view_payment_mode_form_inherit" model="ir.ui.view">
-            <field name="name">payment.mode.form.inherit</field>
-            <field name="model">payment.mode</field>
-            <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_mode_form"/>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
-            <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <field name="company_id" position="after">
-                    <field name="type"/>
-                </field>
-            </field>
-        </record>
         <record id="view_payment_mode_tree_inherit" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">payment.mode.tree.inherit</field>
             <field name="model">payment.mode</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_mode_tree"/>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <field name="company_id" position="after">
                     <field name="type"/>
@@ -31,9 +17,8 @@
         <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_payment_mode_type_form">
             <field name="name">view.payment.mode.type.form</field>
             <field name="model">payment.mode.type</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <form>
+                <form string="Payment mode">
 		    <field name="name" />
 		    <field name="code" />
 		    <field name="suitable_bank_types"/>

=== modified file 'account_banking_payment/workflow/account_payment.xml'
--- account_banking_payment/workflow/account_payment.xml	2013-03-16 16:44:19 +0000
+++ account_banking_payment/workflow/account_payment.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
             <field name="action">action_sent()</field>
             <field name="kind">function</field>
+        <!-- New activity for workflow payment order: sent -->
+        <record id="account_banking.act_sent_wait" model="workflow.activity">
+            <field name="name">sent_wait</field>
+            <field name="wkf_id" ref="account_payment.wkf_payment_order"/>
+            <field name="action">write({'state': 'sent'})</field>
+            <field name="kind">function</field>
+        </record>
         <!-- New activity for workflow payment order: rejected -->
         <record id="account_banking.act_rejected" model="workflow.activity">
             <field name="name">rejected</field>
@@ -16,23 +23,47 @@
             <field name="kind">function</field>
-        <!-- Add new transition sent -> done -->
+        <!-- Rewrite existing open -> done transition to include 'sent' stage -->
+        <record id="account_payment.trans_open_done" model="workflow.transition">
+            <field name="act_from" ref="account_payment.act_open"/>
+            <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
+            <field name="signal">sent</field>
+        </record>
+        <!-- From sent straight to sent_wait -->
+        <record id="account_banking.trans_sent_sent_wait" model="workflow.transition">
+            <field name="act_from" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
+            <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_sent_wait"/>
+        </record>
+        <!-- Reconciliation from the banking statement leads to done state -->
         <record id="account_banking.trans_sent_done" model="workflow.transition">
-            <field name="act_from" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
+            <field name="act_from" ref="account_banking.act_sent_wait"/>
             <field name="act_to" ref="account_payment.act_done"/>
             <field name="signal">done</field>
-        <!-- Add new transition sent -> rejected -->
+        <!-- Rejected by the bank -->
         <record id="account_banking.trans_sent_rejected" model="workflow.transition">
             <field name="act_from" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
             <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_rejected"/>
             <field name="signal">rejected</field>
-        <!-- Rewrite existing open -> done transition to include 'sent' -->
-        <record id="account_payment.trans_open_done" model="workflow.transition">
-            <field name="act_from" ref="account_payment.act_open"/>
-            <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
-            <field name="signal">sent</field>
-        </record>
+        <!--
+            Transition to undo the payment order and reset to
+            sent, triggered by cancelling a bank transaction
+            with which the order was reconciled.
+            For this, we need to cancel the flow stop on the done state,
+            unfortunately.
+        -->
+        <record id="account_payment.act_done" model="workflow.activity">
+            <field name="flow_stop" eval="False"/>
+        </record>
+        <!-- Cancel the reconciled payment order -->
+        <record id="trans_done_sent" model="workflow.transition">
+            <field name="act_from" ref="account_payment.act_done"/>
+            <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_sent_wait"/>
+            <field name="condition">test_undo_done()</field>
+            <field name="signal">undo_done</field>
+        </record>

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/__openerp__.py'
--- account_direct_debit/__openerp__.py	2013-04-15 14:14:27 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/__openerp__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#    Copyright (C) 2011 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
 #    Copyright (C) 2011 Smile (<http://smile.fr>).
 #    All Rights Reserved
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
     'name': 'Direct Debit',
-    'version': '',
+    'version': '',
     'license': 'AGPL-3',
-    'author': 'Therp BV / Smile',
+    'author': ['Therp BV', 'Smile'],
     'website': 'https://launchpad.net/banking-addons',
     'category': 'Banking addons',
     'depends': ['account_banking'],
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
-        'workflow/account_payment.xml',
     'description': '''
@@ -49,5 +48,5 @@
 banking institutions. The banking addons are a continuation of Account Banking
 Framework by Edusense BV. See https://launchpad.net/banking-addons.
-    'installable': False,
+    'installable': True,

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/i18n/nl.po'
--- account_direct_debit/i18n/nl.po	2012-08-08 10:32:52 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/i18n/nl.po	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 msgstr "De betaalregelnaam moet uniek zijn!"
 #. module: account_direct_debit
-#: field:payment.line,debit_move_line_id:0
+#: field:payment.line,transit_move_line_id:0
 msgid "Debit move line"
 msgstr "Debetboeking"
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 msgstr "Factuur"
 #. module: account_direct_debit
-#: help:payment.line,debit_move_line_id:0
+#: help:payment.line,transit_move_line_id:0
 msgid "Move line through which the debit order pays the invoice"
 msgstr "Dagboekregel waarmee de incasso-opdracht de factuur voldoet"

=== added directory 'account_direct_debit/migrations'
=== added directory 'account_direct_debit/migrations/7.0.2'
=== added file 'account_direct_debit/migrations/7.0.2/pre-migration.py'
--- account_direct_debit/migrations/7.0.2/pre-migration.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/migrations/7.0.2/pre-migration.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Copyright (C) 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    All other contributions are (C) by their respective contributors
+#    All Rights Reserved
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+def rename_columns(cr, column_spec):
+    """
+    Rename table columns. Taken from OpenUpgrade.
+    :param column_spec: a hash with table keys, with lists of tuples as values. \
+    Tuples consist of (old_name, new_name).
+    """
+    for table in column_spec.keys():
+        for (old, new) in column_spec[table]:
+            logger.info("table %s, column %s: renaming to %s",
+                     table, old, new)
+            cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "%s" RENAME "%s" TO "%s"' % (table, old, new,))
+            cr.execute('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "%s_%s_index"' % (table, old))
+def migrate(cr, version):
+    if not version:
+        return
+    # workflow state moved to another module
+    cr.execute(
+        """
+        UPDATE ir_model_data 
+        SET module = 'account_banking_payment'
+        WHERE name = 'trans_done_sent'
+        AND module = 'account_direct_debit'
+        """)
+    # rename field debit_move_line_id
+    rename_columns(cr, {
+            'payment_line': [
+                ('debit_move_line_id', 'transit_move_line_id'),
+                ]})

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/model/__init__.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/__init__.py	2011-12-11 15:00:41 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/__init__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 import account_payment
+import payment_line
 import account_move_line
 import account_invoice
+import payment_order_create

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/model/account_invoice.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/account_invoice.py	2012-01-12 10:58:49 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/account_invoice.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from osv import osv, fields
-from tools.translate import _
+#    Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    All other contributions are (C) by their respective contributors
+#    All Rights Reserved
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
 This module adds support for Direct debit orders as applicable
@@ -98,7 +121,7 @@
    open invoices with a matured invoice- or due date.
-class account_invoice(osv.osv):
+class account_invoice(orm.Model):
     _inherit = "account.invoice"
     def __init__(self, pool, cr):
@@ -139,5 +162,3 @@
             if not invoice['reconciled']:
                 return False
         return True

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/model/account_move_line.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/account_move_line.py	2013-04-24 14:36:15 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/account_move_line.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 #    OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
-#    Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
-#    This module additional (C) 2011 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
-#                           (C) 2011 Smile Benelux (<http://smile.fr>).
+#    This module (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#                (C) 2011 Smile Benelux (<http://smile.fr>).
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@@ -22,10 +21,9 @@
 from operator import itemgetter
-from osv import fields, osv
-from tools.translate import _
+from openerp.osv import fields, orm
-class account_move_line(osv.osv):
+class account_move_line(orm.Model):
     _inherit = "account.move.line"
     def amount_to_receive(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg={}, context=None):
@@ -55,6 +53,9 @@
         return r
     def _to_receive_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None):
+        """
+        Reverse of account_payment/account_move_line.py:_to_pay_search()
+        """
         if not args:
             return []
         line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
@@ -86,70 +87,9 @@
             return [('id', '=', '0')]
         return [('id', 'in', map(lambda x:x[0], res))]
-    def _dummy(self, cr, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
-        res = {}
-        if ids:
-            res = dict([(x, False) for x in ids])
-        return res
-    def _invoice_payment_term_id_search(
-        self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None):
-        """
-        Allow to search move lines associated with an invoice with
-        a particular payment term
-        """
-        if not args:
-            return []
-        invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
-        invoice_ids = invoice_obj.search(
-            cr, uid, [('payment_term', args[0][1], args[0][2])],
-            context=context)
-        operator = 'in' # (args[0][1] not in ['in', '=', '==', 'like', 'ilike']
-                        # and 'not in' or 'in')
-        if not invoice_ids:
-            return [('id', operator, [])]
-        cr.execute('SELECT l.id ' \
-                'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \
-                'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id AND i.id in %s', (tuple(invoice_ids),))
-        res = cr.fetchall()
-        if not res:
-            return [('id', '=', False)]
-        return [('id', operator, [x[0] for x in res])]
-    def _invoice_state_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None):
-        if not args:
-            return []
-        invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
-        invoice_ids = invoice_obj.search(
-            cr, uid, [('state', args[0][1], args[0][2])],
-            context=context)
-        operator = 'in' # (args[0][1] not in ['in', '=', '==', 'like', 'ilike']
-                        # and 'not in' or 'in')
-        if not invoice_ids:
-            return [('id', operator, [])]
-        cr.execute('SELECT l.id ' \
-                'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \
-                'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id AND i.id in %s', (tuple(invoice_ids),))
-        res = cr.fetchall()
-        if not res:
-            return [('id', '=', False)]
-        return [('id', operator, [x[0] for x in res])]
     _columns = {
         'amount_to_receive': fields.function(
             amount_to_receive, method=True,
             type='float', string='Amount to receive',
-        'payment_term_id': fields.function(
-            _dummy, method=True,
-            string='Select by invoice payment term',
-            type='many2one', relation='account.payment.term',
-            fnct_search=_invoice_payment_term_id_search),
-        'invoice_state': fields.function(
-            _dummy, method=True,
-            string='Select by invoice state',
-            type='char', size=24,
-            fnct_search=_invoice_state_search),

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/model/account_payment.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/account_payment.py	2013-01-21 11:30:46 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/account_payment.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,36 +1,9 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import time
-from osv import osv, fields
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
 import netsvc
 from tools.translate import _
-class payment_mode(osv.osv):
-    _inherit = 'payment.mode'
-    _columns = {
-        'transfer_account_id': fields.many2one(
-            'account.account', 'Transfer account',
-            domain=[('type', '=', 'other'),
-                    ('reconcile', '=', True)],
-            help=('Pay off lines in sent orders with a ' +
-                  'move on this account. For debit type modes only. ' +
-                  'You can only select accounts of type regular that ' +
-                  'are marked for reconciliation'),
-            ),
-        'transfer_journal_id': fields.many2one(
-            'account.journal', 'Transfer journal',
-            help=('Journal to write payment entries when confirming ' +
-                  'a debit order of this mode'),
-            ),
-        'payment_term_ids': fields.many2many(
-            'account.payment.term', 'account_payment_order_terms_rel', 
-            'mode_id', 'term_id', 'Payment terms',
-            help=('Limit selected invoices to invoices with these payment ' +
-                  'terms')
-            ),
-        }
-class payment_order(osv.osv):
+class payment_order(orm.Model):
     _inherit = 'payment.order'
     def fields_view_get(self, cr, user, view_id=None, view_type='form',
@@ -56,56 +29,11 @@
                 # the magic is in the value of the selection
                 res['fields']['mode']['selection'] = mode_obj._name_search(
-                    cr, user, args=domain)
+                    cr, user, args=domain, context=context)
                 # also update the domain
                 res['fields']['mode']['domain'] = domain
         return res
-    def debit_reconcile_transfer(self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, 
-                                 amount, currency, context=None):
-        """
-        During import of bank statements, create the reconcile on the transfer
-        account containing all the open move lines on the transfer account.
-        """
-        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
-        order = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_order_id, context)
-        line_ids = []
-        reconcile_id = False
-        for order_line in order.line_ids:
-            for line in order_line.debit_move_line_id.move_id.line_id:
-                if line.account_id.type == 'other' and not line.reconcile_id:
-                    line_ids.append(line.id)
-        if self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-            cr, uid, currency,
-            move_line_obj.get_balance(cr, uid, line_ids) - amount):
-            reconcile_id = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').create(
-                cr, uid, 
-                {'type': 'auto', 'line_id': [(6, 0, line_ids)]},
-                context)
-            # set direct debit order to finished state
-            wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')
-            wf_service.trg_validate(
-                uid, 'payment.order', payment_order_id, 'done', cr)
-        return reconcile_id
-    def debit_unreconcile_transfer(self, cr, uid, payment_order_id, reconcile_id,
-                                 amount, currency, context=None):
-        """
-        Due to a cancelled bank statements import, unreconcile the move on
-        the transfer account. Delegate the conditions to the workflow.
-        Raise on failure for rollback.
-        """
-        self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').unlink(
-            cr, uid, reconcile_id, context=context)
-        wkf_ok = netsvc.LocalService('workflow').trg_validate(
-            uid, 'payment.order', payment_order_id, 'undo_done', cr)
-        if not wkf_ok:
-            raise osv.except_osv(
-                _("Cannot unreconcile"),
-                _("Cannot unreconcile debit order: "+
-                  "Workflow will not allow it."))
-        return True
     def test_undo_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         Called from the workflow. Used to unset done state on
@@ -117,362 +45,5 @@
                 for line in order.line_ids:
                     if line.storno:
                         return False
-            else:
-                # TODO: define conditions for 'payment' orders
-                return False
-        return True
-    def action_sent(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        """ 
-        Create the moves that pay off the move lines from
-        the debit order. This happens when the debit order file is
-        generated.
-        """
-        res = super(payment_order, self).action_sent(
-            cr, uid, ids, context)
-        account_move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
-        account_move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
-        payment_line_obj = self.pool.get('payment.line')
-        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-            if order.payment_order_type != 'debit':
-                continue
-            for line in order.line_ids:
-                # basic checks
-                if not line.move_line_id:
-                    raise osv.except_osv(
-                        _('Error'),
-                        _('No move line provided for line %s') % line.name)
-                if line.move_line_id.reconcile_id:
-                    raise osv.except_osv(
-                        _('Error'),
-                        _('Move line %s has already been paid/reconciled') % 
-                        line.move_line_id.name
-                        )
-                move_id = account_move_obj.create(cr, uid, {
-                        'journal_id': order.mode.transfer_journal_id.id,
-                        'name': 'Debit order %s' % line.move_line_id.move_id.name,
-                        'reference': 'DEB%s' % line.move_line_id.move_id.name,
-                        }, context=context)
-                # TODO: take multicurrency into account
-                # create the debit move line on the transfer account
-                vals = {
-                    'name': 'Debit order for %s' % (
-                        line.move_line_id.invoice and 
-                        line.move_line_id.invoice.number or 
-                        line.move_line_id.name),
-                    'move_id': move_id,
-                    'partner_id': line.partner_id.id,
-                    'account_id': order.mode.transfer_account_id.id,
-                    'credit': 0.0,
-                    'debit': line.amount,
-                    'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
-                    }
-                transfer_move_line_id = account_move_line_obj.create(
-                    cr, uid, vals, context=context)
-                # create the debit move line on the receivable account
-                vals.update({
-                        'account_id': line.move_line_id.account_id.id,
-                        'credit': line.amount,
-                        'debit': 0.0,
-                        })               
-                reconcile_move_line_id = account_move_line_obj.create(
-                    cr, uid, vals, context=context)
-                # register the debit move line on the payment line
-                # and call reconciliation on it
-                payment_line_obj.write(
-                    cr, uid, line.id,
-                    {'debit_move_line_id': reconcile_move_line_id},
-                    context=context)
-                payment_line_obj.debit_reconcile(
-                    cr, uid, line.id, context=context)
-                account_move_obj.post(cr, uid, [move_id], context=context)
-        return res
-class payment_line(osv.osv):
-    _inherit = 'payment.line'
-    def debit_storno(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, amount,
-                     currency, storno_retry=True, context=None):
-        """
-        The processing of a storno is triggered by a debit
-        transfer on one of the company's bank accounts.
-        This method offers to re-reconcile the original debit
-        payment. For this purpose, we have registered that
-        payment move on the payment line.
-        Return the (now incomplete) reconcile id. The caller MUST
-        re-reconcile this reconcile with the bank transfer and
-        re-open the associated invoice.
-        :param payment_line_id: the single payment line id
-        :param amount: the (signed) amount debited from the bank account
-        :param currency: the bank account's currency *browse object*
-        :param boolean storno_retry: when True, attempt to reopen the invoice, \
-        set the invoice to 'Debit denied' otherwise.
-        :return: an incomplete reconcile for the caller to fill
-        :rtype: database id of an account.move.reconcile resource.
-        """
-        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
-        reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
-        line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id)
-        reconcile_id = False
-        if (line.debit_move_line_id and not line.storno and
-            self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-                cr, uid, currency, (
-                    (line.debit_move_line_id.credit or 0.0) -
-                    (line.debit_move_line_id.debit or 0.0) + amount))):
-            # Two different cases, full and partial
-            # Both cases differ subtly in the procedure to follow
-            # Needs refractoring, but why is this not in the OpenERP API?
-            # Actually, given the nature of a direct debit order and storno,
-            # we should not need to take partial into account on the side of
-            # the debit_move_line.
-            if line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_partial_id:
-                reconcile_id = line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_partial_id.id
-                attribute = 'reconcile_partial_id'
-                if len(line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_partial_ids) == 2:
-                    # reuse the simple reconcile for the storno transfer
-                    reconcile_obj.write(
-                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
-                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.debit_move_line_id.id)],
-                            'line_partial_ids': [(6, 0, [])],
-                            }, context=context)
-                else:
-                    # split up the original reconcile in a partial one
-                    # and a new one for reconciling the storno transfer
-                    reconcile_obj.write(
-                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
-                            'line_partial_ids': [(3, line.debit_move_line_id.id)],
-                            }, context=context)
-                    reconcile_id = reconcile_obj.create(
-                        cr, uid, {
-                            'type': 'auto',
-                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.debit_move_line_id.id)],
-                            }, context=context)
-            elif line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_id:
-                reconcile_id = line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.id
-                if len(line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_id) == 2:
-                    # reuse the simple reconcile for the storno transfer
-                    reconcile_obj.write(
-                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
-                            'line_id': [(6, 0, [line.debit_move_line_id.id])]
-                            }, context=context)
-                else:
-                    # split up the original reconcile in a partial one
-                    # and a new one for reconciling the storno transfer
-                    partial_ids = [ 
-                        x.id for x in line.debit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_id
-                        if x.id != line.debit_move_line_id.id
-                        ]
-                    reconcile_obj.write(
-                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
-                            'line_partial_ids': [(6, 0, partial_ids)],
-                            'line_id': [(6, 0, [])],
-                            }, context=context)
-                    reconcile_id = reconcile_obj.create(
-                        cr, uid, {
-                            'type': 'auto',
-                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.debit_move_line_id.id)],
-                            }, context=context)
-            # mark the payment line for storno processed
-            if reconcile_id:
-                self.write(cr, uid, [payment_line_id],
-                           {'storno': True}, context=context)
-                # put forth the invoice workflow
-                if line.move_line_id.invoice:
-                    activity = (storno_retry and 'open_test'
-                                or 'invoice_debit_denied')
-                    netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_validate(
-                        uid, 'account.invoice', line.move_line_id.invoice.id,
-                        activity, cr)
-        return reconcile_id
-    def get_storno_account_id(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, amount,
-                     currency, context=None):
-        """
-        Check the match of the arguments, and return the account associated
-        with the storno.
-        Used in account_banking interactive mode
-        :param payment_line_id: the single payment line id
-        :param amount: the (signed) amount debited from the bank account
-        :param currency: the bank account's currency *browse object*
-        :return: an account if there is a full match, False otherwise
-        :rtype: database id of an account.account resource.
-        """
-        line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id)
-        account_id = False
-        if (line.debit_move_line_id and not line.storno and
-            self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-                cr, uid, currency, (
-                    (line.debit_move_line_id.credit or 0.0) -
-                    (line.debit_move_line_id.debit or 0.0) + amount))):
-            account_id = line.debit_move_line_id.account_id.id
-        return account_id
-    def debit_reconcile(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=None):
-        """
-        Reconcile a debit order's payment line with the the move line
-        that it is based on. Called from payment_order.action_sent().
-        As the amount is derived directly from the counterpart move line,
-        we do not expect a write off. Take partially reconcilions into
-        account though.
-        :param payment_line_id: the single id of the canceled payment line
-        """
-        if isinstance(payment_line_id, (list, tuple)):
-            payment_line_id = payment_line_id[0]
-        reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
-        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
-        payment_line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=context)
-        debit_move_line = payment_line.debit_move_line_id
-        torec_move_line = payment_line.move_line_id
-        if payment_line.storno:
-            raise osv.except_osv(
-                _('Can not reconcile'),
-                _('Cancelation of payment line \'%s\' has already been ' +
-                  'processed') % payment_line.name)
-        if (not debit_move_line or not torec_move_line):
-            raise osv.except_osv(
-                _('Can not reconcile'),
-                _('No move line for line %s') % payment_line.name)     
-        if torec_move_line.reconcile_id: # torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
-            raise osv.except_osv(
-                _('Error'),
-                _('Move line %s has already been reconciled') % 
-                torec_move_line.name
-                )
-        if debit_move_line.reconcile_id or debit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
-            raise osv.except_osv(
-                _('Error'),
-                _('Move line %s has already been reconciled') % 
-                debit_move_line.name
-                )
-        def is_zero(total):
-            return self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
-                cr, uid, debit_move_line.company_id.currency_id, total)
-        line_ids = [debit_move_line.id, torec_move_line.id]
-        if torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
-            line_ids = [
-                x.id for x in debit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id.line_partial_ids] + [torec_move_line_id]
-        total = move_line_obj.get_balance(cr, uid, line_ids)
-        vals = {
-            'type': 'auto',
-            'line_id': is_zero(total) and [(6, 0, line_ids)] or [(6, 0, [])],
-            'line_partial_ids': is_zero(total) and [(6, 0, [])] or [(6, 0, line_ids)],
-            }
-        if torec_move_line.reconcile_partial_id:
-            reconcile_obj.write(
-                cr, uid, debit_move_line.reconcile_partial_id.id,
-                vals, context=context)
-        else:
-            reconcile_obj.create(
-                cr, uid, vals, context=context)
-        for line_id in line_ids:
-            netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_trigger(
-                uid, 'account.move.line', line_id, cr)
-        # If a bank transaction of a storno was first confirmed
-        # and now canceled (the invoice is now in state 'debit_denied'
-        if torec_move_line.invoice:
-            netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_validate(
-                uid, 'account.invoice', torec_move_line.invoice.id,
-                'undo_debit_denied', cr)
-    _columns = {
-        'debit_move_line_id': fields.many2one(
-            # this line is part of the credit side of move 2a 
-            # from the documentation
-            'account.move.line', 'Debit move line',
-            readonly=True,
-            help="Move line through which the debit order pays the invoice"),
-        'storno': fields.boolean(
-            'Storno',
-            readonly=True,
-            help=("If this is true, the debit order has been canceled " +
-                  "by the bank or by the customer")),
-        }
-class payment_order_create(osv.osv_memory):
-    _inherit = 'payment.order.create'
-    def search_entries(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        """
-        This method taken from account_payment module.
-        We adapt the domain based on the payment_order_type
-        """
-        line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
-        mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
-        if context is None:
-            context = {}
-        data = self.read(cr, uid, ids, [], context=context)[0]
-        search_due_date = data['duedate']
-        ### start account_direct_debit ###
-        payment = self.pool.get('payment.order').browse(
-            cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context)
-        # Search for move line to pay:
-        if payment.payment_order_type == 'debit':
-            domain = [
-                ('reconcile_id', '=', False),
-                ('account_id.type', '=', 'receivable'),
-                ('invoice_state', '!=', 'debit_denied'),
-                ('amount_to_receive', '>', 0),
-                ]
-        else:
-            domain = [
-                ('reconcile_id', '=', False),
-                ('account_id.type', '=', 'payable'),
-                ('amount_to_pay', '>', 0)
-                ]
-        domain.append(('company_id', '=', payment.mode.company_id.id))
-        # apply payment term filter
-        if payment.mode.payment_term_ids:
-            domain = domain + [
-                ('payment_term_id', 'in', 
-                 [term.id for term in payment.mode.payment_term_ids]
-                 )
-                ]
-        # domain = [('reconcile_id', '=', False), ('account_id.type', '=', 'payable'), ('amount_to_pay', '>', 0)]
-        ### end account_direct_debit ###
-        domain = domain + ['|', ('date_maturity', '<=', search_due_date), ('date_maturity', '=', False)]
-        line_ids = line_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
-        context.update({'line_ids': line_ids})
-        model_data_ids = mod_obj.search(cr, uid,[('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('name', '=', 'view_create_payment_order_lines')], context=context)
-        resource_id = mod_obj.read(cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'], context=context)[0]['res_id']
-        return {'name': ('Entry Lines'),
-                'context': context,
-                'view_type': 'form',
-                'view_mode': 'form',
-                'res_model': 'payment.order.create',
-                'views': [(resource_id,'form')],
-                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
-                'target': 'new',
-        }
+        return super(payment_order, self).test_undo_done(
+            cr, uid, ids, context=context)

=== added file 'account_direct_debit/model/payment_line.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/payment_line.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/payment_line.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+import netsvc
+from tools.translate import _
+class payment_line(orm.Model):
+    _inherit = 'payment.line'
+    def debit_storno(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, amount,
+                     currency, storno_retry=True, context=None):
+        """
+        The processing of a storno is triggered by a debit
+        transfer on one of the company's bank accounts.
+        This method offers to re-reconcile the original debit
+        payment. For this purpose, we have registered that
+        payment move on the payment line.
+        Return the (now incomplete) reconcile id. The caller MUST
+        re-reconcile this reconcile with the bank transfer and
+        re-open the associated invoice.
+        :param payment_line_id: the single payment line id
+        :param amount: the (signed) amount debited from the bank account
+        :param currency: the bank account's currency *browse object*
+        :param boolean storno_retry: when True, attempt to reopen the invoice, \
+        set the invoice to 'Debit denied' otherwise.
+        :return: an incomplete reconcile for the caller to fill
+        :rtype: database id of an account.move.reconcile resource.
+        """
+        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
+        reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
+        line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id)
+        reconcile_id = False
+        if (line.transit_move_line_id and not line.storno and
+            self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
+                cr, uid, currency, (
+                    (line.transit_move_line_id.credit or 0.0) -
+                    (line.transit_move_line_id.debit or 0.0) + amount))):
+            # Two different cases, full and partial
+            # Both cases differ subtly in the procedure to follow
+            # Needs refractoring, but why is this not in the OpenERP API?
+            # Actually, given the nature of a direct debit order and storno,
+            # we should not need to take partial into account on the side of
+            # the transit_move_line.
+            if line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_partial_id:
+                reconcile_id = line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_partial_id.id
+                attribute = 'reconcile_partial_id'
+                if len(line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_partial_ids) == 2:
+                    # reuse the simple reconcile for the storno transfer
+                    reconcile_obj.write(
+                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
+                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.transit_move_line_id.id)],
+                            'line_partial_ids': [(6, 0, [])],
+                            }, context=context)
+                else:
+                    # split up the original reconcile in a partial one
+                    # and a new one for reconciling the storno transfer
+                    reconcile_obj.write(
+                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
+                            'line_partial_ids': [(3, line.transit_move_line_id.id)],
+                            }, context=context)
+                    reconcile_id = reconcile_obj.create(
+                        cr, uid, {
+                            'type': 'auto',
+                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.transit_move_line_id.id)],
+                            }, context=context)
+            elif line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_id:
+                reconcile_id = line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.id
+                if len(line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_id) == 2:
+                    # reuse the simple reconcile for the storno transfer
+                    reconcile_obj.write(
+                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
+                            'line_id': [(6, 0, [line.transit_move_line_id.id])]
+                            }, context=context)
+                else:
+                    # split up the original reconcile in a partial one
+                    # and a new one for reconciling the storno transfer
+                    partial_ids = [ 
+                        x.id for x in line.transit_move_line_id.reconcile_id.line_id
+                        if x.id != line.transit_move_line_id.id
+                        ]
+                    reconcile_obj.write(
+                        cr, uid, reconcile_id, {
+                            'line_partial_ids': [(6, 0, partial_ids)],
+                            'line_id': [(6, 0, [])],
+                            }, context=context)
+                    reconcile_id = reconcile_obj.create(
+                        cr, uid, {
+                            'type': 'auto',
+                            'line_id': [(6, 0, line.transit_move_line_id.id)],
+                            }, context=context)
+            # mark the payment line for storno processed
+            if reconcile_id:
+                self.write(cr, uid, [payment_line_id],
+                           {'storno': True}, context=context)
+                # put forth the invoice workflow
+                if line.move_line_id.invoice:
+                    activity = (storno_retry and 'open_test'
+                                or 'invoice_debit_denied')
+                    netsvc.LocalService("workflow").trg_validate(
+                        uid, 'account.invoice', line.move_line_id.invoice.id,
+                        activity, cr)
+        return reconcile_id
+    def get_storno_account_id(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, amount,
+                     currency, context=None):
+        """
+        Check the match of the arguments, and return the account associated
+        with the storno.
+        Used in account_banking interactive mode
+        :param payment_line_id: the single payment line id
+        :param amount: the (signed) amount debited from the bank account
+        :param currency: the bank account's currency *browse object*
+        :return: an account if there is a full match, False otherwise
+        :rtype: database id of an account.account resource.
+        """
+        line = self.browse(cr, uid, payment_line_id)
+        account_id = False
+        if (line.transit_move_line_id and not line.storno and
+            self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
+                cr, uid, currency, (
+                    (line.transit_move_line_id.credit or 0.0) -
+                    (line.transit_move_line_id.debit or 0.0) + amount))):
+            account_id = line.transit_move_line_id.account_id.id
+        return account_id
+    def debit_reconcile(self, cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=None):
+        """
+        Raise if a payment line is passed for which storno is True
+        """
+        if isinstance(payment_line_id, (list, tuple)):
+            payment_line_id = payment_line_id[0]
+        payment_line = self.read(
+            cr, uid, payment_line_id, ['storno', 'name'], context=context)
+        if payment_line['storno']:
+            raise orm.except_orm(
+                _('Can not reconcile'),
+                _('Cancelation of payment line \'%s\' has already been '
+                  'processed') % payment_line['name'])
+        return super(self, payment_line).debit_reconcile(
+            cr, uid, payment_line_id, context=context)
+    _columns = {
+        'storno': fields.boolean(
+            'Storno',
+            readonly=True,
+            help=("If this is true, the debit order has been canceled "
+                  "by the bank or by the customer")),
+        }

=== added file 'account_direct_debit/model/payment_order_create.py'
--- account_direct_debit/model/payment_order_create.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/model/payment_order_create.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Copyright (C) 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    All other contributions are (C) by their respective contributors
+#    All Rights Reserved
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from openerp.osv import orm
+class payment_order_create(orm.TransientModel):
+    _inherit = 'payment.order.create'
+    def extend_payment_order_domain(
+            self, cr, uid, payment_order, domain, context=None):
+        super(payment_order_create, self).extend_payment_order_domain(
+            cr, uid, payment_order, domain, context=context)
+        if payment_order.payment_order_type == 'debit':
+            domain += [
+                ('account_id.type', '=', 'receivable'),
+                ('invoice.state', '!=', 'debit_denied'),
+                ('amount_to_receive', '>', 0),
+                ]
+        return True

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/view/account_invoice.xml'
--- account_direct_debit/view/account_invoice.xml	2012-05-01 20:36:44 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/view/account_invoice.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
         <record id="invoice_form" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">account.invoice.form</field>
             <field name="model">account.invoice</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.invoice_form"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
@@ -16,14 +15,6 @@
                     <!-- button name="invoice_open" position="attributes">
                         <attribute name="states">draft,proforma2,debit_denied</attribute>
                     </button -->
-                    <button string='Re-Open' position="attributes">
-                        <attribute name="states">paid,debit_denied</attribute>
-                        <!--
-                            unintentional fix of
-                            https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-addons/+bug/807543
-                        -->
-                        <attribute name="groups"/>
-                    </button>
                     <button name="invoice_open" position="after">
                         <button name="invoice_debit_denied" states="paid"
                                 string="Debit Denied" icon="gtk-cancel"/>
@@ -38,7 +29,11 @@
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_account_invoice_filter"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <filter name="invoices" position="after">
-                    <filter name="debit_denied" icon="terp-dolar_ok!" string="Debit denied" domain="[('state','=','debit_denied')]" help="Show only invoices with state Debit denied"/>
+                    <filter name="debit_denied" icon="terp-dolar_ok!"
+                            string="Debit denied"
+                            domain="[('state','=','debit_denied')]"
+                            help="Show only invoices with state Debit denied"
+                            />

=== modified file 'account_direct_debit/view/account_payment.xml'
--- account_direct_debit/view/account_payment.xml	2013-01-21 11:19:04 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/view/account_payment.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <!-- distinguish between payment orders and debit orders in the menu -->
         <record id="account_payment.action_payment_order_tree" model="ir.actions.act_window">
             <field name="domain">[('payment_order_type', '=', 'payment')]</field>
@@ -24,7 +25,6 @@
         <record id="view_payment_order_form" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">payment.order.form</field>
             <field name="model">payment.order</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_order_form"/>
             <field name="priority" eval="60"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
@@ -46,40 +46,13 @@
-                    <!-- the attrs do not work like this, apparently
-                         <xpath expr="//tree[@string='Payment Line']" position="inside">
-                             <field name="storno" attrs="{'invisible': [(parent.payment_order_type, '!=', 'debit')]}"/>
-                         </xpath>
-                    -->
-	<!-- Add transfer account for debit type modes -->
-	<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_payment_mode_form">
-	  <field name="name">payment.mode.form add transfer account</field>
-	  <field name="model">payment.mode</field>
-	  <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_banking.view_payment_mode_form_inherit"/>
-	  <field name="type">form</field>
-	  <field name="arch" type="xml">
-	    <field name="type" position="after">
-	      <field name="transfer_account_id"
-                     domain="[('type', '=', 'other'),
-                              ('reconcile', '=', True),
-                              ('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
-                     />
-	      <field name="transfer_journal_id"
-                     domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
-                     />
-              <field name="payment_term_ids"/>
-	    </field>
-	  </field>
-	</record>
         <record id="view_payment_line_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">Payment Lines</field>
             <field name="model">payment.line</field>
-            <field name="type">tree</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account_payment.view_payment_line_tree"/>
             <field eval="4" name="priority"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
@@ -88,5 +61,6 @@

=== removed file 'account_direct_debit/workflow/account_payment.xml'
--- account_direct_debit/workflow/account_payment.xml	2013-01-02 14:45:02 +0000
+++ account_direct_debit/workflow/account_payment.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <data>
-        <!--
-            Transition to undo the payment order and reset to
-            sent, triggered by
-            cancelling a bank transaction with which the order
-            was reconciled.
-            For this, we need to cancel the flow stop on the done state,
-            unfortunately.
-            TODO: what is below is not enough. We need to inject
-            another state, 'sent_wait' between sent and done.
-        -->
-        <record id="account_payment.act_done" model="workflow.activity">
-            <field name="flow_stop" eval="False"/>
-        </record>
-        <record id="trans_done_sent" model="workflow.transition">
-            <field name="act_from" ref="account_payment.act_done"/>
-            <field name="act_to" ref="account_banking.act_sent"/>
-            <field name="condition">test_undo_done()</field>
-            <field name="signal">undo_done</field>
-        </record>
-    </data>

=== modified file 'account_payment_shortcut/__init__.py'
--- account_payment_shortcut/__init__.py	2011-12-09 13:07:52 +0000
+++ account_payment_shortcut/__init__.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import payment_order

=== modified file 'account_payment_shortcut/payment_order.py'
--- account_payment_shortcut/payment_order.py	2011-12-09 13:07:52 +0000
+++ account_payment_shortcut/payment_order.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from osv import osv, fields
-class payment_order_create(osv.osv_memory):
+#    Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    All other contributions are (C) by their respective contributors
+#    All Rights Reserved
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from osv import orm
+class payment_order_create(orm.TransientModel):
     _inherit = 'payment.order.create'
     def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields_list, context=None):
@@ -27,5 +49,3 @@
             res['entries'] = context['line_ids']
         return res

=== modified file 'bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_bank_statement_line.py'
--- bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_bank_statement_line.py	2012-12-05 20:16:14 +0000
+++ bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_bank_statement_line.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #    OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
-#    This module copyright (C) 2012 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    This module copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
-from openerp.osv import osv, fields
-class account_bank_statement_line(osv.Model):
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
+class account_bank_statement_line(orm.Model):
     _inherit = 'account.bank.statement.line'
     def create_instant_voucher(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         res = False

=== modified file 'bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_voucher_instant.py'
--- bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_voucher_instant.py	2012-12-05 20:16:14 +0000
+++ bank_statement_instant_voucher/model/account_voucher_instant.py	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #    OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
-#    This module copyright (C) 2012 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
+#    This module copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>).
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
-from openerp.osv import osv, fields
+from openerp.osv import orm, fields
 from openerp.tools.translate import _
 from openerp.addons.decimal_precision import decimal_precision as dp
-class instant_voucher(osv.TransientModel):
+class instant_voucher(orm.TransientModel):
     _name = 'account.voucher.instant'
     _description = 'Instant Voucher'
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
             cr, uid, [('company_id', '=', line.company_id.id),
                       ('type', '=', voucher_type)])
         if not journal_ids:
-            osv.exept_osv(
+            orm.exept_orm(
                 _('No %s journal defined') % voucher_type)
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
                 context.get('active_id') or
                 context.get('active_ids') and context.get('active_ids')[0])
             if not res['statement_line_id']:
-                raise osv.except_osv(
+                raise orm.except_orm(
                     _('Cannot determine statement line'))
             line = self.pool.get('account.bank.statement.line').browse(
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
         if (instant.statement_line_id.statement_id.currency.id !=
-            raise osv.except_osv(
+            raise orm.except_orm(
                 _("Currency on the bank statement line needs to be the "
                   "same as on the voucher. Currency conversion is not yet "
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
                 cr, uid, [instant.voucher_id.id], context=context)
             if instant.voucher_id.state != 'posted':
-                raise osv.except_osv(
+                raise orm.except_orm(
                     _("The voucher could not be posted."))
         if instant.voucher_id.move_id.state != 'posted':
@@ -230,12 +230,12 @@
                 cr, uid, [instant.voucher_id.move_id.id], context=context)
             if instant.voucher_id.move_id.state != 'posted':
-                raise osv.except_osv(
+                raise orm.except_orm(
                     _("The voucher's move line could not be posted."))
         if not self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(
             cr, uid, voucher_currency, instant.balance):
-            raise osv.except_osv(
+            raise orm.except_orm(
                 _("The amount on the bank statement line needs to be the "
                   "same as on the voucher. Write-off is not yet "
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
         # and trigger its posting and reconciliation.
         if 'import_transaction_id' in statement_line_obj._columns:
             if instant.statement_line_id.state == 'confirmed':
-                raise osv.except_osv(
+                raise orm.except_orm(
                     _("Cannot match a confirmed statement line"))
             if not instant.statement_line_id.import_transaction_id:

=== modified file 'bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_bank_statement_line.xml'
--- bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_bank_statement_line.xml	2012-11-28 13:49:36 +0000
+++ bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_bank_statement_line.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
             <field name="name">Add instant voucher button to bank statement line on statement form</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_bank_statement_form" />
             <field name="model">account.bank.statement</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="priority" eval="30"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <xpath expr="/form/notebook/page/field[@name='line_ids']/tree/field[@name='voucher_id']"

=== modified file 'bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_voucher_instant.xml'
--- bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_voucher_instant.xml	2012-11-28 13:49:36 +0000
+++ bank_statement_instant_voucher/view/account_voucher_instant.xml	2013-06-04 14:51:27 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
         <record id="instant_voucher_form" model="ir.ui.view">
             <field name="name">Instant voucher form view</field>
             <field name="model">account.voucher.instant</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                     <field name="state" invisible="1" readonly="1"/>

Follow ups