coapp-developers team mailing list archive
coapp-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #00712
Updates to the CoApp Platform Architecture
Howdy folks,
(Some of this is review, some of this is a small divergence from previous design)
I've been doing some work to support working on two tracks (Managed Engine and Native Engine), and my testing with the bootstrap component calls into the needed to modify how the engine code gets called. The change to my previous plan is that the functionality of the coapp-bootstrap.exe has been split into two pieces: the 'bootstrap agent' and a 'tiny-installer'-the tiny-installer contains the code that calls into the engine, and is installed in the same Side-by-side assembly as the engine itself.
Each CoApp package MSI is embedded with a bootstrap.exe that gets extracted and executed when the MSI is installed (outside of the application)
CoApp-Bootstrap.exe Process:
- The bootstrapper identifies the location of the coapp-installer.exe by finding one of (first-wins):
o Check the registry for a pre-set location for the tiny-installer.exe
o Looks in WinSxS for a registered coapp-engine assembly. (the manifest embedded in the EXE identifies the minimum engine version currently:
o if the correct version of the engine is not installed, it downloads the MSI at and installs it. After the engine is installed, it looks inside the WinSxS assembly for the coapp-installer.exe
- calls the target EXE with the path of the current MSI.
[Description: fearthecowboy]<>
Garrett Serack | Microsoft's Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939 email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.

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