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Re: [Merge] lp:~xnox/cloud-init/refactor-dev-root into lp:cloud-init


I dont think so.
without something like lxcfs, the /proc/cmdline in the container is the host's /proc/cmdline.
so that 'root=' (whether it be /dev/sda1 or LABEL=) is not destined for this container.

with lxcfs, that might be different (hopefully it will be).  But /proc/mountinfo is namepsaced, so its content is valid for the container.

also, you can't use 'is' to compare strings as you did in line 9. example:
  $ python -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1] is "/dev/root")' /dev/root

Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~xnox/cloud-init/refactor-dev-root into lp:cloud-init.

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