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CoApp.org site is now UTF-8


I think I fixed the root problem with UTF-8 and the CoApp site (I added the meta tag in, as well as saving the layout files as UTF-8... without the BOM).

Hopefully this will fix my occasional flub with pasting stuff from a word doc (or outlook) into a post.

If there are any other character set issues, ping me.

(oh, and as an aside, I actually had to restart IE in order for it to switch character sets for a given website. Very Strange Stuff kids...)


[Description: Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<http://fearthecowboy.com/>

Garrett Serack | Microsoft Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939                                       email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
blog: http://fearthecowboy.com<http://fearthecowboy.com/>                                      twitter: @fearthecowboy<http://twitter.com/fearthecowboy>

I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.

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