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Migrations are easier


I've wrapped migrate's commands in the following shell script to
simplify creating a new migration:


You can use it by typing this on the command line:

./new_migration.sh "Describe the new migration here"

So now you can create a new migration in just one command.

I updated
the wiki
to document this change.  Also, as noted in this task's blueprint
I notified the TurboGears developers on their relevant Trac ticket
<http://trac.turbogears.org/ticket/2239#comment:8> because they are
wanting to simplify the migration process too.

Tim Black
Pastor, /Caney Orthodox Presbyterian Church <http://caneyopc.org>/, 206
N. Vine St, Caney, KS 67333
Web Developer & Owner, /Always Reformed Web Development
<http://www.alwaysreformed.com>/, 801 S State St, Caney, KS 67333
o (620) 879-2359 - h/o (620) 306-4624 - c (620) 306-1507
timblack1 on most chat networks - timblack11 on Skype