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Message #04017
[Merge] ubuntu-qa-website:branch-series-lts into ubuntu-qa-website:main
Steve Langasek has proposed merging ubuntu-qa-website:branch-series-lts into ubuntu-qa-website:main.
Requested reviews:
Ubuntu QA Website Developers (ubuntu-qa-website-devel)
For more details, see:
Extend the branch-series handling for the case where the previous release is an LTS, as determined by distro-info:
- don't close the previous daily milestone
- do create download link records for the new stable series
The new SQL has been used to populate the download links for noble, so this should be good.
Your team Ubuntu QA Website Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of ubuntu-qa-website:branch-series-lts into ubuntu-qa-website:main.
diff --git a/scripts/branch-series b/scripts/branch-series
index 3cda0af..05f387a 100755
--- a/scripts/branch-series
+++ b/scripts/branch-series
@@ -20,12 +20,18 @@ if [ -z "$OLDSERIES" ] || [ -z "$NEWSERIES" ]; then
exit 1
-if ! distro-info --series $(echo "$OLDSERIES" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) >/dev/null 2>&1
+oldseries=$(echo "$OLDSERIES" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
+if ! distro-info --series $oldseries >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Unknown series: $OLDSERIES" >&2
usage >&2
exit 1
+if [ "$oldseries" = $(distro-info --lts) ]; then
+ LTS=1
psql -U qatracker qatracker -f branch-series.sql \
+ -v "LTS=$LTS"
diff --git a/scripts/branch-series.sql b/scripts/branch-series.sql
index 17e4b58..5aafbfc 100644
--- a/scripts/branch-series.sql
+++ b/scripts/branch-series.sql
@@ -19,8 +19,17 @@ INSERT INTO qatracker_milestone (seriesid, siteid, title, notify, status,
SELECT id, 1, INITCAP(:NEWSERIES) || ' Daily', 0, 0, 0
FROM qatracker_milestone_series WHERE title=INITCAP(:NEWSERIES);
--- correct for the common non-LTS case; make the calling script know the
--- difference
-UPDATE qatracker_milestone SET status=1 WHERE title=INITCAP(:OLDSERIES) || ' Daily';
+UPDATE qatracker_milestone SET status=1
+WHERE title=INITCAP(:OLDSERIES) || ' Daily' AND :LTS=0;
+INSERT INTO qatracker_product_download
+ (productid, seriesid, filename, path, type)
+ SELECT DISTINCT d.productid,, d.filename,
+ REPLACE(d.path,'/d','/SERIES/d'), d.type
+ FROM qatracker_milestone_series s
+ LEFT JOIN qatracker_milestone_series_manifest m ON
+ LEFT JOIN qatracker_product p ON
+ LEFT JOIN qatracker_product_download d ON
+ WHERE s.title='Noble' AND d.seriesid IS NULL
+ AND d.productid IS NOT NULL AND :LTS=1;
DROP TABLE nextid;
Follow ups