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Nice interface to github issues


I think someone pointed me to this before, and I had glanced at it, but I wanted to point this out to those who are/will spend a lot of time in the github issue tracker.


This only seems to work in Chrome, but it's a really nice interface to the github issue tracker.

Some helpful hints:

-          Click on the login to github link at the bottom left hand corner.

-          It saves your repositories that you are watching when you close the window, so if you open a second window, you won't see the repositories you've added unless the first one is closed before. And it's last-closed-window-wins (so close the window with the watched repositories you care about last!).

There is also a nice Chrome extension that makes it easy to link to the fancy interface from the standard gitub issues page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mlphmcafjfbcoagfoanfaljdmkcimhmi

[Description: Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<http://fearthecowboy.com/>

Garrett Serack | Microsoft Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939                                       email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
blog: http://fearthecowboy.com<http://fearthecowboy.com/>                                      twitter: @fearthecowboy<http://twitter.com/fearthecowboy>

I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.

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