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Message #02557
[Merge] ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master
Joshua Powers has proposed merging ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master.
Requested reviews:
Server Team CI bot (server-team-bot): continuous-integration
cloud-init commiters (cloud-init-dev)
For more details, see:
Looking for a review on this. It isn't fully working yet, complains about uncommitted changes, which I have to figure out why but:
* Creates centos 6 or 7 lxd container
* Installs pip and yum dependencies
* Creates centos user
* Tar's up working directory
* Pushes to container and untars
* As user centos, runs unittests
* As user centos, runs ./packages/brpm
I did not use make-tarball because it removes all the git stuff, and to run brpm we have to have the git info since it in turn calls make-tarball.
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/tools/run-centos b/tools/run-centos
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50008b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/run-centos
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+set -ux
+error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+errorp() { printf "$@" 1>&2; }
+fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
+failp() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || errorp "$@"; exit 1; }
+Usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] CentOS version
+ This utility can makes it easier to run tests, build rpm and source rpm
+ generation inside a LXC of the specified version of CentOS.
+ options:
+ -a | --artifact keep .rpm artifacts
+ -k | --keep keep container after tests
+ -r | --rpm build .rpm
+ -s | --srpm build .src.rpm
+ -u | --unittest run unit tests
+bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; return 1; }
+cleanup() {
+ if [ ! -n "$keep" ]; then
+ delete_container
+ fi
+ [ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}"
+debug() {
+ local level=${1}; shift;
+ [ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return
+ error "${@}"
+ # CentOS 6 does not come with tar and network is not up by here,
+ # so sleep a bit to let network finish coming up and install tar
+ if [[ "$version" -eq "6" ]]; then
+ sleep 10
+ lxc exec "$name" -- yum install --assumeyes tar
+ fi
+ tarball_name='cloud-init.tar.gz'
+ top_d=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) ||
+ fail "failed to get top level"
+ cd "$top_d" ||
+ fail "failed to cd to git top dir"
+ tar_folder=${PWD##*/}
+ cd ..
+ tar -czf "$TEMP_D/$tarball_name" "$tar_folder" ||
+ fail "failed: creating tarball_name"
+ cd "$tar_folder" ||
+ fail "failed: changing directory"
+ user='centos'
+ tarball="/home/$user/$tarball_name"
+ lxc exec "$name" -- useradd "$user"
+ lxc file push "$TEMP_D/$tarball_name" "$name/home/$user"/
+ lxc exec "$name" -- chown "$user:$user" "$tarball"
+ lxc exec "$name" -- su "$user" -c "tar -C /home/$user -xzf $tarball" ||
+ fail "failed: extracting tarball"
+start_container() {
+ name=cloud-init-centos-$(uuidgen -t | cut -c1-8)
+ lxc launch images:centos/"$version" "$name"
+ for i in {1..120}
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ runlevel=$(lxc exec "$name" -- /sbin/runlevel)
+ if [ "$runlevel" != "unknown" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! -z "${http_proxy-}" ]; then
+ lxc exec "$name" -- sh -c "echo proxy=$http_proxy >> /etc/yum.conf"
+ fi
+delete_container() {
+ lxc stop "$name"
+ lxc delete "$name"
+main() {
+ local short_opts="ahkrsuv:"
+ local long_opts="artifact,help,rpm,srpm,unittest:,verbose"
+ local getopt_out=""
+ getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \
+ --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") &&
+ eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
+ { bad_Usage; return; }
+ local cur="" next=""
+ local artifact="" keep="" rpm="" srpm="" unittest="" version=""
+ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ cur="$1"; next="$2";
+ case "$cur" in
+ -a|--artifact) artifact=0;;
+ -h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;;
+ -k|--keep) keep=0;;
+ -r|--rpm) rpm=0;;
+ -s|--srpm) srpm=0;;
+ -u|--unittest) unittest=0;;
+ -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ esac
+ shift;
+ done
+ [ $# -eq 1 ] || { bad_Usage "ERROR: Must provide version!"; return; }
+ version="$1"
+ TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") ||
+ fail "failed to make tempdir"
+ trap cleanup EXIT
+ # program starts here
+ start_container
+ inject_cloud_init
+ # install dependencies
+ lxc exec "$name" -- /bin/sh <tools/setup-centos ||
+ fail "failed: setting up container $name"
+ rc=0
+ if [ -n "$unittest" ]; then
+ lxc exec "$name" -- su "$user" -c \
+ "cd /home/$user/$tar_folder; nosetests tests/unittests"
+ rc=$((rc+$?))
+ fi
+ lxc exec "$name" -- su "$user" -c \
+ "cd /home/$user/$tar_folder; git checkout .; git status"
+ if [ -n "$srpm" ]; then
+ lxc exec "$name" -- su "$user" -c \
+ "cd /home/$user/$tar_folder; ./packages/brpm --srpm"
+ rc=$((rc+$?))
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$rpm" ]; then
+ lxc exec "$name" -- su "$user" -c \
+ "cd /home/$user/$tar_folder; ./packages/brpm"
+ rc=$((rc+$?))
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$artifact" ]; then
+ cmd="ls /home/$user/$tar_folder/*.rpm"
+ for built_rpm in $(lxc exec "$name" -- sh -c "$cmd"); do
+ lxc file pull "$name/$built_rpm" .
+ done
+ fi
+ exit "$rc"
+main "$@"
+# vi: ts=4 noexpandtab
diff --git a/tools/setup-centos b/tools/setup-centos
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc5da8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/setup-centos
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+set -fux
+export LANG=C
+ file
+ git
+ pyserial
+ python-argparse
+ python-cheetah
+ python-configobj
+ python-devel
+ python-jinja2
+ python-jsonpatch
+ python-oauthlib
+ python-pip
+ python-prettytable
+ python-requests
+ python-six
+ rpm-build
+ contextlib2
+ httpretty
+ mock
+ nose
+ pep8
+ unittest2
+error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
+info() { echo "$@"; }
+pips=$(for p in $pips; do echo "$p"; done | sort -u)
+packages=$(for p in $packages; do echo "$p"; done | sort -u)
+if ! rpm -q epel-release >/dev/null; then
+ yum install --assumeyes epel-release ||
+ fail "failed: yum install epel-release"
+yum install --assumeyes $packages ||
+ fail "failed: yum install" "$packages"
+pip install --upgrade $pips ||
+ fail "failed: pip install $pips"
Follow ups