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[Merge] ~seb128/ubuntu-manual-tests:tracker_update_documentation into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Sebastien Bacher has proposed merging ~seb128/ubuntu-manual-tests:tracker_update_documentation into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Testcase Admins (ubuntu-testcase)

For more details, see:

Include some documentation. 

It's printed if the script is called with -h or without argument.

The text and layout could be improved for sure, and if anyone want to make it better please do (also feel free to commit, I don't care about the credit or being the author), but even in the current form it should help the next person who tries to use the script.

Your team Ubuntu Testcase Admins is requested to review the proposed merge of ~seb128/ubuntu-manual-tests:tracker_update_documentation into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.
diff --git a/tools/qa_tracker_update.pl b/tools/qa_tracker_update.pl
index 6448c67..7cd69fc 100644
--- a/tools/qa_tracker_update.pl
+++ b/tools/qa_tracker_update.pl
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Encode;
 use File::Path;
 use File::Basename;
 use Data::Dumper;
+use Getopt::Std;
 my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
@@ -45,6 +46,25 @@ use open ':encoding(utf8)';
 #print "$programName - $path";
+# declare the perl command line flags/options we want to allow
+my %options=();
+getopts("h", \%options);
+# test for the existence of the options on the command line.
+# in a normal program you'd do more than just print these.
+if (defined $options{h} || $#ARGV < 1) {
+    my $scriptname = basename($0);
+    print "usage: perl $scriptname DOMAIN TESTCASES\n\n";
+    print "example: perl $scriptname iso testcases/image/1310_Upgrade\n\n";
+    print "DOMAIN is defined by the server URL being 'http://DOMAIN$baseURL'\n\n";
+    print "TESTCASES is one of several testcase filenames to upload\n";
+    print "If the testcase filename starts by a number (NNNNN_<testname>) the corresponding test will be updated\n";
+    print "If it doesn't include a number it will create a new testcase on the server and assign it an ID\n\n";
+    print "The Ubuntu SSO credential can be stored in the script to avoid prompting\n";
+    exit;
 #first argument is the domain
 my $domain = $ARGV[0];

Follow ups