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conselhobrasil team mailing list archive
conselhobrasil team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the conselhobrasil mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 10164 messages, page
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[Bug 1377742] Re: Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
[Bug 1377742] Re: Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Matthew Paul Thomas, 2015-06-14
[Bug 1377742] Re: Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-06-16
[Bug 1377742] Re: Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-09-15
[Bug 1377742] Re: Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Adolfo Jayme, 2015-09-24
[Bug 1377742] [NEW] Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2014-10-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1377742] [NEW] Window header mistype on selecting best server (portuguese system language, at least)
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-06-09
daniel-dmdfs wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-10-02
<Possible follow-ups>
daniel-dmdfs wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-10-02
ubuntu-br-ircops expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-09-30
ubuntu-br-devops expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-09-30
walbercollyer extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2014-09-28
thiago-chiquiti wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-22
iriomk expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2014-09-20
judson-borges extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2014-09-18
[Bug 1341122] Re: Phone not completely translated into pt_BR
From: Victor Tuson Palau, 2014-09-18
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1341122] Re: Phone not completely translated into pt_BR
From: Michał Sawicz, 2017-03-13
forni86 wants to join
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-09-17
erasmojpo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2014-09-12
<Possible follow-ups>
erasmojpo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2021-10-30
Habilitar usbfs
From: wt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 2014-09-10
tiagoporangaba deactivated by tiagoporangaba
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-09-09
micaroni deactivated by micaroni
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-09-08
marcelo-correa expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-08
<Possible follow-ups>
marcelo-correa expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2019-04-17
hebertsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-09-07
<Possible follow-ups>
hebertsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2015-04-15
hebertsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-12-31
eduardojunio wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-05
w-luis-araujo approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-09-04
w-luis-araujo wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-09-04
rafaelbraga expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-09-04
jdflorencio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2014-09-03
ivanildomarcelino-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2014-09-02
adrianosteffler expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-09-02
edu-avila2 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-31
gabrielsalles-rg approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-29
Movimentos na Comunidade
From: IvanMarcelino, 2014-08-29
Re: Movimentos na Comunidade
From: Ayrton Araújo, 2014-08-29
Message not available
Re: Movimentos na Comunidade
From: Ayrton Araújo, 2014-08-29
fmsx wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-08-28
vinicius-hacebe approved by cwagnersc
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2014-08-27
vinicius-hacebe wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2014-08-27
soldier-jhonson wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-27
imbika wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-08-25
Ubuntu 14.04.01
From: Alberto de Campos Neto, 2014-08-25
wellington-cr wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-08-25
Novo no grupo
From: Gonzalo Cabezas, 2014-08-23
amfartura wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-23
<Possible follow-ups>
amfartura wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-11-22
amfartura wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MS, 2017-04-22
manassescampos84 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-22
mateus-z wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-08-22
<Possible follow-ups>
mateus-z wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-22
mateus-z wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2014-08-22
giljunior expired from team
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-08-22
<Possible follow-ups>
giljunior expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-08-23
giljunior expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-31
giljunior expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2015-08-22
zuannyjuca declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2014-08-20
jvllopess declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2014-08-20
pclaudio-ans declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2014-08-20
alt-f4-2 declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2014-08-20
brunoeduardo-cc declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2014-08-20
thipvieira declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
ricardogouveia3 declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
salomaocar approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
ronilsonreis declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
rafaelsfs declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
pedrorastha declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
luizcm-franco declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
marcelo-cheruti declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
kukafurtini declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
leooliveiraofs approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
jinacio declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
qrcyen approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
davepinh declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
toninho-donatus declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
adolfo-cruz declined by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-20
ianezvanessa declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
thiagomusique declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
sergio-g declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
samuka1 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
ronilsonreis declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
murilo-ns declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
michael-stallone87 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
maikocharles declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
llucascavalcanteramos declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
everton-win32 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
ruicci declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
tanderby declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
alexds0251 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
kausdev-77 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
cezargf declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
celso-8 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
ademar111190 declined by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-18
salomaocar wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-15
iramaro expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-08-14
<Possible follow-ups>
iramaro expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-02-17
iramaro expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-03-06
iramaro expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2016-04-27
iramaro expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2016-08-06
prof-maurod expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2014-08-14
jetervaz approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-11
rberaldo approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-11
jetervaz wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-11
rberaldo wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-11
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu-BR-SP
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-11
[Bug 1354207] Re: Creating a new user translation
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson, 2014-08-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1354207] Re: Creating a new user translation
From: Adolfo Jayme, 2014-08-09
[Bug 1354207] [NEW] Creating a new user translation
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2014-08-08
leaders-ubuntu-br-sp made admin by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-06
leaders-ubuntu-br-sp joined ubuntu-br-sp
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-06
kelvinferrazsilva approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-06
maikocharles wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-08-05
pablodm89 expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-30
ubuntu-luk extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2014-07-25
<Possible follow-ups>
ubuntu-luk extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2014-10-23
ubuntu-luk extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-27
ubuntu-luk extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-07-20
linuxpaidegua expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2014-07-24
ubuntu-luk approved by aprigiosimoes
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2014-07-24
qrcyen approved by aprigiosimoes
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2014-07-24
5ut61k-contato-exq78o declined by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-07-23
vitorfelipe expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2014-07-23
5ut61k-contato-exq78o wants to join
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-07-23
vinicius-namiuchi wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-07-22
cledsonitgames extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2014-07-17
<Possible follow-ups>
cledsonitgames extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2015-07-17
[Bug 1341122] Re: Unity does not get translated after change the system language
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson, 2014-07-15
[Bug 1341122] [NEW] Unity does not get translated after change the system language
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2014-07-15
luizcm-franco wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-07-15
gonzalo-vendas approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-07-14
alan-santos2002 approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-07-14
natan673 approved by vinicius3cta
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-07-14
paulohora expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-13
<Possible follow-ups>
paulohora expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-11-15
jef-abc-2008 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-07-11
<Possible follow-ups>
jef-abc-2008 expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-07-16
jef-abc-2008 expired from team
From: Ubuntu-BR-SP, 2014-07-23
vinicius3cta made admin by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-07-10
thiago-nalli approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-07-10
kukafurtini wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-07-08
luadeoliveira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2014-07-07
<Possible follow-ups>
luadeoliveira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2015-07-06
luadeoliveira extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2017-07-04
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-07-06
<Possible follow-ups>
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-07-06
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-07-05
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-07-05
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-07-05
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2019-07-05
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2020-07-04
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2021-07-04
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2022-06-20
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2023-06-13
olneiaa extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2024-06-12
everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-06-30
<Possible follow-ups>
everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-12-22
everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-06-22
everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-12-17
everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-06-14
wlcosta-sh expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2014-06-28
ecarneiro approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-06-27
conselhobrasil made admin by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-06-27
conselhobrasil added by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-06-27
[Bug 915059]
From: Qa-admin-q, 2014-06-27
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 915059]
From: Qa-admin-q, 2021-06-04
[Bug 915059]
From: timur, 2021-06-04
kelvinferrazsilva wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-06-26
tesso-martins wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-06-26
leao-da-tribo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2014-06-25
<Possible follow-ups>
leao-da-tribo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-08-31
pheicom expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2014-06-25
alvesfelipe expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2014-06-20
jackson-luis expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-06-10
<Possible follow-ups>
jackson-luis expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-02-07
jackson-luis expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2016-08-06
sidneyandrews expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-06-10
<Possible follow-ups>
sidneyandrews expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-06-25
sidneyandrews expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2014-07-19
sidneyandrews expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-24
sidneyandrews expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-12-15
arievilopedro wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-06-05
vromeiro2 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-06-03
claudio0205 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - ES, 2014-06-02
fabriciopiraino wants to join
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-05-30
flaviorenato86 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2014-05-29
victor.westmann expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-05-29
jorge-willians expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-05-28
guinolasco wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-05-27
llucascavalcanteramos expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2014-05-24
ademar111190 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-05-22
pvictorc expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2014-05-20
leonardolemos expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - ES, 2014-05-19
<Possible follow-ups>
leonardolemos expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2014-05-29
leonardolemos expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-15
leonardolemos expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-02-03
leonardolemos expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-12-30
halencarjunior expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-05-18
atualizaçºao 12.10
From: Ivan Mendonça, 2014-05-14
200 of 10164 messages, page
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