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[Merge] ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master


The proposal to merge ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master has been updated.

Commit Message changed to:

tools: add centos scripts to build and test

* Creates centos 6 or 7 lxd container
    * Sets http_proxy variable for yum if set locally
    * Creates centos user
* Push local tree
    * Tar's up working directory
    * Pushes to container and untars
* Installs pip and yum dependencies
* As user centos it can then based on flags:
    * runs unittests
    * run ./packages/brpm
    * run ./packages/brpm --srpm
    * artifact the built *.rpm

For more details, see:
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~powersj/cloud-init:create-centos-tests into cloud-init:master.
