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[Merge] ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:modify_seed_new_release into autopkgtest-cloud:master


Tim Andersson has proposed merging ~andersson123/autopkgtest-cloud:modify_seed_new_release into autopkgtest-cloud:master.

Commit message:
Modify seed-new-release to use retries

Requested reviews:
  Brian Murray (brian-murray)

For more details, see:

seed-new-release often fails and is often used better if wrapped in a while loop. I have made changes such that the it is now wrapped within a while loop in the code
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is subscribed to branch autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/seed-new-release b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/seed-new-release
index 8fdd1a3..58823d6 100755
--- a/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/seed-new-release
+++ b/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/seed-new-release
@@ -12,7 +12,12 @@ import sqlite3
 import time
 import swiftclient
+import logging
+    format='%(asctime)s %(module)s: %(message)s',
+    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
 def srchash(src):
     if src.startswith('lib'):
@@ -35,11 +40,11 @@ def copy_result(rel_path, old_release, new_release):
     from_path = old_release + rel_path
     to_path = new_release + rel_path
-    print('Copying %s' % from_path)
+    logging.info('Copying %s' % from_path)
         headers, contents = swift_con.get_object('autopkgtest-' + old_release, from_path)
     except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException:
-        print('Could not copy %s - not found' % rel_path)
+        logging.info('Could not copy %s - not found' % rel_path)
     headers_to_copy = {}
@@ -59,65 +64,81 @@ def copy_result(rel_path, old_release, new_release):
         except (IOError, AttributeError, swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException) as e:
-            print('Error connecting to swift, re-connecting in %is: %s' % (5 * retry, e))
+            logging.info('Error connecting to swift, re-connecting in %is: %s' % (5 * retry, e))
             time.sleep(5 * retry)
             swift_con = connect_swift()
-        print('Repeated failure to connect to swift')
+        logging.info('Repeated failure to connect to swift')
-ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-ap.add_argument('results_db', help='path to autopkgtest.db')
-args = ap.parse_args()
-# connect to Swift
-swift_con = connect_swift()
-# create new container
-swift_con.put_container('autopkgtest-' + args.new_release,
-                        headers={'X-Container-Read': '.rlistings,.r:*'})
-# read existing names (needs multiple batches)
-existing = set()
-last = ''
-while True:
-   print('Getting existing results starting with "%s"' % last)
-   batch = [i['name'] for i in swift_con.get_container('autopkgtest-' + args.new_release, marker=last)[1]]
-   if not batch:
-      break
-   last = batch[-1]
-   existing.update(batch)
-# get passing result per package/arch from database
-db_con = sqlite3.connect(args.results_db)
-for (package, arch, run_id) in db_con.execute(
-        "SELECT package, arch, MAX(run_id) "
-        "FROM test, result "
-        "WHERE test.id = result.test_id AND release = '%s' "
-        "   AND (exitcode = 0 OR exitcode = 2 "
-        "        OR triggers = 'migration-reference/0') "
-        "GROUP BY package, arch" % args.old_release):
-    for file in 'artifacts.tar.gz', 'result.tar', 'log.gz':
-        path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (arch, srchash(package), package, run_id, file)
-        if args.new_release + path in existing:
-            print('%s%s already exists, skipping' % (args.old_release, path))
-            continue
-        copy_result(path, args.old_release, args.new_release)
-for (package, arch, run_id) in db_con.execute(
-        "SELECT package, arch, MAX(run_id) "
-        "FROM test, result "
-        "WHERE test.id = result.test_id AND release = '%s' "
-        "   AND triggers = 'migration-reference/0' "
-        "GROUP BY package, arch" % args.old_release):
-    for file in 'artifacts.tar.gz', 'result.tar', 'log.gz':
-        path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (arch, srchash(package), package, run_id, file)
-        if args.new_release + path in existing:
-            print('%s%s already exists, skipping' % (args.old_release, path))
-            continue
-        copy_result(path, args.old_release, args.new_release)
+def attempt_seed_new_release(args):
+    try:
+        # connect to Swift
+        swift_con = connect_swift()
+        # create new container
+        swift_con.put_container('autopkgtest-' + args.new_release,
+                                headers={'X-Container-Read': '.rlistings,.r:*'})
+        # read existing names (needs multiple batches)
+        existing = set()
+        last = ''
+        while True:
+            logging.info('Getting existing results starting with "%s"' % last)
+            batch = [i['name'] for i in swift_con.get_container('autopkgtest-' + \
+                                                                args.new_release, marker=last)[1]]
+            if not batch:
+                break
+            last = batch[-1]
+            existing.update(batch)
+        # get passing result per package/arch from database
+        db_con = sqlite3.connect(args.results_db)
+        for (package, arch, run_id) in db_con.execute(
+                "SELECT package, arch, MAX(run_id) "
+                "FROM test, result "
+                "WHERE test.id = result.test_id AND release = '%s' "
+                "   AND (exitcode = 0 OR exitcode = 2 "
+                "        OR triggers = 'migration-reference/0') "
+                "GROUP BY package, arch" % args.old_release):
+            for file in 'artifacts.tar.gz', 'result.tar', 'log.gz':
+                path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (arch, srchash(package), package, run_id, file)
+                if args.new_release + path in existing:
+                    logging.info('%s%s already exists, skipping' % (args.old_release, path))
+                    continue
+                copy_result(path, args.old_release, args.new_release)
+        for (package, arch, run_id) in db_con.execute(
+                "SELECT package, arch, MAX(run_id) "
+                "FROM test, result "
+                "WHERE test.id = result.test_id AND release = '%s' "
+                "   AND triggers = 'migration-reference/0' "
+                "GROUP BY package, arch" % args.old_release):
+            for file in 'artifacts.tar.gz', 'result.tar', 'log.gz':
+                path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (arch, srchash(package), package, run_id, file)
+                if args.new_release + path in existing:
+                    logging.info('%s%s already exists, skipping' % (args.old_release, path))
+                    continue
+                copy_result(path, args.old_release, args.new_release)
+        return True
+    except Exception as _:
+        return False
+def main(args):
+    while True:
+        if attempt_seed_new_release(args):
+            logging.info("seed-new-release has succeeded, exiting...")
+            return
+        logging.info("seed-new-release failed, retrying...")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    ap.add_argument('old_release')
+    ap.add_argument('new_release')
+    ap.add_argument('results_db', help='path to autopkgtest.db')
+    args = ap.parse_args()
+    main(args)

Follow ups