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conselhobrasil team mailing list archive
conselhobrasil team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the conselhobrasil mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 10179 messages, page
| 14 |
ubuntu-br expired from team
ubuntu-br expired from team
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-17
leooliveiraofs wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-17
<Possible follow-ups>
leooliveiraofs wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-15
cscastro87 declined by ivanbrasil
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-10-16
cscastro87 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-10-16
5ut61kze-contato-exq78otj expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-10-16
<Possible follow-ups>
5ut61kze-contato-exq78otj expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2021-10-30
brunojmmedeiros approved by aprigiosimoes
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-10-15
From: Antonio Novaes, 2013-10-15
roncnatal expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
jorgeeaoliveira expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
<Possible follow-ups>
jorgeeaoliveira expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2014-04-05
oseasbmota expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
igo-2007 expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
luizpedro expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
chinnoferreira expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
rodriguesallan91 expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
luismelo expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
mdiniz expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-10-15
<Possible follow-ups>
mdiniz expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-02-01
mdiniz expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-23
brunojmmedeiros wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-10-15
claudionigueira wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2013-10-14
rosinaldofonseca approved by marcelo-jambu
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2013-10-11
jdflorencio approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-10-11
giljunior approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-10-11
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-11
<Possible follow-ups>
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-12
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-13
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-14
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-15
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-16
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2013-10-17
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-10
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-11
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-12
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-13
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-14
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-15
ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified
From: Verified LoCo Teams, 2015-11-16
rodrigovieira-suporte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2013-10-10
mcardinot declined by aprigiosimoes
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-10-09
<Possible follow-ups>
mcardinot declined by aprigiosimoes
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-10-31
mcardinot wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-10-09
douglasmassolari wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-09
samuelcecilio expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-08
rosinaldofonseca wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2013-10-06
gedsonrios-gmail approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2013-10-05
walbercollyer approved by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-10-05
walbercollyer wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-10-05
[Bug 1208539] [NEW] wrong translation for package pacman, portuguese
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2013-10-04
lukasrms expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-04
<Possible follow-ups>
lukasrms expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2014-04-18
mihailov expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-04
daniel-anderson-tiecher expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-04
wilmerson expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-04
ucavalcante expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-04
jef-abc-2008 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-10-03
lucas-fr6 wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-10-02
dumelofs wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2013-10-02
fsbricio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-10-01
<Possible follow-ups>
fsbricio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2014-04-20
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-30
<Possible follow-ups>
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-03-28
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-25
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-23
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-03
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-19
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-03-17
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-04-02
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-09-13
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-03-12
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-04-02
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-09-08
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-03-07
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-04-02
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-09-03
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2019-03-02
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2019-04-02
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2019-08-29
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-02-25
vistainteligente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2020-04-01
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Sergio Meneses, 2013-09-29
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2013-10-17
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: José Antonio Rey, 2013-10-17
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Sergio Meneses, 2013-10-17
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2013-10-17
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Pablo Rubianes, 2013-10-18
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Stephen Michael Kellat, 2013-10-18
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2013-10-18
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: José Antonio Rey, 2013-11-02
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: José Antonio Rey, 2013-11-03
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Stephen Michael Kellat, 2013-11-03
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Sergio Meneses, 2013-11-03
Re: [Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Bhavani Shankar, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: costales, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Pablo Rubianes, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: Stephen Michael Kellat, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-verification, ubuntu-br
From: José Antonio Rey, 2013-11-04
[Bug 1175229] Re: Re-approval, ubuntu-br
From: Sergio Meneses, 2013-09-29
willianmfaria extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-28
<Possible follow-ups>
willianmfaria extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-03-28
willianmfaria extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-26
willianmfaria extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-26
blindyami expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-28
<Possible follow-ups>
blindyami expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2013-10-09
valson-pereira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2013-09-25
<Possible follow-ups>
valson-pereira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2014-09-28
valson-pereira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2015-09-24
valson-pereira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2016-09-23
judson-borges approved by kusterjr
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-09-25
judson-borges wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-09-25
jefferguimaraes extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-24
italoneypessoa expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-23
<Possible follow-ups>
italoneypessoa expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-09-28
marcelo-jambu expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-23
<Possible follow-ups>
marcelo-jambu expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2014-04-21
evertonrobertoauler wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-20
hugov3t3r1n4r10 wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-17
jackson-l wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-09-16
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2013-09-16
<Possible follow-ups>
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2014-09-20
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2015-09-19
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2016-09-17
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2017-09-17
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2018-09-17
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2019-09-15
renebarbosa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2020-09-14
maxfirebird expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-09-16
<Possible follow-ups>
maxfirebird expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2013-12-03
clebermaia-0 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-15
leondc1 expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-09-15
germano-master expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2013-09-15
iriomk extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-09-13
emersonfidelon wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-09-13
bruno-s-muniz expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-13
<Possible follow-ups>
bruno-s-muniz expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-11-30
bruno-s-muniz expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SE, 2014-02-21
f.dallbem expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-13
<Possible follow-ups>
f.dallbem expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-03-07
danielvaladaomarques1985 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-09-12
semcentro extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-09
daniloqueiroz deactivated by daniloqueiroz
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2013-09-09
engemec made admin by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-09-09
cangussu-br expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-09
andesson-- expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-09-09
pmgsguimaraes wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-08
katzinhaa expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-08
tiagoemcampos expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-09-07
erasmojpo extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-09-06
tanderby wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-09-05
mateus-lbittencourt wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-09-05
juliusaraiva expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-03
pedrohkopper expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-03
erick2280 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-09-03
<Possible follow-ups>
erick2280 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2019-04-17
matheuscampana expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-09-03
<Possible follow-ups>
matheuscampana expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-09-03
jdflorencio wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-09-03
andrew-vinicius expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-09-02
luanpl92 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-08-31
fernando-ci wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-08-30
ivanildomarcelino-gmail extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2013-08-30
linique2009 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-08-30
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-08-30
<Possible follow-ups>
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-04-05
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2014-04-13
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2016-04-27
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-12-02
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2017-06-05
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2019-01-02
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2019-02-04
gatofladigo1 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-09-11
abb-bruno expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-08-30
<Possible follow-ups>
abb-bruno expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-03-06
abb-bruno expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2018-11-03
contato-yurifidelis expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-08-30
abreups extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-08-29
<Possible follow-ups>
abreups extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-05-30
iramaro approved by ivanbrasil
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-08-27
Time da Bahia
From: Linique de Melo, 2013-08-27
suetamac expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2013-08-27
<Possible follow-ups>
suetamac expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-12-31
suetamac expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-24
iramaro approved by hebertsilva
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2013-08-26
giljunior approved by alvarojusten
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-08-23
Dificuldade para integrar-me no time de tradução.
From: Gus Foster, 2013-08-23
roggerdonadel expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-08-23
giljunior approved by smashse
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-08-22
giljunior wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2013-08-22
<Possible follow-ups>
giljunior wants to join
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-08-22
giljunior wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2013-08-22
giljunior wants to join
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-08-22
gedsonrios-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2013-08-21
<Possible follow-ups>
gedsonrios-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2014-02-27
gedsonrios-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-04-18
gedsonrios-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2014-10-01
elton-cmi16 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2013-08-21
jef-abc-2008 approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-08-18
200 of 10179 messages, page
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